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Everything posted by johndaigler

  1. Have Tiger Day in a local park. Use older Cubs to help with activities - They all have Achievements based on helping new and younger Cubs. The wolves have to design a treasure hunt, an obstacle course and an adventure trail - the Bears have to lead a Den activity, etc. Use the above ideas to get the word out and the Park Day to seal the deal and collect the paperwork. Nothing sells Cubs better than Cubs doing Cubby things!!!! Good Luck!! jd
  2. Welcome, Jersey Fox!! What part of NJ? I spent three years on the western edge of Hunterdon County - west of Clinton. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful -- if it weren't for work, I'd be there still!! jd I miss Jersey - but I don't miss my wife working for Merck!! Yikes!!
  3. SirjimmyG, As much as I liked your first post (and your second;)), I liked the third one better. Your humility and common sense shine. Thanks for setting an example that reminds me that I can do better with my posts. You've already received tons of good advice - go with it. Additionally, you might put together a quick survey that district or council can help you distribute to neighboring Units. Don't reinvent wheels that are sitting just down the road. What do other Troops do? Where do other troops go? You might also make some useful connections so that your smallish group ca
  4. Respectfully, I think a good first step would be to realize that the "sails and anchors" metaphor is really no better than the "sinking cruise ship" metaphor. We're dealing with people here, so the black/white approach isn't very effective or appropriate. All these Scouters and potential volunteers have useful skills and energies, the trick is to get people fitted into the right roles. Someone who weighs down your fundraising efforts, may carry the load as an Advancement Chair. Someone who has terrible interpersonal skills may have great Outdoors skills. Someone who doesn't see the
  5. LyndaJ, That is a frightening story. I hope those parents know decent lawyers - here's one instance where I'd approve of a lawsuit (or two)!! It's sad and surprising that many parents would fall into that type of trap. I think today it would be much different than 6 years ago, but still the problem exists -- Too many kids on too much medication. Teachers should be the last ones to suggest meds. There are many, many steps that public schools should be efforting before anyone brings up the possibility of medicating students. Private schools work with different rules, but st
  6. Capella, welcome!! There are several good resources for starting up new Units. You didn't ask for that kind of information, instead you listed fairly specific questions - but if you haven't read the available info, don't hesitate to ask for those resource names, as well. I wish you well, though I won't try to offer too much help. I'm a Cub Scouter, and your questions are better answered by Boy Scouters, particularly those knowledgable about LDS Scouting. Good Luck, jd
  7. Dan, You seem to have kept quite a bit bundled up inside. I'm sorry you're angry. I think your words might be more effective, though, if you addressed individual posts when they appear. Your generalizations are unclear, and unfair -- as if you think that if you throw enough angst out at one time it will prove your point AND righteously condemn those posters that trouble you. If you have a problem with the posts of any of the forum members you mentioned, or me, or anyone else, please, speak up in the thread where those posts are found. Sure, sometimes forum members disagree wi
  8. Welcome, AHG Mom, And thank you Dan for stepping up to protect AHG mom - though given her response to Trevorum's interestingly challenging query, she seems able to fend for herself. Dan, I appreciate that you offered yourself up as an example of inappropriately focusing on people rather than the words of a post. IMHO, generically badmouthing other posters is exactly what you've warned AHG mom to be afraid of. Let me suggest that you and I set a better example by demonstrating how to dispute words rather than impune people. jd
  9. PNW, BW's answer comes straight from the Scoutmaster's Handbook AND G2SS. Your liability would stem from stepping outside of that written parameter. Parents don't have the right to prescribe prescription drugs, nor do the minors in your care. Do what the doctor says or stay out of the situation. Ensure that the Scout does what the doctor says or stay out of the situation. Again liability arises if you make the choice to act, or allow the Scout to act, outside the doctor's legal authority to prescribe certain drugs. Again, I'd suggest helping by monitoring and describing the
  10. PNW, To determine how long any of these drugs stay in the boy's system (with any accuracy), the doctor would need to know the drug, the dose, the boy's weight, the length of time the boy has been using this and/or other drugs, and a couple of other factors. Usually, dose decisions (size and time of delivery) are based on a the boys "usual day" - the school day, typically. But, often changes are made for summer because of the boy's schedule changes. Often, activities like Scouting fall outside that usual day and aren't prioritized (most often not even considered, at first) in the
