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Portsmouth NH
T164Scoutmaster's Achievements

Junior Member (1/3)
"Beavah, how about some of your legal expertise? "
T164Scoutmaster replied to Eamonn's topic in Open Discussion - Program
I slept in a Holiday inn last night! Ask away! -
I think some of you have your panties in a bunch. A Simple knot to Recognize those that support the program and help fund teh scholarships awarded to Eagle Scouts non discriminatively! In My troop any Youth Earning the Eagle Scout Award receives a Lifetime memebership from the Troop. When I earned My Eagle I was given a one year membership for earning the Eagle and My Troop Bought me a ten year membership. when I was finacially secure I purchsed my own Life Membership mainly because I renewed once and thought it would be easier. I didn't do it for any knot. I did it because I am proud of the work I put into my Eagle Scout and Proud to support an Organization ehlping other Eagles reach their goals. Is teh heated animosity really necessary? I am of the mindset that if you believe in s program you do what is in the best interest to support that program. I am also a life member of the NRA, North American Hunting Club, North American Fishing club and the North American Handyman club all of which cost a heck of a lot more then the little bit of money the Life membership in NESA Costs. After all was is $180 dollars these days. Cheap bargain to help give some deserving Eagle Scout a Scholarship. Most of you probably spend more then the $180 dollars on your Dunkin Donuts Extra Large French Vannilla Extra Extra and a Bagel. I will fight these battles all day long. Support the program and do it any way you can. Stephen R. Gallagher Eagle Scout Class of 1985 SMAM 1996 DAM 1997 Scouters training knot 1994 Scoutmasters Key 1995 OA Brotherhood. I didn't beg or pay for any of them and I didn't work for them. I gave of my time and dedication to provide a program to the Boys. I was Asked why I give so much once. My Answer was because I believe in the Program and Someone had given their time for me! If it's not for the Boys it's for the Birds. I used to be an Owl.... A good ole Staffer too..... I'll Always be an Eagle!
Freemasonry and Scouting
T164Scoutmaster replied to lee1989_2007's topic in Open Discussion - Program
We jsut had our District dinner at the Masconic (sp) lodge and the evening was grand! District committee, merit badge counselors, troop committee, Eagle Projects, fundraising are all areas where help could be used! -
What a great topic! Congrats to the new Eagle! When I went before the Egale Board in 1984 I was 14 and had not yet been able to formulate what my religious beliefs were. I had gone to church a few times and participated in Youth Group, but not becuase I had discovered GOD, believed in GOD, or practiced any form of religion. I went and did, because that is what my mother wanted. My father did not go to church when I was growing up and did not push religion. He was an Alter boy and left the Catholic church at nine years old never to return and never surrendering why he wanted nothing to do with religion. I thanked God I was not asked any relisious questions at my Board of Review, I would not have had an answer. I did not have an answer for many years after. Even after I married a pastors daughter, I still had not grown spiratually or religiously. I did have some thoughts and did believe in something supreme but was not welded in my religious beliefs, To this day I am not sure I am either but at least now I am educated enough to know teh direction I want to be headed. We all need to grow in our religious obligations and grow with God at our own pace. Some of you know when you start living and growing, through family and friends and accepted beliefs. There are many more that Struggle for an entier life time. I think I have always believed in a supreme being or a greater power, Maybe I always believed in God. My wife and I have had several discussions because I lack the desire to go to church weekly. I tend to think that church is for fellowhip and my practicing of religion does not need to be at church. When I want to talk to GOD I do! I need not a pastor, reverend, priest, or any other religious figure head to tell me how to talk to GOD. My religious growth took a turn more toward the mainstream accepted religious program, thanks to my wood badge ticket. one of my Ticket items was to grow in my spirtiual life. I have never been one to go at things with half an effort. I somehow found myself on the Search Commmitte for a new pastor and also filling a vacant term as deacon. If you want to grow spiritually get on a search team. The search lasted over a year and I grew more then I know. I witnessed many styles of preaching and many deliveries. Some people are gifted to spread the word and some are taught to spread the word. Some messages hit home and some are against my thinking and believing, but one of the greatest gifts through my growth cycle is that everyone is entitled to their oppinion. I was not put on this earth to Condemn and I certainly am not forced to Condone. I really have no say or no oppinion should you choose to practice mainstream religion or be a Homosexual. Judgement day will come to you and it won't be me rendering the verdict. I have had jewish scouts in my troop and I have had indian scouts in my troop and I have never had a difficulty honoring or accepting the way they practice their religion. We try to incorporate some of their methods to give exposure to everyone. We try to not praise God but to be Thank full. Everyone that chooses to worship can in their own way, those that want to say grace can, those that want to