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Everything posted by Eagledad

  1. >>However, there is nothing wrong with having fun for fun's sake either.
  2. I live by the saying that Scouting is the Game with a Purpose. And I am one of those anal adults who seems to look for values in everything we do and my scouts know it to the point that I heard here he goes again a lot. In fact, I also encouraged scouts to challenge anything and everything in our program as a values building experience. If I couldn't justify it toward building character or citizenship, they could throw it out. Nothing was thrown out and the challenge forced me to learn how to apply everything we did in our Troop toward building habits that lead to better character. Now I know
  3. Bad choice of words I guess. Controlling the situation if you want. Sending the scout home, sending out of the room to the SPL or SM, sending them off away from the group is a few of the methods of controlling the situation. Also our PLCs have asked the scout to write an oppolgy, with the parents approval. Depending on the circumstances, I have seen the PL ask the offending scout to help at KP or retrive water the rest of the campout to keep him busy when he contiues to be a problem. He may be asked to sit out an activity dependning on the problem and situation. Our point to the scouts is get
  4. I think it's already past that point. The SPL should displine bad behavoir with the support and guidence of the SM. In the best case senerio the SPL should only ask for guidence in situations beyound his control or experience, but report all misbehavoir so the SM can work with those scouts. In this case, it seems the SM is not suporting the SPL. I would suggest the SPL write down some suggestions of punishments that he apply to bad behaver. He will also give the SM a report. This way the SPL is doing his job with the approval and guidence of the SM. You are right that there is no consistant ex
  5. >>Remember that the 30-day rotation of leadership in the New Scout patrol is to give the new scouts an understanding of troop and patrol operation not to teach leadership. In this first year they need to be working on Tenderfoot to First Class. Leadership training begins with their first regular elected or appointed office.
  6. >>I feel that this reflects badly on our troop, as several state representatives and public officials were there.
  7. >>Tenderfoot to first class is designed to do as a team
  8. >>Now, as I remember somewhere in my dark and long and mouldering past, if you see a problem and want to talk about it, you should also have a suggesiton for solving it.
  9. I agree with BW, adults mistakenly measure their success by the advancement method. My personal observation is two factors attribute to the adults change in attitude. Female adult leaders and the BSA introduction of aged based patrols. When I say female, I really mean adults without the youth experience in boy scouts. There are men who fit in that category, but when we open the doors to female leaders, there was a huge influx of adults without youth scouting experience. Those of us with a lot of youth scouting brought took that experience with us into our programs. Much of what we rememb
  10. I am not sure what your saying, but there are two very important points about dealing with adults; you have to make sure your intentions are honorable. That is so important because the internet doesn't allow us to look in your eyes. AND! you have to protect the kids. You have to protect my son. Barry
  11. Hi LA Looking at this, and it's a bit confusing, I think the issue is you and your CM stepped on the toes of the CC and UC. Ignoring all the other facts you threw in, the real problem is the Tiger in the Bear den. Since you had no authority to allow the decision, this is really a CM situation. Now, your CC wants to take this to Council, I would let her. I would also encourage the CM to insist that the COH, District Commissioner, and District Chairman attend. The CC will present the facts and CM needs to defend the decision. No worrys there because the reason is families don't trust these ad
  12. Hi Bob Who needs correcting? These are the numbers the Last Frontier Council has been handing out since January. No one is perfect, but it's hard to imagine a Council being that careless. When does National put out their Eagle numbers? Barry
  13. My older son waited eight months before he found time. I just went to an ECOH that was done at the Scout's house with only close family friends. There were only two scouters from his troop invited, the present SM, and the previous SM, me. It was a very relaxed and enjoyable time with a barbecue lunch. What I found most interesting was the guests felt very honored to be invited. It was a warm and personal ceremony. Barry
  14. Hi LA Without really seeing the other side, its hard to give one solution. Here are a few things that need understanding. Its very easy to be popular at the district level when you volunteer and work hard on district projects and not be seen as a terrible leader at the unit level. We have purposely pushed adults to be more active at the District level just to get them out of our hair. Second, you have a responsibility to help your Cubs grow the best they can under the guidelines and training given to you. There is little the committee can change unless you are just out-right hurting th
  15. Call Philmont. Don't know the number off hand, but a lot of Councils use to do them there. If you don't mind travel, the Last Frontier Council in Oklahoma has a one week course in July. Nothing like Oklahoma in July. I am sure Texas has one somewhere as well. Just start working your way east. As for differences in week ends or one week courses. It's a matter of taste and schedual. If you're looking to just get trained, I don't think you will find it matters too much. Barry
  16. Hi All One suggestion I give to leaders of new troops is; if the adults expect the scouts to grow in their program, then the adults must grow even more so they don't limit the scouts opportunities. I have found that to be the major cause of weak older scout programs. I have had JASMs that were better leaders then some of the adults. When it comes to running a boy run troop, the only factor that gives the 55 year old the right to be the scoutmaster of the 17 year old scout is wisdom carved out by the hard experiences of life. Other than that, the 17 year old could be a scoutmaster.
