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ASTRONAUTS SCOUTING RECORDS (Includes Current International Astronauts)


EAGLE: Current: Bowersox, Chamitoff, Forrester, Fossum, Fullerton, G.H. Johnson, Lindsey, Parazynski, Pettit, Tanner; Former: Adamson, Armstrong, Bagian, Bluford, Brady, Carr, Covey, Creighton, Duke, W. Gregory, Hoffman, Jones, Lee, Lind, Llewellyn (King's Scout, U.K.), Lovell, McCulley, O'Leary, Oswald, Reightler, Searfoss, Truly; Deceased: Carter, Chaffee, Eisele, Griggs, McCool, Onizuka, See, D. Walker


LIFE: Current: M. Baker, Brand, Bridges, Casper, F. Gregory, Kregel, W. McArthur, Poindexter, Robinson; Former: Anders, Cooper, Fabian, G. Gardner, Low, Mattingly, Mitchell, D. Scott, Spring, Springer, van Hoften; Deceased: Bassett, D. Brown, Evans, Givens, C. Williams


STAR: Current: Barry, Marshburn, Noguchi, J. Williams; Former: Cameron, England, W. Fisher, Garriott, R. Gibson, Gordon, Haise, Lounge, Stafford; Deceased: Grissom, McNair


1st Class: Current: C. Anderson, Bloomfield, Camarda, Foreman, Linnehan, Oefelein, Reilly; Former: J. Allen, Bean, Clifford, Coats, Edwards, Engle, D. Gardner, E. Gibson, Hammond, Nelson, Schirra, Schweickart, W. Scott, Worden; Deceased: Freeman, Henize, Overmyer, Shepard, Veach


2nd Class: Current: Altman, Herrington, Parker, Woodward, Young Bolden, Buchli, Carpenter, Cernan; Former: Culbertson, Mullane, Pogue, Shriver, W. Thornton; Deceased: Husband, Swigert, White


TENDERFOOT: Current: Bursch, Garan, Hawley, Kopra, Love, S. Smith; Former: Aldrin, Lousma, McDivitt, Michel, P. Richards, Schmitt


EXPLORER: Current: Barratt; Former: O'Connor, D. Williams


GIRL SCOUT: Current: Cagle, E. Collins, Currie, Davis, A. Fisher, Higginbotham, Hire, Lawrence, Magnus, K.M. McArthur, Metcalf-Lindenburger, Morgan, Nowak, Stefanyshyn-Piper, Janice Voss; Former: Helms, Jernigan, Kilrain, Seddon, Sullivan, K. Thornton, Weber; Deceased: Clark


CUB SCOUT: Current: Burbank, Carey, Dutton, Foale (Wolf, Germany), Gernhardt, Hadfield, Hobaugh, M. Kelly, S. Kelly, Lopez-Alegria, Loria, Massimino, Phillips, Readdy, Rominger, Sellers (Wolf), Thomas, D.R. Williams, Wolf; Former: A. Allen, C. Brown, Duffy, Henricks, Leestma, McBride, Meade, Musgrave, Shepherd, Thuot; Deceased: Conrad


WEBELOS: Current: Arnold, Drew, Fincke, Ford, Gorie, J. Kelly, Loria, Massimino, Noriega, Olivas; Deceased: M. Anderson


RANK UNKNOWN: Current: Morin, Polansky; Former: Bull, Harris, James Voss






Astronaut Fact Book, NASA (2006)


(This message has been edited by fgoodwin)

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According to a reader review at Amazon, Glenn's hometown didn't have a Scout Troop:John Glenn was always the Boy Scout of the astronauts, though interestingly he was never an actual Boy Scout. As we find here, his town didn't have a Boy Scout troupe, though a bunch of his friends and he formed their own, similar organizationhttp://www.amazon.com/John-Glenn-Memoir/dp/0553110748

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My wife refers to me as a 'space cadet' fairly often...does that count?

Heh, heh, my son - when he was just learning to speak - had heard her call me that so often that one day after I goofed on something, he looked at me and pointed, laughing, and said in his dyslexic way, "Papa, you're an astronaut!".

Hey, I'm IN! :)

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