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Gold Winger

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Everything posted by Gold Winger

  1. Should have known. You don't even know what an ilk is.
  2. " After all, society's values do change with time." Is that a good thing. Now we're overrun with pregnant unwed teens who want the government to support them and their children because the fathers won't step up. Today's TV and movies promote promiscusous sex and drugs. Much of society has no values. Back to your original question. Benevolent dictatorship. Changes happen but they are slow to happen. Of course, would you really want to belong to an organization that swayed like a willow tree?
  3. In venturing at 21 you become an adult and can be an advisor. Actually, you don't cease to be a youth until your registration expires after your 21st birthday or so my aging memory says.
  4. CostCo has four packs of nice woolen socks for about $10 a pack. I like wool much more than acrylic for socks. Acrylic never did much to keep me warm and when I wore them back in the 70s I wound up with the worst case of athletes foot that you've ever seen. One of the most important things that is hard to beat into the heads of youngsters is that they need to change into dry clothing before going to bed. They just don't understand that their clothing is damp from being worn all day and they don't want to change in the cold. Wal-Mart also has some half-decent waterproof hiking boo
  5. Nope, doesn't work that way. You didn't respect the "No Mervyn Thread" but as usual you want the rules to apply to everone else but not to you. Come to think of it, most of your ilk are like that. You do know what an ilk is, don't you. (betcha can't name the movie).
  6. Maybe we need the uniform police. I know a Scouter who wore all sorts of training knots and I know for a fact that he never did the work. I made a comment once like "Wow, you sure did a lot of training." His response was "Huh?" so I continued " Your knots they say that you completed your training." "Nah, I just figured that everyone else had them so I'd wear them." I explained that they represented awards that were earned and he said, "Don't care." As for other functions of the uniform police I don't understand why people don't take five minutes to learn where things go on th
  7. "Can you imagine how popular scouting might be if no one looked beyond their little fiefdom and we were still wearing wool tunics and jodhpurs?" I believe that BSA wore breeches with leggings not jodhpurs. Anyway if that's what we still wore the boys who wanted to be Scouts would still be Scouts. Heck look at the number of people who wear pyjamas to kick and punch each other instead of wearing Everlast shorts like they should. The activity defines cool and not the clothing.
  8. In Man V Wild he advocates drinking your own urine which is frowned upon by every source that I can find, including the various military survival manuals. Someone is going to try to survive by drinking pee and wind up dying.
  9. "What is the fuss?" The fuss is because people think that since the Army does it one way that must be the right way. "Why on Earth would you question MY judgement about my career choices?" It was your choice but let's see . . . Navy: cool uniforms, girl in every port, hot showers at any time and the bounding main. Army: dull uniforms, not sure about the girls, showers few and far between and and lots of dust and dirt. :-) Of course there's the Air Force with ugly uniforms, hot showers and bowling alleys. ;-)
  10. "As described to me by a (very) highly placed source, the big picture effect is to "get the red out", which is consistent with Kudu's post. I think this does partially help with Jeffrey H's concern about being a walking billboard." I thought that one of the purposes behind wearing a uniform was to be a walking billboard. "I'm part of this organization and I'm proud of it." Heck the NBA uniforms that kids wear are walking billboards as as the replica professional soccer jerseys. Do we really need to blend into the wilderness in our uniforms? Back when BSA taught tracking and stalki
  11. I have a wonderful, expensive Nautica fleece jacket. I've been caught in a downpour in it and it got very soggy and I got very cold. I'll switch to plastic when we run of sheep.
  12. John, I don't question what that you believe that you are right but I do question your judgement in leaving the Navy to join the Army. Be that as it may I have what I consider to be an authoritative source for the dates and you only have your memories.
  13. I suppose that the Army's Institute of Heraldry has it wrong and two retired soldiers have better information. Yep, that has to be it.
  14. BSA pays 40% of the budget of the the WSC? Interesting. I'm glad to see that BSA is showing their cojones.
  15. Wool and silk. Renewable, natual and timeless.
  16. "Hopefully, the new uniform due out soon will fix that." Probably not. In any case, changing the uniform in an attempt to be "relevant" never accomplishes anything. The boys who want to be Scouts will join and the boys who don't want to be Scouts won't join. The style is irrelvant what matters is what the uniform represents. As long as we don't look like Ronald McDonald.
  17. Bad taste? Wouldn't that be plaid pants with white shoes? I wear my service stars from youth and adult years. OA Flap. My few knots. and a temporary patch. If BSA thinks that their insignia might be in bad taste then they shouldn't authorize them. Of course, since I'm not a Scoutmaster I can be in bad taste :-)
  18. "The epaulets have remained but the tabs for Boy Scouts will now be a muted green color. " Oh boy, more stuff to spend money on. Well, at least they are green. "On the left sleeve, there is a bellows pocket with a flap where the position patch goes." Never saw the purpose behind a "sleeve pocket" unless you are flying and your harness covers your other pockets. Maybe on the ACU because those guys are always wearing a vest but they usually aren't large enough to hold anything useful. "Each of the chest pockets is a bellows type pocket with velcro closures." Ah, velcro
  19. "Better than cotton, eh? " Not really. At least when cotton is dry, it provides some insulation. Nylon never does. Also, the thin nylon doesn't stand up to abrasion. I do have a synthetic jacket for riding my 'Wing but that's a whole 'nother animal. As for cold weather, I went to school in the northern midwest. I've seen cold but I never said "Gee, I wish I had plastic clothing."
  20. "So, General Schoomaker went to Mr Rumsfeld and Mr Bush, the National Command Authority, and asked permission to change the Flag patch as worn by the US Army." I don't know where you got your information but your timing is a bit off. According to the Army's Institute of Heraldry the backwards flag came about during Desert Storm, in 1990. " He saw that the flag patch was indeed the ultimate in the demonstration of patriotism and could never have been perceived as in retreat." So all those guys on Omaha Beach who wore their flag the right way were retreating? Astounding. W
  21. It is good that you have a Den Chief. Don't just use him as a baby sitter. Involve him in the planning and excution of the plan. This is supposed to be time for him to learn to lead as well. Also, with a den that big, try to recruit another assistant DL if you can. If not, really make that Den Chief earn his pay. :-)
  22. "Ya Beavah but I thought that the BSA insurance covers you no matter what you do as long as you don't commit a crime." That's what Beavah claims but that's not what BSA says. As many here will tell you, only go by what BSA says. Long ago I umpired youth baseball and softball. My organization gave me $1 million in insurance as part of my membership. I had my own policy for an additional $2 million. The organizations lawyers said that the insurance would cover us as long as we followed the rules of baseball and the league in question. There was an umpire in my organization who
  23. "The small propane tanks are easily filled or exchanged for full and last for a couple of trips before needing filling." I hope that you don't mean that you're refilling the 1 lb tanks. Refilling them isn't illegal but refilling and then transporting them is.
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