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Eagle Rank Scoutmaster Conference


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Question - if the scout is the Scoutmaster's son, who should do the Scoutmaster conference for the Eagle rank? Also, if someome else, like a past scoutmaster is selected to run the conference, should / could the Scoutmaster attend?



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Generally speaking, the Scoutmaster should be the one to do Scoutmaster conferences. Some Scoutmasters assign this duty to assistant Scoutmasters, though I don't see the point. In the case of a father/son relationship, it might make sense to have the boy do the conference with an assistant Scoutmaster. Whoever does it should be very active in the program and with the boy, not some outsider.


The SM conference for the Eagle rank is no different than for any other rank.




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Technically, it is the SM's responsibility to do all SM conferences. However, he/she can assign this duty to a qualified ASM. When I was SM, I always looked forward to doing these conferences. However, when my own son was ready for a SM conference, I had an ASM handle the task.


Ed Mori

Troop 1

1 Peter 4:10

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  • 4 weeks later...

As the Chairman for Eagle Advancement in my District, let me ask you a question (Honest, this is an attempt to really answer what you've asked)


What's the purpose of this meeting? Why do we have Scoutmaster Conferences?


Now with that in mind, why can't a dad do that for a son? Because others might think the boy got off easy? Most of the SMs I know are HARDER on their sons not EASIER. To give the Scout an opportunity to worry some? Oh don't worry, the BoR will take care of that task for you...


If you want an ASM to help with your own son, that's cool, but really what's the big deal?


(I must admit that before I started doing Eagle BoR I thought like everyone else, dad's shouldn't do this for their sons, now I'm just not so sure)


Good Luck with this, oh and by the way, congrats on your son's accomplishments.

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As the Chairman for Eagle Advancement in my District, let me ask you a question (Honest, this is an attempt to really answer what you've asked)


What's the purpose of this meeting? Why do we have Scoutmaster Conferences?


Now with that in mind, why can't a dad do that for a son? Because others might think the boy got off easy? Most of the SMs I know are HARDER on their sons not EASIER. To give the Scout an opportunity to worry some? Oh don't worry, the BoR will take care of that task for you...


If you want an ASM to help with your own son, that's cool, but really what's the big deal?


(I must admit that before I started doing Eagle BoR I thought like everyone else, dad's shouldn't do this for their sons, now I'm just not so sure)


Good Luck with this, oh and by the way, congrats on your son's accomplishments.

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The answer that I understand is that he CAN do the conference with his son. However, some want their sons to confront the same situation that other boys confront...a conference with someone who is not their parent. As you suggest this also would present a different appearance (I'm not sure how important this is). But it is left to the parent/leader to make the choice. I have no problem with that. And if requested, I am pleased to perform the duty.

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The Advancement Committee Policies and Procedures manual states:


Scoutmaster Conferences

One of the most enjoyable experiences of being a Scoutmaster is the opportunity of a Scout and his leader to sit down and visit together.

In large troops, Scoutmasters occasionally assign this responsibility to assistant Scoutmasters or members of the troop committee...


There is no distinction between the ranks, so it is OK for the ASM to do the conference.

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