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Sports and You

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Baseball in summer (troop did not meet in summer), fair at bat, lousy with glove. Small bore target shooting year round. In high school played football - lineman second/third string. Played volleyball too but it was not an official team sport.


My coaches and SM were fairly flexible about my participation decisions.


Great to have a variety of experiences growing up. Also, how to balance your life needs to be learned then, before college.

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- Little league baseball 1 year (I stunk), youth football two years (loved it)

- High school shooting team (small bore) for three years

- For high school PE, rotated each semester between water polo and football

- As a scout lots of hiking and camping; earned Red Cross Advanced Lifesaving and Lifeguard BSA

- In the Air Force 25+ years, played intramural flag football approx 13 seasons and softball for 2


I'm not a great athlete but competent enough. Regardless, I've found sports to be a good bridge when building rapport with young people. The competitive spirit, perseverance, teamwork, you name it--folks of any age can relate to these ideals, even if they've long hung up their cleats.


I've played intramural flag football the last two seasons (perhaps against better judgment)--though I'm a certified old guy. Huge bond with the troops. Amazing how young you feel when you are winning...and how sore you are next morning, win or lose.

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I love(d) playing pick-up games of whatever was happening at the moment. I played league softball & various intermural sports through 7th or 8th grade. Also skiing, running, horseback riding, and more. I can't say I was real good at some of these, but I almost always enjoyed them.



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Eamonn, you were volunteered to be a hooker??


I have a feeling this is yet another example of "two peoples separated by a common language."


I was pretty bad in sports as a youth. I tried. During my Little League-age years I was in a league for kids who couldn't make the little league. :) In what would now be called "middle school" I tried an after-school basketball league and it took awhile before I became convinced of what was obvious to everybody else, which is that I wasn't very good. By high school I had pretty much given up on the whole thing and stuck to the debating team. I did go to Philmont though. Go figure.

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I was also totally uninterested in sports, and I still am. I really don't care how many home runs the football team makes. :)


It's only because of Scouts that there are a few vaguely athletic activities that I'm good at. I'm a good swimmer (slightly better than average) and a good canoeist (slightly above average for Boy Scouts, meaning that I'm a world-class expert compared to most people I see trying to paddle one.)


I can also do a few other activites thanks to Scouting (such as haul a bunch of junque on my back), but I really don't think of them as being particularly athletic.


If it weren't for Scouts, I'd probably be a fat person, as opposed to a typical out-of-shape adult.(This message has been edited by clemlaw)

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