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Everything posted by fotoscout

  1. Bob, was that an endorsement of Hops having his baseball team do the project? foto
  2. I have to wonder if you're being taken advantage of by doing this project. On the surface it's a nice payback to the community, but, is there an organization responsible for doing this work around the ball field complex? If you take on this effort, what other enhancement will the responsible organization do to satisfy their obligation to maintain the complex? Shouldn't they be doing there own fundraising and upgrades/maintenance to the facility? Are you setting a precedent, for ball field work to be done by other volunteer organizations in the future? Most of the work you listed is whats
  3. There is a guideline of about $1000 for Cub Packs and $2500 for BS Units. I don't have the literature with me so my numbers may be off by a few hundered, but that is the ball park.
  4. I saw a Coleman 12x16 Screenhouse advertised for about $125, last week. When I get home tonight I'll let you know which store had it. It's lightweight, and easy. With some zipper lube, and a bit of "training", I would think that this kind of thing will serve you well. As was noted here, the carports are resonalbly priced at Costco and Sams, they come with a front, back and sides. The problem is of course that you need somewhere to store this thing, and it's heavy & bulky. For protection from the rain you can't beat the tarps. (You can buy green ones!!!) They are cheap, and easily sto
  5. Along with the local Girl Scout Council and Civil Air Patrol, we placed 180,000 flags this morning. What a privilege! foto
  6. It may be semantics, but I would argue that the rank badge is a goal of both the program and the individuals. After all, one of the criteria of a healthy program is advancement. One of the criteria for the Quality Unit Award is advancement. These are both goals, aren't they?
  7. I think that the greatest fault with our training system is that it often fails to present itself for what it is, sure its an opportunity to pickup factual details about the program, but I think its intended to be more than that. Its an opportunity to meet people and exchange thoughts with people who are doing the same job in scouting that you are doing, and you can do this with a knowledgeable / experienced leader present. Its an opportunity for newcomers to see the program modeled for them. Its an opportunity to develop a relationship with some of more experienced leaders, the same people th
  8. You can contact your DE at the local Council Office if you dont know who your UC is. Given half a chance he or she can be a great help to you. Typically the UC would in interface with your unit via the CM, SM, or CC. If youre not serving in one of those positions I would suggest that you let one of them know before contacting the UC.
  9. kjamma4, That's why it's important to plan out the year. No surprises, and no unknowns as the year comes to a close. The parents of my boys understand VERY clearly that we will not be doing all of the achievements in the den meetings. If the parent stubbornly refuses to work with the boy to complete his achievements there is not much you can do other than to give that boy some special attention when you have the time. Herms - yep that's fine by me! But don't tell me that your kid is bored stiff with Cub Scouts because he's done it all already, and not interested in the meetings
  10. And how would you Remedy the situation. Let me count the ways 1. Have little Johnny assist with the meeting, all the while saying Im bored, I already did this. 2. Have little Johnny assist with the meeting, all the while sapping some of the adventure from the activity by constantly talking about whats coming next. 3. Have little Johnny do the achievement a second time, while he simultaneously disrupts the meeting. 4. Have little Johnny play quietly in a corner of the room, feeling like hes being punished. 5. Have little Johnny go home. These are just the first few thoughts th
  11. I have to agree with OneHour, Im not comfortable with the boy earning his badge during the summer. CS is not intended to be lone wolf adventure. The boys (and familys) share in doing activities as well as achievements. What motivation would a boy have to come to weekly den meetings if hes already completed the program. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know..to have fun! But the larger motivation is the badge. The badge is the common goal and the thing the boys look forward to the most. Early in the year, I decide which achievements will be done at den meetings and which will be done at home. The boy
  12. We are allowed to sign them up in the Spring, no problems with Council on that one. Few packs however do a Spring recruitment, I suspect that they feel too much pressure to put on a quality Summer program if they bring in Tigers during the Spring.
  13. Can one of you guys tell me if the manufacturer of the Dutch oven makes a difference? Some of these things can be expensive, but some are available at a reasonable price. Lodge seems to make the expensive ones, and then there are a number of other cheaper ones. Does it matter? foto
  14. I've heard rumors of a BSA program with this name (or something close), does anyone have the details?? Foto
  15. Skits and songs are the bread and butter of a campfire, I dont know what else you might add. On the other hand, you might want to check with the leader doing your flag retirement, maybe you can stretch that piece of your program. Flag retirement ceremonies can be choreographed to meet the needs of the group. One thing you can do is to give each person a flag or piece of a flag, and have a slow procession to the fire where each person takes a private moment before placing the flag into the fire. This can be very dramatic, and does take up a fair amount of time.
  16. It's a good point that KA6BSA points out. Only the parent(s) and CS aged boy are covered by your insurance. It's Cub Scout event and of course families are welcome, but the nuance of insurance coverage is important. Here's the part where it gets confusing. Your event is being put on as a recruiting event so the visitors (parent and boy) are covered, not, female sibs or, older or younger male sibs. On the other hand, a female sib attending Pack night would be covered because pack night is a family CS event, or so I'm told! Maybe someone can give us the authoritative answer on thi
  17. Nice job, looks like you put some time into this! A few comments: your program starts at 4:30 and I dont see any mealtime. Youll want to feed them before 8:00! Somaoas and hotdogs around a Pack campfire can be scary to say the least. I must admit that this part of the evening always scares me! Lots of kids of all ages, sticks, flames, parents that refuse to see the danger, a long program, and some hunger, darkness and kids that refuse to admit their scared. It all adds up to a situation that requires great vigilance. Your religious service (not everyone goes to church!!) is sched
  18. I would have to agree that our Campfires are turning into "The Camp Show". Lot's of skits, and not much song. Even then, the songs are not ones that everyone can easily sing along with. That's not to say that the campfires aren't fun, because they still are great fun. But it is different and not in the expected mold of a campfire. Usually everyone on the property is invited to participate, CS, BS, Crew, Team, parents, sibs, friends, it doesn't matter. Some participate, most don't. Having spent much time at camp last summer, the best part for me was watching the staff evolve the show
  19. Flag placement at our local National Cemetery.
  20. I thought this needed repeating. Its always fun to survive the rain, and I like listening to stories about those who braved the weather as much as anyone else. On the other hand I have great respect for those that pack up and leave when the weather begins to trend in a direction that they are not comfortable with. I am even more impressed with those people who talk about leaving their campsite because of the weather! Safety first, bragging rights much later.
  21. Sounds to me like your well on your way..... I would add a Big Bottle of Aspirin to your gear. Welcome!
  22. I carry 25' and 50' lengths. The stuff is very stong, small and light. It's certainly not climbing rope, but it should be good enough for almost any thing else you might need on the trail. You can always use a 25' piece for the job that requires a 5' length, just be careful to coil up the excess rope and prevent a tripping hazard. It's a nice idea to color code your sections, so that you can go straight to the piece you're looking for.
  23. The nice thing about the overall process of planning, budgeting, and fundraising is that you can be back in the black within one year, if you stick to your plan.
  24. We collect $7.00 per month from Sept.June payable in September. 50% of that collected in each den is available to the DL for materials or costs associated with den activities. The other half goes to the Pack for registration, Boy's Life, insurance and other pack expenses like patches, awards, pinewood derby cars and some money for the B&G. We do the Popcorn fundraiser to supplement our costs. We do have pretty good accountability with our funds. Some people dont pay up for months. I dont think its an avoidance thing, its just stupidity and laziness. Ultimately, everyone pays. We
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