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Changing Chater Organizations

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I too belong to one Catholic Church's troop, while attending a different Catholic Church. Some ways to get involved and increase visibility would be some of the following:



1) helping clean up during the parish fair as a service project. We also had a hotdog and lemonade stand as a fundraiser.


2)assist with the parish's Thanksgiving and /or Christmas food drives.


3) provide manpower to help clean up the church and grounds, especially around Christmas and Easter.


4) cut the palms for Palm Sunday Services.


5) help provide manpower to other organizations in the church. One troop locally helps the Knights of Columbus raise funds for Special Olympics by doing the Tootsie Roll sales.


Good Luck.

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I never knew I was a self-important peacock. I guess I should go back to primping my feathers.


If you are actually serious about what commissioners do, rather than throwing around insults, here's a good place to start...



I'm pretty sure we've had threads on the subject of what commissioners do before. You know, we're district spies. /shakes head

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With all due respect, I have met a few UCs like Base describes. Heck I met a DC like that. One of my most vivid memories was him after going through the Ordeal, come up to folks saying he's going for Vigil and has his Vigil name already picked out! From Base's previous posts on other topics, his council sounds like it has some problems. So please don't take it personally.


That said, I have also met some great UCs who are a valuable resource to unit leaders. My current UC is one of those, and I am going to hate it when he sells his house and move. Luckily the house is known to be haunted and there has been few folks interested in it. ;)

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Eagle 92,



Thanks for the excellent ideas on connecting with our Catholic Parish Chartered Partner!


As I read through your list, I liked the idea of the Cub Pack sponsoring a service project for the church that would invite families with young children to participate. That would be a great Scout activity from several perspectives and give new families an opportunity to PARTICIPATE in a Scout activity.


I'm thinking we might aim to use Scout Sunday as a means of announcing that activity and project.


Excellent idea! Why didn't I ever think of that?

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Eagle92, there will always be the occassional bad apple, at any position. How often do we read the horror stories of Little Napoleon scoutmasters or committee chairs, or the DAC that puts stepping stones in front of scouts to make sure they really EARN it. Or the DE who doesn't really care about anything but the numbers.


But to make generalizations about any particular scouting position is just uncalled for.


And the way the BSA is set up, most units' general point of contact with their district is SUPPOSED to be their UC. In our district we have about 30ish units (I don't know the exact number). If our DE had nothing to do other than service the existing units (which they don't as we all know), they'd have about 80 minutes a week to devote to each unit. A UC is supposed to, in theory, serve a maximum of 3 units.

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The only unit commissioners I have seen are the ones at roundtable........every single roundtable we waste 15 minutes reintroducing ourselves to the group.......


These guys and gals are three row knot kinda guys, with woodbadge beads neckerchief and campaign hats. One of these UC spent 1 minute 15 seconds introducing herself, after the second month I decided to time her the next month. They don't actually attend roundtable for the program, but spend their time disrupting the speakers/presenters.


I remember a post about unit commissioners holding uniform inspections, please, some of my boys don't have shirts, simply cannot afford them and the uniform closet is currently empty, and I don't need a STRANGER coming to my units meeting and making my scouts feel bad.


I read the job description on the link norules provided. I see what they are supposed to do, but I still don't see how they will help my Pack, troop and Crew. Our organizations are healthy, we have a few areas we could improve upon, but don't see what they can do to help????.


My reference to peacocks was not directly to or about unit commissioners(hit close to home?).... How could it be, I have never had one at any unit meetings I have been involved with. I have a couple of den leaders, Associate Advisors and ASM's that are the peacocks I was refering too.

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Basement dweller,


It sounds like you have some worthwhile issues to discuss with your Roundtable Commissioner or District Commissioner about how your Roundtable is conducted.


Unfortunately, the number of people with the skill and experience to do a good job as a unit Commissioner who is willing to take the time to do the job and stay in touch with units and units leaders is small. If there were more of them, we wouldn't have as many units fail.


