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Eagle required badges for Star

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When becoming an Eagle Scout, you can count either Emergency Preparedness or Life Saving as an Eagle required badge.

Does the same hold true for Star. A boy in my troop had a total of 8 merit badges; 4 of which were Eagle required. Two of the 4 were both Emergency Preparedness and Life Saving.

Does he need a different Eagle required badge to advance?


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The requirement for Star says: "four from the required list for Eagle." I interpret this (as does MeritBadge.com) to mean ANY of the MBs on the list--even those which are alternatives for Eagle. So I think, for example, a boy could earn Star with Swimming, Hiking, Cycling, and Lifesaving, and could count Emergency Preparedness toward Life. Of course, this might give him a bigger task for Eagle, because he could only count one of the alternatives toward the list of Eagle required--although they would all count as non-required.

As a matter of policy, I see nothing wrong with this. These are all great MBs, and worthy of being counted for Star and Life.

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No, the boy can not use one badge for Star and the other for Life.


The answer to your question is found on the Eagle Scout Rank Application itself.


The application states: Cross out badges not earned. If a crossed-out badge was earned, it may be reentered in 13 through 21. Four of these required merit badges were earned for the Star Scout rank and three more were earned for the Life Scout rank.


I hope this answers your question.

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For the Eagle rank, a Scout can only use either swimming or hiking or cycling as Eagle required not all three as Eagle required. For Star a Scout can count swimming and for Life a Scout can count hiking. When it's time to fill out the Eagle application, the Scout needs to decide which one will be counted as required and which one will be counter as optional.


Ed Mori

Troop 1

1 Peter 4:10

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From my stint as District Advancement Chair and my reading of the guide book that goes with it. A Scout may use any of the required Eagle Merit Badges for Star and Life to fulfill the required badge portion. For example he could have earned Hiking, Cycling, Swimming and say First Aid for the required for Star--- Then earn Lifesaving and Emergency Preparedness and Family Life for the required for Life. He would still have to earn the other eight required to receive his Eagle.

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Agree with NWScouter.


This is one of the things I talk about with First Class Scouts making Star, and Star making Life at Boards of Review. I ENCOURAGE THEM to not use too many "grouped" merit badges for their advancement.




Because: If a youth is following the program, he's OVER HALFWAY on the Eagle required list when he makes Life. If he does what NWS described, then he's got an uphill road to get his Eagle Requireds done.



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