  11. 1. Do children do better at packs attached to their schools? I don't know if anyone has factual information to answer that one way or another, but speaking strictly from personal experience -- Boys do better when they are with friends. Sometimes that means making new friends through fun, exciting (Cub Scouting) adventures. Sometimes that means doing anything at all (math homework) as long as it's with a comfortable base group of others - others who may be friends for reasons outside of scouting. BTW, kids do BEST when they have friends AND their parents are actively involved in positi
  12. Thanks, Fred. I'd love to see stuff like this for the Cubs if and when anyone bumps into it. jd
  13. Best I can do is narrow the list of suspects. It was definitely NOT a Cub Scouter! jd
  14. AWOL?? My apologies for not being around for 24 hours - didn't know I was expected - didn't know I needed permission. I don't understand why asking questions is seen as insulting or rude. Again, asking the question doesn't imply my feelings - unless you read too much into it. We live in a society where knowledge and the pursuit of it, is highly prized - unless, it seems, that new knowledge challenges our old comfortable ways of thinking and living. It amazes me that Scouters would be aggressive with other Scouters (here, and in other threads) for trying to find answers to questi
  15. uz, I think you've read my questions and made some assumptions that are far from true. No where in my post did I mention what I believe. I was asking Fred what he believed. jd
  16. Dear Bob White, I asked for help for others and this is what you offer? "BW, just what exactly should a trained Scouter who knows, and is successful at, his/her role but has concerns about policy, National's organizational structure and decision-making do? "The question assumes that such a scouter would have those concerns, and that is seldom the case. Why would a scouter who is successful at their position be worrying about the structure at national? Why would a successful scouter need to worry about national policy?" The arrogance of your words is frightening. Aga
  17. From the above cited website: The National Anxiety Center was founded in 1990 by Alan Caruba, a veteran business and science writer, as well as Public Relations Counselor. The original purpose was to debunk the many claims made by environmental and consumer organizations that were engaged in deliberately false, media-driven scare campaigns. It was apparent that decades of having been told the Earth was doomed due to global warming or an Ice Age, that the nations forests were disappearing, that there was no place to put the garbage, that virtually every species was endangered, that dr
  18. Should I be overly worried that I understand FB better than BW????????? jk, one word - "fewer". PrairieScouter, agreed BW, just what exactly should a trained Scouter who knows, and is successful at, his/her role but has concerns about policy, National's organizational structure and decision-making do? Please don't call them whiners, or gripers, or worse yet "loud mouth drunks" (yeah, I know, that wasn't yours...). My point is that there is more than just one frustrated Scouter out there. Rather than telling them to "shut up and go away", what can we offer? jd BTW,
  19. IMHO, Eddie H. does more harm than good. jd TCV, Nathan Tabor's website??? I'm guessing you think, "Dr. Jerry Falwell dubbed him the "young Jesse Helms.", is a GOOD thing????!!!!???? We're apparently on different sides of the isle . . . if not the planet! (This message has been edited by johndaigler)
  20. There's a huge chunk of me that would like to go back and edit (erase) most of what's found on the last three pages. But, I think I'd rather be on time for my root canal! Perhaps we could use less diatribe and more dialogue. jkhny - Your angst is obvious, but we've read it in several threads now. Whether agreeing or disagreeing, you're preaching to choirs. You'll help yourself, and your readers (most of whom don't reply), by shortening your work to novellas - Perhaps Eamonn can help. Make a point or two, and then chill while you wait for replies. KISMIF! BW - I'm not go
  21. There is a new edition of the Cub Scout Leader Book available at your local Scout Store or through Scoutstuff.org. I doubt the descriptions have changed from the website version that scoutldr shared with you. Good Luck jd
  22. This thread is being closed only because the conversation is being held in another thread, as well. Please see "Job Description of the Committee Chair" in order to reply and participate. Thanks. jd
  23. Welcome back!! Sounds like a great summer -- hope it was as much fun as it should have been -- and that it was less burden on your home life than it probably was!! National Camping School?? Tell us more!?!?! jd
  24. Like it not, he kinda knocked that one out of the park! jd
  25. Let's hope (assume) that court cases aren't decided based on the laws of simple probability of random outcomes.
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