say thanks can. I am not a master of the scripture and I do not preach. I do Promote and I do allow growth in religion to each scout. I ask how they practice reverent and what "Duty to God" means to them. Most of the time the scouts have no answers the first, second, even third time I ask the question, but they all start thinking about it. I am growing in my religious beliefs and preference every day I get older. That is even more eveident with the passing of my father on the 15th of March, after a courageous battle with cancer. The funeral on Saturday the 22nd left me with an even greater appreciation of my duty to God. We moved my parents in to our house for two winters in a row giving up our bedroom so my parents could live comfortably and not have to worry about plowing snow or shoveling. In that time I came to learn and Love the fact that my Dad was a very religious man. Often we would walk in the house and he would have the religious channeles playing or he was listening to hymns. I often struggle with the question often asked! "How can God let that happen to someone so young?" In my dads case I look at the other side of things now. He was young at 62, but haveing had a stroke at 50 we were blessed with 12 more years of loving relationship, however diminished it was. A once vocal man silenced by a stroke that was explained as debilitating to the point of never walking again or talking again. My Dad fought and battled in recovery to a hobble and a limp and relearning about 10 words. A man silenced by the stroke but one whom never missed a word when singing hyms. Only to live 9 years like this then be diagnosed with cancer. A 3 year battle with colon cancer that was predicted to last only 3 weeks, one in which no treatment was chosen. We were truely blessed to see, even in a diminshed state of health, a courageous fighter right until the end. I honestly beleive because of my Dads Faith we were blessed to enjoy his company for as long as we did. In the end the pain and suffering was cut short when he took his last breath as I sang Jesus in the morning to him. I think we all experience and grow in our religious responsibiliites and our faith. I also think that, we as leaders can plant the seed, water it, and help it to grow. Maybe, just maybe, those flowers will be able to tell the Eagle Board of Review how they practice the 12th point of the scout law and how the perform their "Duty to God" obligations of the Oath. God is good all the time! All the time God is good! I used to be an Owl...... I'll always be an Eagle...... Forever a servant....
here are a couple ideas! http://www.t185.org/EagleCourt.gif Do something simple like this till you can build the ornate! http://troop353.files.wordpress.com/2007/07/dsc_0116.jpg This one is nice and simple! http://www.bsatroop74.com/Images/EagleCourtOfHonor.jpg A real simple one! http://tiny.cc/APd2f Kind of cool http://troop5yonkers.org/photos/Court_of_Honor1.jpg Here is an ornate one I think like you were talking! http://www.troop4.org/images/courthonor.jpg
When is the Court of honor? I have not forgot about you! My father died on Saturday the 15th and I have the funeral on the 22nd I have been a little wrapped up in things sorry not getting that to you yet!
The Pack chose to hold there blue and gold as well as awards ceremony and Arrow of light for 10 kids all the same night starting at 7pm. Maybe you are new to having that many arrow of light recipients and a substantial amount of awards to disperse to the other dens. By the time the pack got to the arrow of light it was already 9 pm and many of the tigers had already left for home. Having had this experience with eight crossovers in the past I knew the length of the evening would be too much and the program could not hold itself to a reasonable end time with a formal crossover ceremony as well. The Blue and Gold was in February and the Crossover will be in April. All the scouts will already of had their SM conferences and the advancement form completed so they will be bale to be awarded the scout badge at the cross over. As I stated We as a pack and a troop had a back up plan and changed things to accomodate this plan. I am getting somewhat frustrated with the number of holier then thou posters here. There is a reason there are not many new posters and the same diatribe from the few of you that are condemning and condescending with every post you write. I have been reading this forum since its creation and althought this account has few posts, i have many. Secret DE you are correct DWC has some of the best paid and unpaid staff in the program. My original post was a question to ask if it was a council policy or a national policy to date no one still has answered that. Thank you to the many of you that wrote to me in the private setting and offered to get the patches for me. I am a servant to the system and as such will have my advancement comittee memeber due her due diligence and follow the protocol of the council no matter how much I disagree with it. I appologize for gettting the nickers of many of you all up in a bunch. If anyone has the answer to my question I am listening!
Thank you all that replied! As I suspected it is a local policy, One in which i disagree. Train the leaders better instead of creating restrictive policy. As I state in a PM to secretde I have the utmost repect for the volunteers and the paid staff in DWC. there are just some things that do not make sense. I also reflected the plethora of available ranks on EBAY. Just today I saw a complete set scout to eagle. Again, not meant to be derrogatory to those that are in the trenches. Yours in Scouting, A servant to the system!
Does anyone have old training videos?
