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Hint to Santa


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The new book, "Boy Scouts of America: A Centennial History" ($35 list), is available on Amazon.com for $23.10 and I saw it at a Barnes and Noble store yesterday for 20% off list price ($28). Note, this is the book only, not the $300 "collector's edition" with all the extra doo-dads.

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Extra doo-dads is right! I'd need an extra closet to keep all that stuff.


(See http://tinyurl.com/ybs9gr6, which is a link to the official BSA Supply site, as is http://tinyurl.com/y8a9sqg, which has information about the collector's edition and a link to the page for the book itself.)


The book itself does look good and not outrageously priced for what it is.

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After numerous complaints from my troop's adults, some who are leaving Scouting, I thought I would post this.


Dear Santa,

Please tell those 3 fat guys down in Irving (refer to your naughty list) to drop the weight chart from the new Health form as though well-intended, it has had a detrimental impact on our anniversary 2010 outdoor program and adult leadership.


As you know Santa, mostly, it is the FOS (Fat Old Scouters) who are the busy, hard-working, multi-tasking volunteer elves helping kids, teaching new FOS, and donating to something else called FOS.


So far this weight chart has prevented many seasoned adult leaders from participating in the very outdoor scout adventure programs which they joined to help with. In our troop, our fall canoe trip was canceled. Three great ASM (Assistant Santa Merrymakers) decided not to re-register at recharter. Two of those leaders were coordinating next summer's high adventure trip so that trip has been canceled too.


And guess what Santa, standing on the sidelines has made our remaining FOS only fatter and if they don't attend neither do their kids!


Please Santa, help put the fun back in Scouting by making scout activity participation a doctor and patient decision.


We would also like a million Boy Scouts registered for the 100th anniversary next year.


We would also like National to spend more effort and money helping save old local scout camps for those million scouts, and less time conceptualizing 'pillars' in yet another 4-year plan.


Merry Christmas,

we FOS south of the North Pole



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Ditto from another FOS who will probably retire from Scouting soon. I can take a hint. Agree with the Dr/Pt relationship...but I suspect the Obama/Reid/Pelosi gang will also dictate to us. I can predict it now..."in order to get the taxpayer subsidy on your mandatory health insurance, you MUST adhere to these standards for weight/smoking/diet/lifestyle." Far-fetched? Nothing would surprise me now.

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Though I was a scout, I'm new to the adult side of scouting. Don't the physical requirements mostly restrict high-adventure and remote activities? I don't remember a hard limit to simply be a volunteer but I'll have to reread that.


BTW, Santa can't bring you that stuff silly. He doesn't meet the physical or safety requirements!

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Welcome to the boards, abd welcome to being either a Gray Area Scouter (GAS), i.e. 18-21 so you are a yotuh for OA and vent programming, but an adult for everythign else, or an Old Fogey, i.e. anyone over 21.


As for the H/W requirements, as of 1 January 2010, the new physical will go into effect, and it does have H/W requirements. LOTS of controversy on that one. But you can look it up here and on Scouting Community.


HMMMMM guess my DE is going on a diet as he just became the Business director for summer camp and doesn't meet H/W requirements.

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As for my letter to Santa:



Dear Santa,


I've been a very good boy this year, balancing Scouting and family. Helps that oldest is now a Tiger. So for Christmass I want a MSR Whisperlite International Stove and 30 oz fuel bottle.That way when wife makes me play pack mule for family camping, I at least have a lite weight stove that can also be used at Philmont.


Thank you very much




PS can you also have national bring back knee socks. Don't care if they do away with the red tops, just bring back the kneee socks.


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