I would guess that those Unit Commissioners with the three rows of knots got them by putting in several decades worth of work for Scouting (after three decades I have one row).


While I wouldn't let them monopolize or bore people at Roundtables, they probably deserve a degree of respect and appreciation. I wouldn't throw them under the bus because they are getting old and garrulous. They may still be doing some valuable work, too.


Even if they aren't they are a living part of our Scouting heritage. At age 61 I've already aged out of being a Boy Scout leader. Eventually I'll age out of being a Cub Scout leader. Perhaps in another ten years I'll only be fit to attend Roundtables and such.


If so, it will be after contributing FORTY YEARS as a Scout leader. You might think about that. Even so as I noted that doesn't justify being a bore and monopolizing Roundtable ----someone needs to offer some tactful leadership there.

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Sounds like there are some issues with commissioner service in your district basementdweller. It's no wonder you formed the opinion you have.


Our role is supposed to be about helping the units succeeed, being an outside observer that can impartially spot potential weaknesses and help a unit to nip them in the bud before they become a problem, or to assist repairing a unit that is already having issues. Otherwise, we are supposed to serve as a sounding board for unit leaders, answer questions, be a resource, and the first line of communication between a unit and district.


Anytime I'm asked to introduce myself, it's name and position. Nothing more. Heck, I don't even like when I get introduced to everyone (as an announcement) when I visit a unit. Take's 5 seconds at most. Like you, I don't have much of a tolerance for pompous windbagging. When I open my mouth during a visit, it's either to answer a question or give a small suggestion if I feel a need. Sometimes a little socializing. Otherwise, I'm not interfering with anything.


FYI, I only have 4 square knots (Eagle, AOL, youth religious, Commissioner Key), and am 4 out of 5 on Wood Badge ticket items.



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  • 1 year later...

"Explain to me why I need a Unit commissioner....... When I want answers I just call or email my DE."


Unit Commissioners exist so that units have what they need without having to call the DE every five minutes. DEs have an incredible amount of things to do without answering the phone for every question a unit might have. As a DE, I'm more than happy to help my units out when they need it. With 67 units though, I would never get anything productive done if I every unit called me once a week to ask a question.

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A good Unit Commissioner is like gold. Ours makes every attempt to visit monthly, and always brings information and ideas. If there is a charter issue, or we need help filling out a Quality Unit/JTE form, he's there for us. He's even offered to turn our charter in for us! Our UC is also an employee at the local Scout Store--once when it was COH night, and there were a few last minute merit badges needed with no time to go get them, I called our UC at the store and sort of jokingly asked if he could "deliver". Expecting a different answer, he just said, "No problem, what time's your ceremony?" Now THAT'S service above and beyond!


If you don't have a Unit Commissioner, contact your district and be persistent until you get one! Every unit is entitled to one! They really DO make a difference!

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My guess is that there are peacocks as you put it, in any position. Our UC is awesome and very helpful. He's an incredible resource on district matters, events, deadlines, etc. He helps us out with re-charter, JTE, and our districts (more strict) quality unit award. He attends all our committee meetings and offers wise advice that comes from eons of experience. He attends our big events (like B&G). In other words, he is invaluable.


However, I can also TOTALLY see the three row knots type of guy mentioned by Basement being a giant PITA. I have met several of those at district events. Those are the types that (as I mentioned in a completely unrelated thread) I really don't believe are in it for the boys.

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"They even told us we are on our own to find our own leaders. The only support they give is the use of the rooms and gym. I will say, they have been very accommodating when it comes to the use of the facilities."

You are really in a good position and would take a pause before moving to another CO.  A CO asking the Pack leadership to find their own leaders is common simply because you and the other Pack leaders are in the best position to spot potential candidates. 

I'm a CM, a member of my CO (church) and meet with the IH and COR often.  Both of them are friends. That said, they still request that we find our own candidates for leadership positions because we're in the best position to do that.  The CO's job is to approve the leadership or remove them.  I will further say that being a active member of my church CO provides and advantage in regards to maintaining a familiar relationship with the CO.


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