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Scout Law responsive reading for many faiths


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I am working to put together a Scouts Own service and would like to include a responsive reading of religious texts corresponding with the 12 points of the Scout Law.


There is an example of one here: http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/Media/Relationships/ascoutisreverent/ss04.aspx and there are two examples here: http://www.macscouter.com/scoutsown/Readings.asp


However I am looking for a version (or versions) that includes texts from a wider variety of religious sources, not just the Judeo-Christian Bible. I've seen such versions before, but sadly didn't keep the programs from those services and my Googling isn't turning anything up.


I'd like to have a version that uses quotes from the Holy Bible (Christian), the Torah (Jewish), the Quran (Islamic), the Book of Mormon (LDS), the Vedas (Hindu), the Tripitaka (Buddhist), Native American prayers, sacred texts, etc. to show the commonalty of the values of the Scout Law throughout the various religions and provide a representation of a wider range of religions.


Any help in finding, or creating, a many-faiths Scout Law responsive reading would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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  • 5 months later...

For Son #2's ECoH, I took a slightly different take ... touching on some of the favorite activities of our boys, the sergeant at arms called up a recent alumnus to read this while lighting 12 candles:


The scout law reminds of the essential things people have come to expect from first class scouts.

Trustworthy: what the climber needs when you are on his belay.

Loyal: what your countrymen need when it’s time to take a stand.

Helpful: how tents get pitched, wood gets chopped, and meals get served.

Friendly: what the newbie needs on his/her first night in the woods.

Courteous: what people need to feel respected and glad to know you.

Kind: what people and wildlife need from you to grow strong and good.

Obedient: what the rangemaster, lifeguard, and all those guides, need to provide a safe experience for you and your mates.

Cheerful: what bad days need for everyone to enjoy a new dawn.

Thrifty: what super-activities need for you to afford them.

Brave: what people need from you during those dark hours.

Clean: what our minds need to stay true and our bodies need to stay strong.

Reverent: what our soul needs when we’ve come short in any of the above, or when we want someone to thank for all of the above.

A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.

Edited by qwazse
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Very nice qwazse! And SMMatthew this probably the better way to go. Mixing different sacred texts run the risk of offending everybody.

Glad you liked it. BTW, I make no qualms about offending anybody. I just wanted to provide an example of how to guide boys who aren't versed in religion to assemble something that comes from the heart.


The group who heard this was Christian (of various sects), and they had all heard the classic version that intertwines Bible verses with the 12 points. They certainly wouldn't have minded hearing it again, but Son #2 wanted a brief ceremony, and I wanted to focus on the boys' memories (some glorious, some tragic). These lines were boiled down from what the boys or others said about the troop/crew over the past few years. I knew I hit it out of the park when the SPL gave the script the once-over and his eyes lit up when he came to this page.

Edited by qwazse
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Sergeant at arms?  Newbie?

A couple of years ago, we were having so many ECoHs that SPL and SM couldn't attend all of them, so starting with one Son#2 and I were working, I modified scripts with more generic names, SaA and MoC.

If your troop only gets recruits via Webelos, I suppose you would use "crossover." But about half our scouts are in troop/crew situations where it could be a 14 year old's first time to sleep under canvass (or open sky, in the case of one venturer), so "newbie" covered everyone present.

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