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    • Are there council mergers being announced?
    • I'm guessing it's going to be Boy Scouts of America DBA Scouting America instead of Boy Scouts of America DBA Scouts BSA?  It's a mouthful with more syllables. Scouts USA would have made more sense if they were going to change it. Plus, I've family in Canada and South America and have spent time in both places. People there also consider themselves part of the American continents. It's a little in your eye.    
    • If BSA is supplanted, does that suggest "Scouts BSA" will be rebranded (again)?
    • It seems dumb. Our girl troop had flourished with 22 Scouts at its max. We have ebbed down to 12 between this year and last. It wasn’t because of BSA. Maybe if they really moved from Boy Scouts of America to nearly 100% use if BSA they could get “there” without as much turmoil. Seems like a waste of resources. So, does this mean Scouts BSA just becomes Scouts? Again, turmoil that we already went through. Is the juice worth the squeeze? No. 
    • And don't forget the "occasional"  driver who will have no idea where their spare tire is when that cursed flat tire occurs....     Hey, HERE'S an opportunity....   Automotive Merit Badge afternoon in the church parking lot.....
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