  17. Hi Glenn I admire you troop working to improve the program with good adults. Could you give us your list of positives and negitives in this situation? First list advantages of getting this adult, then another list of without the him. Maybe the list will shine a different light on the needs of your program. Good luck. I siad it yesterday in a different thread, scouting is great until the adults get involved. Barry
  18. Hi Glenn Seems like something is missing. I think the right action is obvious. One adult is forcing all the others to hesitate doing the right action. What is this power he holds over the committee? Do you need the Webelos or you don't get any new scouts? Were they already committed? Are you the only troop in town or are there others? It appears your committee knows what to do, why are they hesitating? Barry
  19. Hmmm, this reminds me of the Wood Badge Patrol Leader who looked up Fox on the internet to get some ideas for her patrol. She was a little surprised by what popped up and said she couldn't use them in public. So I decided to look up Bob White and saw what I expected; Einstine, Beethoven, Benjamin Franklin, and Badon Powell. Not sure what the Fox problem was. Maybe they need more vegetables in their diet. Barry Bombing Bob White
  20. Thank you for the kind words. I think this forum is a balance of ideas. The reason I suggested the CC in this case is because 123 already talked to the SM and didn't get an acceptible answer. The committee's view will likely give 123 a better understanding of the program, either by "we support the SM fully" or "maybe he didn't understand your question, let me ask him". It could even be, "you're not the first to appraoch us with this situation". The committee is suppose to let the SM run his program within the limits and guidelines issued by the BSA. They are also suppose to be sepe
  21. That's the same good advice I might give at first Mark, but if the family eventually views the adult as a frustrating wall for continuing scouting, then I would start by calling the committee chair. But one thing I've learned about program problems, volunteers are more willing to listen when you asks questions. "There is an appearance that my son isn't allowed to advance, can you help me understand how the program works?". "I've talked to the SM, but I don't understand his approach for my son. Can you explain it differently so I can understand better?" "My son is frustrated, h
  22. Look for a western hat shop or a professional hat shop in your area and they can steam them to be more comfortable. Barry
  23. All right, Mores scouts, JLT and a Fun program. Great goals and great vision. Does you SM know all this? Lets take one thing at a time. To get more scouts, you have to have a program that boys would like to join. If there is one word that boys want all the time, what is that word? That word is where you want your program to go. Do white water rafting, backpacking and a goof off campout get you that part of your program? Hmm. Next, you have to get boys to visit your Troop. How? Give these guys something they want. Webelos want activity badges, lots of them. If your troop spent two meetings in t
  24. Hi Nate Sounds like you have a lot on your plate. Let me suggest this, where do you see this troop a year from now. What is it you want the PLC doing. Just sit down and dream, no boundaries, no limitations, no restrictions from adults. You are the chief, the boss and the SM. Don't worry about what you think you can or can't do, just write a list of what you want your troop to be a year from now. Have fun with this list. It has to a fun troop doing cool things. It needs to be the coolest troop in the world. Don't show me the list yet, but let me know when you finish it. Barry
  25. All new troops go trough this. What the SM needs to do is cut the topics and goals in bit size chunks. For example, don't ask for a years worth of activities, start with six months. And don't just ask for a calender of program. Plan in small parts, one at a time. Every patrol and the adults get six ideas. Start with building a list for monthly program themes. The SPL ask for one idea from each group and write them on a board for all to see. he continues around each group until everyone has given their six. Then ask for campout themes. Once your finished with those, ask for for camp sites or lo
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