T164Scoutmaster replied to mothercub's topic in The Patrol Method
I have the jlt set and the annual planning set that was put out if anyone needs them. I have read the TLT in the scoutmaster handbook and find a lot of open area. when i get my first troop junior leader training off the ground in june, i will combine the two and work in the out doors. No cookie cutter out there making identical troops. Do what works for you! -
There are ornate plans for center pieces in the 1987 version of "Scout Ceremonies". not sure if it is in the current one. we just use white birch logs cut flat on one side we have two with 6 holes each and one with 3 hole. the 3 holes go in the middle and the 6's astride! Where in mass are you? I might be able to scan them and fax them to you or e-mail them to you! Stephen
All scouting is global but think local! Every troop is going to have their own way to do things! Every troop will vary in Size, Age status, experience, and available leadership. There is no Cookie cutter producing troops and hence there are no cookie cutter solutions to the issues. If we spent more time opening our minds and recognizing that people have varrying oppinions and varrying ways of doing things, all of which may or may not be successful, then new people walking in here might be able to take an idea back to their troop so they don't have to call a parent on thursday night and beg them to camp on Friday. Maybe if your program is struggling to get adults you can benefit from some of the ways others do it. Maybe if you are flourishing you want to share what your secret is. Maybe if you have issues with too many parents getting in the way, a Patrol system might be needed. What ever the status some of you really need to step back and be less preachy less decidely dominating in your position and less of a dictatorship. All scouting grows at its own pace and things grow and succeed as you allow it. plant the seed, sun it, water it and reap the rewards. Over water it or block out the sun or be too cold and it will die. We have the caveman patrol and they operate as my logistics squad. They provide me the ability to operate the troop and be tied to worrying about when i or what i will eat. If I am invited to a patrol to eat with them i do. No matter how bad or how great it is. If I am not invited I eat with the adults. If I want to share some of camp cookery i usually do it as program agenda or as a troop wide feast where we all share our meals. Scouting is supposed to be fun! Scouts are supposed to be kind and friendly, Some of you may need to refresh your memeory on the law and oath, THat isn't just for the Boys!
9 earned the AOL, one joined cub scouts as a Webelos, and 2 are friends of two of the AOL recipients. They all will crossover to the troop and be received as new Scouts. Then they will get a troop neckerchief and slide and dedicate themselves to the troop and to scouting. There is also talk of a couple more new kids coming that are friends of some of the crossovers. Provide a good program, be involved with the pack and have fun the boys will come. All kids want to have fun and aren't afraid of doing a little work to be able ot have some fun!
I never stated that the boy would just be handed the badge. They are all actually already attending the troop meetings since they have already had their blue and gold and receieved their Arrow of Light. The applications will be in hand at the next meeting and the requirements below will be met when i finish the scoutmaster conferences. Hopefully they will be ready in time and I will have completed all the requirements before the crossover ceremony in APril. Everyone missed the question and I guess it was my way of asking it! Is this a National policy or a local policy? As I said in my first post i am a servant to the system! no mention of BOard of review! "Meet age requirements: Be a boy who has completed the fifth grade and be at least 10 years old, or be 11 years old, or have earned the Arrow of Light Award and be at least 10 years old, and be under 18 years old. Complete a Boy Scout application and health history signed by your parent or guardian. Find a Scout troop near your home. (To find a troop, contact your local Boy Scout Council. The Council name, address and phone number can be found on BSA's Council Locator Page.) Repeat the Pledge of Allegiance. Demonstrate the Scout sign, salute, and handshake. Demonstrate tying the square knot (a joining knot). Understand and agree to live by the Scout Oath or Promise, Law, motto, and slogan, and the Outdoor Code. Describe the Scout badge. Complete the Pamphlet Exercises. With your parent or guardian, complete the exercises in the pamphlet "How to Protect Your Children from Child Abuse: A Parent's Guide". Participate in a Scoutmaster conference. Turn in your Boy Scout application and health history form signed by your parent or guardian, then participate in a Scoutmaster conference. "
I agree "What's up with that?" I too am disapointed. not only the shirts all uniforms will be outsourced to China as all the patches are now. The savings will never be felt in the Volunteers pockets. One of many complaints that are piling up in my brain. Think Gloabaly buy locally!
does anyone else have in their council a policy that a leader can not pick up rank badges unless the request is accompanied by an advancement report? This is the most absurd and ridiculous policy I have seen in a long time. Daniel Webster Council in NH, has such a policy. This is totally against everything we teach in the training sessions with immediate recognition. We always had a few extras of each patch on hand so I never ran into this in the past. It has been our practice that as soon as the Scout has completed his board of review and passed, he was awarded the cloth patch and immediately recognized. The Card, Hat Pin and Mothers pin were given out at the Court of Honor where he receieved recognaition again for his accomplishemnts. I am no longer able to continue this process. What a shame. The Sad fact is the "Scout" rank is no longer considered a rank at all it is a joining badge! I remember when it was a rank and you had to earn it, but now it is not even considered rank advancement on your re-charter! Why would this be restricted? If your council does not have such a policy and you are near me in NH let me know I need to get 12 Scout ranks for my crossover on the 19th of April. I used to be an owl, I'll always be an Eagle, i'm destined to be a servant to the system(This message has been edited by t164scoutmaster)