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Everything posted by infoscouter

  1. Links to BSA resources on recruiting, including peer to peer; Webelos transition and the Troop Open House http://www.scouting.org/boyscouts/resources/patrolplus.aspx http://www.scouting.org/boyscouts/yearroundguide.aspx http://www.scouting.org/BoyScouts/Videos/toh.aspx
  2. These documents have some information about Scouting and taxes: http://www.miltonbsa.org/library/articles/taxpiece2006.doc http://www.ocbsa.org/atf/cf/%7B0D1ACB78-8ED4-491A-9694-2E46CF0C3759%7D/DEDUCTION%20FOR%20BSA%20VOLUNTEER%20EXPENSES.doc http://www.prismatic.com/troop103/forms/taxesandscouting.pdf http://www.cpds.org/Docs/TAS.pdf (version is up to date through 2007 tax year)
  3. Annie - have you seen this month's Navigator? Unfortunately, they don't have the new one up on the web site yet. But there's a feature in there about there about "mentor" troops. Basically the idea is that an established troop helps a new or struggling one. Don't know a thing about how this works or how you go about setting one up. I do know that we're doing something similar for the reconstituted troop I'm serving. A couple local troops are lending us troop guides, and providing advice to our leaders. This might be a strategy you want to suggest.
  4. Sorry for the bum link. I'm usually better at that stuff, but I didn't drill down all the way to the actual publication. I should know better. I agree about asking Den Leaders. Hopefully, they've gotten to know the parents in their dens. They should have had a couple den adults meetings by know, and learned who follows through, who has absorbed enough to actually sign the boy's books, etc. Through conversations, etc. they should know people's professions, interests and maybe some skills. Combine that info in a brainstorming session with the Parent and Family Talent Survey Sheets at
  5. Selecting Cub Scout Leadership is available for download here: http://old.scouting.org/commissioners/resources/13-500.jpg This is an older version, but the content is the same as the new one, just has different pictures. I can heartily endorse this procedure - it has found us our last three (very competent) Cubmasters
  6. Last one. sorry. Can you tell this is a passion of mine? I can't emphasize enough how you have to do a sales job for this. Parents have changed. People don't automatically volunteer. It is harder and harder to do this (believe me, 18 years of experience informs my post). If you (or another leader) stands up and moans and talks about how hard it is to do this with so few people, and how the pack is going to die if we don't get enough volunteers, you're just going to drive them to another pack. Demonstrate how much fun you have. Talk about the skills you've learned that translate
  7. O.K. - part 2 Have you heard of the National Parent Initiative? This is an effort to educate and involve parents in Scouting. They have a web site: www.scoutparents.org You will find resources there that you can use to educate parents about why being involved in Scouting is important. They have brochures, etc. that you can download. You can also order some of this material. You might also want to see if you DE can get you some copies of "Cub Scouting . . . Time Well Spent" BIN # 02-342. http://marketing.scouting.org/research/outcomes/02-342.pdf You asked a
  8. Explaining that you need help is great. What you really need to do is *sell* these people on the incredible opportunity they have to be involved in their son's life for what will be only a short time. These are precious years that are going to fly away from them with a blink of an eye. This has worked for us in the past: Adding machine tape Time Line demonstration for Join Scouting Night You need an 8-10 foot long piece of adding machine or calculator tape. Mark off the tape in ten year increments with 0 at the left end and 100 at the right. Use large numbers so parents can
  9. Leave the Scouts in the grade they are currently in (unless one or more of them is listed in the wrong grade). Leave their parents on the roster as Tiger Cub adults. This is from my council's Internet Rechartering Tips:'Rechartering Tips: 1. Your on-line rechartering access code changes every year. Use the one on your packet. 2. Use the tutorial and information guides provided on the council website to answer questions about the on-line recharter process. 3. Rechartering Tips: 1. Your on-line rechartering access code changes every year. Use the one on your packet. 2. Use the tu
  10. Many textile items sold in the United states have an 'RN' number on the tag as a means of identifying the manufacturer (versus the brand name or distributor). If the hat has an RN number, you can search here by number, to identify the maker: https://rn.ftc.gov/pls/TextileRN/wrnquery$.startup
  11. "By-laws" is a misleading term for what you're seeking. By-laws govern the leadership, ownership and governance of a municipality or corporation. Since the BSA's corporate bylaws cover all of that for us, writing your own "by-lawss" is redundant. However, unit policiies regarding operational issues are suggested by the Cub Scout leader book. You can see an example of our (dated) parent handbook by visiting http://www.pack512.org/handbook/2006-2007/PackParentHandbook2006-2007.doc Scroll to the last two pages for our policies.
