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Seven Ranges in NE Ohio still has the COPE course. For the person whose troop tried Manitoc, I highly recommend Seven Ranges. Of course, the big draw is the Pipestone Honors program. And to truly appreciate it, you need to come back every year. It's one of the reasons the Buckeye Council has a good retention rate and higher than average number of boys earning their Eagle. Glenn
The alert you saw is simply a pop up ad. It takes you to a site that sells ad aware software.
Scout Policy - Religious Worship Services
Glenn replied to eagle54's topic in Open Discussion - Program
"I have it on good authority that God really dosen't get too upset if you miss a Sunday every now and then (your grandmother may not agree). " Nor do I agree. -
Scout Policy - Religious Worship Services
Glenn replied to eagle54's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Eagle54, I actually like the Scouter's Own Service. I'm probably prejudiced because my son is the chaplain's aide. But it does involve the entire troop in a religious service. If a troop or district tried to tailor individual services for all the various faiths at an event, my guess is it would be too cumbersome and would not get done. However, as a Catholic, those services do NOT fulfill my Sunday obligation. So my son and I always attend Mass during or after weekend campouts. Usually we get back early enough and can attend an afternoon Mass. However, on longer trips where we would not get back until late Sunday, I always drive my son and any other scout that would like to attend to a local Catholic church on Saturday evening. I am not sure what we do for a high adventure trip that covered a weekend. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it.(This message has been edited by Glenn) -
I need this for my Eagle....
Glenn replied to Senior_Patrol_Leader_T15's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Try this site http://www.valleyscouters.org/boyscouttroop411/eagles%20nest/411%20Eagle%20Scouts.html for the eagle scout medal. If you go to www.google.com and click on the images tab, you can search the internet for images. I found some Eagle Scouts and their parents (obviously from their Court of Honor) but no generic picture like you are looking for. But I didn't search too long. -
May I be so bold as to ask a favor for a young boy?
Glenn replied to Laurie's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Done. Hope Ryan is feeling better. -
Thanks for the laugh! Now the professor has to wonder if God influenced the Marine or not!
I heard that on the radio during lunch today. I can't believe that show was on for 36 years!
Sad Story - a scout lost - question for Mike Long
Glenn replied to eisely's topic in Open Discussion - Program
I am terribly saddened to read of this accident. I too will say a prayer for Alex and his family. As has been mentioned, no greater loss than to lose your own child. -
We went two years ago and our scouts loved it. Definitely look into the Gettysburg Historic Trails program. We left on Thursday in order to complete all the different sections of the program. As stated by Acco, it's a very busy two days but both the adults and scouts learned alot. At an impromptu PLC after our meeting Monday, I was soliciting ideas from the boys for future camping. Gettysburg was mentioned as something they would like to do again. But we will hold off until summer in order to properly plan.
Here's a link with a quick and short summary of the Mennonite culture. http://www.saskschools.ca/~lyndale/megan.htm Interesting. Thanks Achileez for prompting me to learn more about your religion.
Youth leaders attending adult leader meetings
Glenn replied to scouter659's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Our troop committee runs it like OldGreyEagle where we have time designated for the SPL to talk to the committee. Also, it allows the committee to ask questions of the SPL. However, since the committee meeting is held as the same time as time as the troop meeting, neither the SPL nor SM can attend the whole meeting. But with everyone's time a premium (both boys and adults), I doubt we could meet at any other time.(This message has been edited by Glenn) -
Adreanvs, You asked a question of me so it is only polite that I respond: "Glenn, do you extend the courtesy of title to the youth whom you serve?" The only problem is I really don't understand the question. If you are asking me if I call the patrol leader, patrol leader Joe, then of course not. As that is not a standard prefix. If I misunderstood your question, please clarify. By the way, if I ever meant one of those whiz kids who earn their medical degree by the age of 13, then yes, I would call them Dr. Smartypants (or whatever their last name is!).
We just celebrated our 50th year last year and also had dinner. Some of the events we did that went over well were: 1. Honored all Eagle Scouts from the Troop. Had them come up and selected boys read from some Eagle tribute as they lit candles. 2. Honored all previous Scout masters. Similar to above. 3. Gave out the 50th patch to all registers Scouts and Scouters. 4. Our Scout Executive came and gave a 5 minute speech. 5. We invited our Sponsoring organization's representative (COR) to attend and thanked them also. 6. Had a table set up that anyone could display their paraphernalia. I was concerned about someone misplacing something (or even someone stealing - uggh! not scouts). But we had no problems. 7. One suggestion I could highly recommend is to allow more time to socialize. We only allowed for 30 minutes prior to dinner and this was definitely not enough time. The reunion type atmosphere encouraged the previous scouts and scouters to reminisce. One suggestion that we overruled was to allow each previous Eagle in attendance to give a short talk about what Scouting was like for them. There was some concern that some non-supportive talk might be given. I don't know the reason, but an older scouter strongly advised against it. Good luck. P.S. I also asked this question last year (actually, I might have asked in Nov/Dec 2002). Perhaps there are some other answers in that thread if you can find it.
I'm actually surprised at the number of adults who allow the scouts to call them by their first name. It seems that it's a majority of troops (on this forum) that do this. I must be more conservative (read old-fashioned!) than I thought. At 42 years young, who would have thunk it. Our scouts use Mr. or Mrs. Lastname when addressing any adult. And if I am talking to a scout about an adult, I refer to them as Mr. or Mrs. However, even if a scout is nearby, if I am addressing an adult, I use their first name. I have always taught my children to call any adult by Mr. and Mrs. and do not wish this to be different. So I am with FOG on this one. The main reason is I do not want my children to get confused and start calling other adults by their first name/nickname. I guess I could see Mr. Eamonn as a sort of compromise. As far as Uncle Dave/Aunt Martha, I again would not want my children using this address with anyone other than their true aunts and uncles. Lastly, I do not think the Mr and Mrs (or Dr.) shows a superiority, rather it is simply politeness. As someone else said, I expect it from my children along with the please and thank you.(This message has been edited by Glenn)