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what should I do with these?


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While cleaning out some boxes in my closet I came across a bunch (20-30) of patches from a council event that took place maybe 7-8 years ago. I don't know how I ended up with them, and as I don't collect or trade patches, I also don't want them. The patches are all in great shape. I feel sort of bad just pitching them in the trash, but I don't know whether anybody actually trades/collects these sorts of council event patches? What should I do with them?

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I had about 30 patches that a 65 year old "used to be a scout" gave me. All from late 60's to early 70's. 1st class Star , bugler, and some with red stars. I have no idea what they were to be honest.


Thought the pack might like them.


WEll, since they were not mine, nor did I earn them...they didn't have any meaning to me.


I tried to use them as instant awards for our cub scouts...Nobody wanted them.


I trid to see if any of our leaders aor neighboring leaders wanted them..no takers.


I offered them up at RT to anybody who collects them. I think one guy took one patch.


In the end, I sent about 12 or 13 of them to the ASM of Troop 246 of Cradle of Liberty Council . He is a member of this site.

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Many patches have no real value except to the person who earned them. OTOH, you never know what somebody three states over may be collecting. My advice is to list the duplicate patches on eBay for a nominal price - maybe 50 cents, or a dollar each. If there is interest, collectors will bid the price up to market value and you can donate the proceeds to your local unit. If no one bids on the patches, then I would just hand them out to any interested youngsters at your next camporee along with a copy of the requirements for the Collections Merit Badge. :)

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Thanks for all of the suggestions! The event was way back in 2003 and I honestly have NO IDEA who was there, or how to find most of them, anyway. So I'll take up a few of the other ideas, to get the patches (or proceeds) into hands of scouts who can use them.



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Lisabob, I've been at the receiving end several times of a handful of patches here and there as you have on hand from "retired" leaders. I keep a briefcase on hand, which was also given to me with patches in it which I take to scouting events where I've been invited to display my collection. Scouts are allowed to take a patch or pin from the treasures in the briefcase. I've been to pack meetings where you thought the briefcase was full of money and to other events where the cubs were well restrained, polite and all remembered to thank me for the patch.


I'm still going through a bunch I was given last fall, all from the 60's. Some of those (a New England lodge first issue--can't recall which one right off and several "Trader Bill" patches) may go to auction instead of being given away and the proceeds will go into our local campership fund to help send scouts to camp.


Maybe you can find someone down your way who happens to give patches away.

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