  12. Once a year, (in June?) the Supply Division publishes something called "Library of Literature". It is a listing of all print and AV items available *at that time* from National Supply (so it doesn't include most BIN items). It used to be difficult to get your hands on, now they post it in the Customer Service Area of the www.scoutstuff.org web site. http://www.scoutstuff.org/BSASupply/images/pdfs/70-080E_WEB_Alpha.pdf (warning - moderate size file - if you're on Dial up, prepare to wait) Since it comes out in June - this is still last year's edition. There is a separate file tha
  13. Nope - this is only available as something you purchase at the Scout Shop.
  14. It is a recent change - perhaps the last couple years. For many years people have complained about the cost of BSA merchandise. So, BSA bows to pressure, tries to find lower cost suppliers and we get pocket totems with lead paint, and people complaining about overseas manufacture! Guess "you can't please 'em all" is true in many ways. Another thing to keep in mind - much American textile manufacturing has shut down, and been shifted overseas. It may be difficult for BSA to find a U.S. supplier who can meet the necessary contract requirements, either in terms of cost or quantity or timely
  15. This is the case in our council as well. The purchase of rank awards must be accompanied by an advancement report listing the youth which have earned those particular awards. The reasons are as the others have stated - the council needs accurate records, and this is the only way to ensure that advancement reports are filed. And unfortunately, some parents *would* just run out and buy a badge because they think their son has earned it.
  16. The spring semester of our University of scouting is coming up in April http://training.nsbsa.org/info/UniversityOfScouting.aspx Yes - we hold this twice a year, but we have over 24,000 adult leaders registered, so the training committee feels the need to offer many opportunities. My quibble? they offer basic training at this event. I don't think this is the right venue. What I'm proud of? You'll notice we're offering courses entirely in Spanish. This is the second semester doing this. I'm doing my best to be well prepared for the courses I'm teaching (one in the College
  17. While "cold calling" business people probably would be unsuccessful and frustrating, networking with them would be the way to go. Who on your district committee is a member of Rotary, or the Chamber of Commerce or Lions or Elks, or . . . you get the idea. Your DE probably belongs to at least one of these groups. (I've found they are encouraged to join). Brainstorm with them about members of those groups who were Scouts, or have pro-Scouting attitudes. See if your DE can scan the community Friends of Scouting donor list for prospects. School principals/teachers? Church staff members? (not
  18. http://decisiondesign.com/decisiondesign/scouts.asp Our troop uses this service - don't know how they handle domains. Another option: http://www.scoutdata.com/default.aspx?AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1 Combines advancement tracking, website & parent communications.
  19. On a macro level, our council has had success in doing joint Scouting for food. A couple years ago we had a mega Scout day at our local amusement park, both GSUSA units and BSA units participated. On a local level, we've never tried. There is a perception (I don't know the truth) that one of the local GSUSA councils wasn't BSA friendly. Since the reorganization (they are doing mega mergers) I don't know if there has been much contact - new executive at the GS council I believe.
  20. Our new(ish) District Chair took the "recruit people from the community" idea to heart. He actually got people in these jobs. Now our challenge is to a) teach them about Scouting b) get them to really do their jobs. The PR chair is getting us ink. http://abcnewspapers.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1991&Itemid=26 http://abcnewspapers.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1951&Itemid=26 I have yet to see anything from the membership chair, but to be fair, there hasn't been much chance. The Finance chair did a good job with community FO
  21. I know DEs who have their uniforms professionally laundered. This service is usually provided by a dry-cleaner, but uses commerical washers/dryers, not dry cleaning fluid. The dry cleaners have professional ironing equipment that makes the shirts come out looking beautiful. Personally, I wash mine. When I want to look great, I starch my shirt when I iron it. Spray starch does a great job.
  22. There is an Old, old, Cub Scout (female) leader blouse that has no right pocket. The guidance about wearing temporary patches *above* the BSA strip applies only to those blouses, not to the current design which has a blouse. See: http://users.aol.com/coffeeweb/LO/graphics/denmom.jpg Notice the lack of a right pocket, and the temporary insignia displayed above the "Cub Scouts, BSA" strip.
  23. By contributing to the World Friendship Fund: http://www.scouting.org/International/worldsupport.aspx or to WOSM: http://www.scout.org/en/about_scouting/fundraising/donate or to WAGGS: https://secure.efundraising.org.uk/tailored/donation.asp?charity=72751
  24. The Insignia Guide is now available online for free: http://www.scouting.org/Media/InsigniaGuide.aspx
  25. Our pack has a 40 year emblem on its flag. We'll celebrate 50 years in 2012.
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