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Eagle Scouts for Rick Perry

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Hiya evilleramsfan!


I actually don't know all that much about Governor Perry or his positions, but I reckon da current Republican presidential field could use some broadening. ;)


That having been said, there's a reason why da BSA doesn't like its trademarked terms like Eagle Scout to be used to endorse any political candidate (or soft drink or anything else). That's bad for Scouting. We're not a political movement, we're a patriotic movement.


So I think yeh should consider whether the values of an Eagle Scout include using the BSA's image and trademarks in a way that isn't appropriate. Yah, yah, yeh can wait for da BSA to threaten you with a trademark infringement action and in the mean time cause a lot of controversy and grief, but does that really fit with the Oath and Law? Let's keep scouting for the kids free from politicking, eh?


How about just settin' up "Patriotic-Minded Citizens for Rick Perry" or somesuch?




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Hey, Beavah-

The fact is that he is an Eagle Scout. I started the page to urge him to run his campaign by and stand by the values of scouting in this endeavor. It is an accomplishment of his that he should not hide or run away from. Should he use it as a shield? No. However, it has been clear that much of who he is today he attributes to his scouting experiences. The purpose here is to encourage him to run, but to hold himself to those ideals.


I don't see this as crossing that political line with the BSA. Now, if the organization or a chartered group within that organization endorsed him, then that is another matter. In this case, there is no trademark infringement. Someone can just as easily set one up as "Eagle Scouts opposed to Rick Perry"....I don't care. But I do care that he represents us just as any other Eagle would....

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Yah, yah, there are always ways to rationalize doin' the wrong thing, eh?


Much as we occasionally go off debatin' political issues for fun in this forum, let's keep scouting and the BSA and its symbols free from politics. Surely an Eagle Scout knows enough about citizenship to come up with other, more appropriate and effective ways of supportin' a politician they like, eh?


And surely Governor Perry, as an Eagle Scout, would understand the need to keep scoutin' non-partisan and non-political.




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A Scout is Trustworthy: Perry opposed the federal stimulus, and said loudly, over and over, that he wouldn't accept any of the federal stimulus money, took federal stimulus money anyway. Fail


A Scout is Loyal: Perry has suggested that seceeding from the USA is an option for Texas. Fail


A Scout is Helpful: Perry refused to tap into the state's $8 billion dollar "rainy day" fund to increase funding to Texas' SCHIP program (health care for children in poverty) despite a 25% rate of poverty among children in Texas. He cut funds to SCHIP instead. Fail


A Scout is Courteous: Despite overwhelming evidence that a fire originally categorized as arson wasn't an arson fire at all, Perry refused to put on hold the execution of a man who was convicted of an arson fire that killed his family. After being put to death, the final report issued 6 months later proved that the fire was not arson, and therefore the state convicted a man of a crime that was not committed. The State of Texas has executed an innocent man under Perry. Perry has since fired 3 of the members of the commission, replaced them, and is trying to bury the report. Fail


A Scout is Obedient: Perry declared, in a conference at BP, that the Gulf Oil Spill was an "Act of God". Though proving himself obedient to his corporate masters at BP, part of being obedient is knowing when tell your friends the truth. Fail


A Scout is Thrifty: Under Perry, Texas' debt has doubled. Fail


A Scout is Clean: Despite Texas having one of the worst pollution records in the country, Perry sued the EPA to be able to pollute the skies above Texas even more. Fail


A Scout is Reverent: Though it may seem he has this sewn up, his statements show that he has no respect for any religious beliefs other than his brand of Christianity. Fail


8 out of 12 failures of the Scout Law.


Reconsider the idea - not because Perry may/may not be a good candidate, but because if I can come up with a way to potentially turn his being an Eagle Scout into a negative, others can too - and that's not going to be good for the image of the BSA, will it?(This message has been edited by calicopenn)

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I expect that sooner or later you will be getting a letter from the BSA's legal department telling you to take down the group or face litigation.


I agree with others here a political election is no place to promote Eagle Scout support, it violates BSA policies and it is not what we train the boys about the election process. IMO, your group just shows poor judgement and bad taste.

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I found two other online examples.


Eagle Scouts for Romney (for 2008 campaign, but not updated since 2006): http://eaglescoutsformitt.blogspot.com/


Eagle Scouts for Gibbs (2010 candidate for Vermont secretary of state): http://gowithgibbs.com/eagle-scouts-for-gibbs-gibbs-campaign-announces-new-eagle-scout-coalition


There's also a spoof "article" which parodies the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth-type campaigns: http://www.myspace.com/2502649/blog/6400492

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Not this Eagle, either.


All I know about Perry is from reading his book about Scouting. The first half was interesting. But I was really turned off by the way he used Scouting to promote his brand of religion and politics.


Why are you urging him to run when it's been on the news for three day that he's announcing today in Charleston?

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Well you and Rick Perry can sit together in his Texas church and pray he is elected President, because it would literally take some heavy duty divine intervention for that guy to even stand a chance.


Scouting is not about taking sides in any political election, rather teaching the youth about doing their duty as a citizen and voting for who they think is the best candidate.

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