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National Park Service To Explore an LGBT Theme

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Hi all!


I guess my reasoning behind opening this thread was to put into perspective that the National Park Service is going to make an effort to show how persons of one particular sexual orientation (no, I'm not making this about "sex" so please don't make that argument) have influenced our nation's history.


Yes, the BSA is a private institution. I know this! But we are also a household institution in the United States and I think it's high time we recognize that fact and get with the 21st century. Wisconsin just dropped the ban on same-sex unions. Hooray!

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And I think it is far past the time to simply let the local units run themselves as they see fit, as long as it does not stray outside the basic foundational standards nor trespass on other units' choices. It particularly time to STOP the politicalization of BSA and simply let it evolve on its own. A nudge is helpful, but a shove can put you over the edge. Most of the people and groups doing the public baying have little or no actual involvement with the program and have almost no concern for the actual unit functions.

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And I think it is far past the time to simply let the local units run themselves as they see fit, as long as it does not stray outside the basic foundational standards


How is that any different from what the BSA has been saying it has been doing for decades, keeping in mind that excluding gays and atheists were considered part of their foundational standards?

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Most of the people and groups doing the public baying have little or no actual involvement with the program and have almost no concern for the actual unit functions.


Most of the people doing the public baying have a visceral hatred for Scouting and would simply like to see it go away. Always look at the big picture. Evil is very, very patient.


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