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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/26/20 in Posts

  1. I checked and find no "yurting" rule, nor a "hoganing" rule. 😃
    2 points
  2. You are clearly misremembering citizen. Careful or it will be re-education summer camp for you! Move along.😉
    1 point
  3. When Dodgeball is outlawed only Outlaws will play dodgeball They can have my dodgeball when they pry it from my cold dead hands Dodgeball..it's not about hunting
    1 point
  4. Does a scout have any say? Only so far as the troop follows his suggestion. But there's no reason in this story to think the scout on his own took some of the proceeds of his sales and gave or ordered the giving of those funds to anyone else. This is a news story that has two facts: 1) a scout sold $15k popcorn, 2) some portion of the money raised from those sales was used to help a local nursing home. There is a causative relation between the two facts: in order for there to be money to give to the nursing home there had to be a sale of popcorn. There's nothing inaccurate about the st
    1 point
  5. Lean on the "modifications may be made" bit. When we had one female adult with a troop in one cabin, she'd have a bunk with a tarp hung for privacy ... adults on one wall, boys on the opposite wall. (I actually, slung my hammock outside that night, and that's what I'd likely do if I were the sole male in this situation.) All the youth will be fine in their yurt. The tenting scenario applies to the more typical situation where you have 2-man or 3-man tents. Basically, abusive situations seem to be more likely when pairs or triples are too far apart in age. That said, be prepared
    1 point
  6. I'm sitting in Rwanda right now. I've been in Africa for 2 weeks. Some Safari but mostly I've been in poor areas. Over half the population makes less than $1.50 a day. That said, most people are quick to smile. I wave and smile at people and nearly everyone just lights up with a smile and waves back. In a way, it's part of their culture. But I've found it to be more than that. Some people I wave to are clearly down. Its not so much that they have little money but that they have little dignity. Many Rwandan children have been abandoned by their parents and are not in loving homes. Essentially,
    1 point
  7. Correct. The most often confused statement in YPT and the one so many Scouters feel they know, but it's not what they think From the BSA - FAQ on YPT - https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/email/campaign/Youth-Protection-FAQ_03-07-2018.pdf Effective June 1, 2018, adults accompanying a Scouting unit who are present at the activity for 72 total hours or more must be registered as a leader, including completion of a criminal background check and Youth Protection Training. The 72 hours need not be consecutive Note that they are referring to THE activity, not ALL activities. If
    1 point
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