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Eagle Project Expenses

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There is a boy in my troop who is planning his eagle service project. It involves painting the outside of a building of a local community organization. The organization that is benefitting from his project has offered to provide the paint that will be needed.


The scout who is planning the project was a bit hesitant to accept this offer, but he could not find anything in the eagle project workbook that states that the organization benfitting from his project cannot provide the materials for the project.


So, this raised a question: Can the organization who benefits from the project provide such a large chunk of the materials necessary to complete the project?


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I believe it is acceptable for the community organization to provide the paint. Once he gets started, he could do the work of estimating how much paint is needed and submit a plan to the organization for how much will be needed and how a shortage, if any, could be avoided. He will have his hands full organizing the painters and scheduling the work. Have fun.

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Short answer: Yes.


You checked the correct reference. The Eagle Scout Leadership Project Workbook specifically spells out the requirements and limitations. As long those are met, he is fine.


It's very common for the benefiting organization to pay for, or provide the materials and as packsaddle pointed out there's plenty of work to be done and plenty of leadership to be demonstrated.


Best of luck to him.





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It's not any problem at all to have materials purchased by the organization reaping the benefit. After all, they are still getting free labor. The scout should put together an estiamted cost up front, so they are aware of what is expected of them.

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