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About tmonahan

  • Rank
    Junior Member

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  • Location
    New Fairfield, CT
  1. Does anyone have or can point me in the direction of a 360 degree Self Assessment that I can use with my pack and troop?
  2. click23, Yes, I saw that in G2SS but it sounds like it is specific to overnight camping, which we won't be doing. This is where I am a bit confused since it does not mention day trips.
  3. I want to take my Webelos I den to our district camporee(no overnight, just day trip). Does each scout need a parent with them OR can myself an 1-2 other parents take the den ourselves. There will be about 6 webelos, myself and 2 adults.
  4. I think we are all in the same boat at this point. I keep checking everyday and keep my fingers crossed.
  5. they seem to be gettinmg closer to fixing the problem(hopefully)
  6. I have been experiencing the same messages for about 2 weeks now. I can view the website with the URL, but can''t update
  7. Are you looking for a compass activity or just the compasses?
  8. Michelle, Thanks for the reply and that's what I thought. I can assume from the answer that I can forgo working on Cub Scout/Webelos Den Leader Award and focus on the Cub Scouter Award.
  9. Don't forget ear plugs for sleeping!
  10. I am currently a Wolf Den leader and will taking over the Pack Committee Chair role in the Feb '08 when our current PCC bridges to the troop. Even though I will be Pack Committee Chair, I will continue to be a Bear & Webelos Den Leader. Do I have to be on the Pack Roster as the Pack Committee Chair or can I continue to be a Den Leader? I assume you can NOT be both on the Pack roster.
  11. OK, here's a follow up question. Example: For a scouter who is both registerd in a Pack(Den Leader) and a Troop(ASM) at the same time. Was just awarded his Cub Scout Den Leader award knot. Can he now wear that on both uniforms?
  12. What are the guidelines for former CS Leaders wearing their CS leader knots on their uniforms once they become BS leaders? They are keeping the same uniform and just change unit numerals and shoulder loops.
  13. I was recently given the Bemidji Woolen Mills Voyageurs Scout Jacket as a gift(http://www.bemidjiwoolenmills.com/details.php?id=voyscout). Is it considered the "official" BSA jac shirt which is subject to the rules & regulations of patch selection and placement?
  14. From GSS Appendix Age-Appropriate Guidelines for Scouting Activities The table was updated to exclude pocket knives for use by Tiger Cubs Updated: 5 Apr 2006
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