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I finished my ticket last week and talked to my troop guide last night.


Apparently, I'm the first in the patrol (though not the course) to finish, but my goal was to be finished by December (7 months from course completion). We're discussing when and where the beading should take place. My original thought was the annual Wood Badge Breakfast (end of next month), since there would hopefully be a number of scouting friends there, and possibly another beading from my patrol.


I am open, though, to having it done at a roundtable (though only 20 to 25 usually show up) or at one of my pack meetings. (The pack paid for my woodbadge course and was the focus of the majority of my ticket items).


Working my ticket taught me about group dynamics and pulling people together - I believe it was what the creators/designers/staffers of WoodBadge Course wanted the participants to experience.


I know I'm not finished learning - there's a whole Boy Scout World I'm just starting to explore with my older son.


All I know is, I'm Hooked on Scouting. (anyone hearing synchronized hand claps with classical music? lol)


More important to me than the beads, though, is the fun I've had watching the growth of my son and the other boys in his den. I've seen some quiet ones step up and take a leadership role quite capably. I hope I get to see many of the same things happen when my younger son becomes a Tiger in a few months.


All the best to everyone.




C-44-06 Fox


(Edited for grammar)(This message has been edited by tcherven)

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That's nice that your Pack paid for your Woodbadge course. I would strongly consider doing it at one of your Pack meetings. This way, the parents, scouts, and other leaders in your Pack can witness first hand something they helped you achieve. You will also have an opportunity to thank them personally at the time you receive your beads.


Congratulations and enjoy your day!!


P.S. - I will be taking Woodbadge this year and looking forward it. I have never attented a beading ceremony, so take my above advice for what it's worth.


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Congrats. It's a great feeling to get that accomplished, isn't it?


As for the presentation, it might be hard at a Pack Meeting. I did mine at a Court of Honor and most of the boys were bored. The parents were impressed, but the boys lost interest - the ceremony (although short), was long for their attention spans.


I'd suggest doing it at a Pack Committee meeting - if you have a good turnout and they are relatively formal. Or, perhaps some sort of parents meeting.



I used to be an Antelope!

SR-606(This message has been edited by EagleInKY)

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I too, have been thinking about my beading ceremony. I wrote my ticket so that I should have it done by May, but I don't know where or when I will get beaded.


I thought about my May pack meeting, but I don't think that anyone in the pack would even really care, except for the special guests that I invite, and it would make the Gilwell song very silent in some verses.


I though about Roundtable, but it tends to thin out as the weather gets warmer.


Our Disrict likes to do it at our annual dinner in April, but that's not possible for me, since the last item on my ticket is scheduled for the following week.


Our Gilwell reunion was last Saturday. I would have loved to have it there. It felt so special to have my patrol together while we watched one of our bears get beaded. Most of all, the Gilwell song was awesome to hear again! Plus, we had a good laugh at the slide show pictures!


So while I may complete my ticket in May, I may not get beaded until Sept. or Oct. I'm a bit disappointed, but I'm not really upset. I did it for the youth, not the beads. The beads will just have to wait.

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I just got the confirmation that my beading will be at the Annual Woodbadge breakfast tomorrow morning. My wife and I are shipping my boys off to grandma's house for an overnight sleep tonight, so she'll be able to join me. It was her generosity that allowed me to take the time to attend the class, so I want her to be there as well. (Maybe she'll become infected with some of the scouting spirit - who knows).

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