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Sir Baden-Powell Hid Maps in Insect Drawings


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The drawing's creator Robert Baden-Powell, in his 1915 book My Adventures as a Spy, wrote:

“This sketch of a butterfly contains the outline of a fortress, and marks both the position and power of the guns. The marks on the wings between the lines mean nothing, but those on the lines show the nature and size of the guns, according to the keys below.â€

It was espionage by entomology.


See explanation at source link below.



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This seems like something that is lost from scouting..... all of the true "Scout" stuff.... (Army Scout stuff)


I don't know....perhaps boys today don't get a charge about this sort of stuff

but I was thinking about animal tracking the other day at summer camp.

I see some mention of animal footprints in the books, but I really just don't see much interest or focus given to any of this sort of "adventure"

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I think the BSA could really use some injection of excitement by having a president or some other very prominent key player be a real "spy" or special forces scout.  Someone for young boys to emulate.  I keep going to Bear Grylss, given his connection to the brits' scouting program....


but this kind of stuff gives some interesting teeth I think to map reading, map making, and art.


Another example...... in the basketry merit badge class.... why not make a fish trap instead of a pretty basket?  Give it some teeth!

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