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what is hardest for you?

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OK so I've been following the various threads about advancement, scout spirit, etc., and I thought it might be interesting to ask this of all of you: What aspect(s) of the Scout Law and/or Oath do YOU find it hardest to live up to? Why?


I think this is an entirely fair question for scouters to ponder, since we often put this question (or one like it) to our scouts. In fact I'm kind of surprised that no scout has yet asked that question to any adult leaders (at least, not that I know - maybe you've been on the receiving end before?). I'll answer too, but since I asked first I'm going to wait to give my response.



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OK. I'll step into the Confessional. I have always had a problem with "Thrifty". I don't always spend wisely. I could do a better job of looking for a less expensive item I need, instead of buying the first thing I see because I want to just get it and get it over with. I'm not a good shopper,and fortunately, my darling wife makes up for this deficit in my character. Also if a person could follow me around for a day they would probably note that I buy at least one thing that I could live without. It's been a little over 30 years since I earned the Personal Management merit badge. If I today were to stand before a Cosmic BOR comprised of the spirits of great Scouters, they would probably suggest that I need to re-take that badge.

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Wow on the other thread I stated my first question to a scout during SMC on scout spirit now you have come up with my second I do divide it up if they need it, My personal hardest point of the law is cheerful because I tend to be a grumpy old man. The easiest is thrifty because I am by my Scottish nature a thrifty person. The hardest point of the oath is duty to country in that I dislike paying my taxes the easiest is duty to God because I know my path. A majority of the boys own up to having problems with obedience (who'd of thunk) and think of themselves as excelling in helpful maybe I should check with their Mom.

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Doing my best. There are times that I fall to Doing good enough to get by.


Obedient. I do not do well with this one at all. I have a tendency to run my own ship, and to do poorly when run by others. This cost me a military career, and keeps me on the exec team of small companies rather than working for larger firms.

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Trustworthy ... it is most difficult for me to keep remotely close to speed limit! Telling my wife that one of her dishes is great when it is really not ... and it goes on! Nothing blatantly lies of course.


Loyal ... I have changed job 8 times ... loyalty is not my strong forte.


Helpful ... I have a difficult time in being helpful to the troop right now since I have stopped my participation.


Friendly ... nuff said on this one. You can check my other posts and you'll see how unfriendly I am.


Courteous ... guilty as charged. It is most difficult to be courteous to a few people at work who are very belligerent!


Kind ... I turned away State Trooper fundraising folks several times already. I have been prejudiced against by one of Texas Trooper's finest ... to the point of almost having him pulling his gun on me for no apparent reasons! Yes ... it was for a traffic stop! See Trustworthy above. No ... only for doing 4 mph over the speed limit! Yes ... I did 74 on 70 mph. On top of that I let go 3 of my staff for running a gaming server at work. Kindness is not one of my forte as well.


Obedience ... I have yet listen to my boss (the wife), my kids, and my scouts and return to the troop!


****** Now for the ones that I am good at *****


Cheerful ... hey ... something that I actually am most (88.98%) of the time! Light-hearted is my middle name.


Thrifty ... my wife calls my cheapskake, but I still prefer the term thrifty.


Brave ... I will defend my family, staff, scouts, and love ones!


Clean ... shower once and sometimes twice a day. Okay, in Houston, three times is the norm.


Reverent ... Buddhism and my ancestors will forever be in and with me!



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Cheerful - I can find a reason to be grumpy in just about anything - however it's been that way a long time and I've also learned to turn that on it's head quickly MOST of the time. Wife says my family trained me as an Eeyore but I'm naturally a Tigger so I tend to ride things out fairly well and see the bright side on the way out rather than going in. Which works out well when planning things. (See, just did the whole process here :) )

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if patience were in there, that would be the one I'd say I struggle with the most. Not with kids - I have a lot of patience for kids under most circumstances - it is the adults, who ought to know better, that are my undoing sometimes.


But, since patience isn't in the law or oath, I guess that leaves me with kind on occasion (I've been known to speak first, think later) and also obedient. I have a pretty tough time going along with something I view as ill-informed, even in situations where I should really just bite my tongue and let it all play out. Happily I work in a setting where mind-numbing obedience for its own sake isn't a highly prized trait!



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For little old me?

In the Oath it has to be duty to God.

But I suppose if I had that part down pat everything else would fall in line?


While all the points are supposed to be viewed as being equal. I tend to see "Kind" as having a special place for me.

Sadly it is the one point I tend to have the hardest time with.


The School motto of the School I attended was (is?) "Manners Maketh Man". This is something else that maybe I ought to work on.


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I would say the hardest is mentally awake. Now some people aren't in school but I'm sure adults can vouch that even at work it's difficult to stay mentally awake during a day. Sitting in a long meeting or listening to a teacher drone on can really test how mentally awake we are.


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Physically strong.


Reverent. God's standard is absolute and utter perfection. I fail every day. Only by His Grace can I meet this point in the Scout Law.


Sometimes Cheerful, especially when I've been working for extended hours and I'm TIRED.

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