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Advancement is like a suntan


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This may be better in the history section, but it has relevance here.


I have seen this quoted a lot, but I can't find the source.


Baden-Powell put it this way: Advancement is like a suntanSomething you get naturally whilst having fun in the outdoors.


I suspect it isn't a direct quote because BP seldom used the term advancement.


Can anyone tell me where it comes from?(This message has been edited by bnelon44)

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Aids to Scoutmastership is here:



It has an interesting chapter on training but I don't see anything about a suntan in it. He doesn't use the word advance or advancement. Nor does he allude to advancement being natural and you just let the boy go and he naturally advances. Instead the Scoutmaster takes an active part in guiding the Scout towards skills the Scout takes a liking to. No "I expect a First Class Scout to know _____ " fill in the blank.

(This message has been edited by bnelon44)

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Some progress:


I found a phrase in a 1981 version of Scouting Magazine (pg 20) as a "Front Line Stuff" comment that is similar. It is from an advancement chairman in Cleveland. So a similar, but different phrase, has been around that long. He said, "A boy advances in the Scout program the same way he acquires a suntan, by having fun in the right climate." This phrase has a different meaning from the one I posted on the 1st post though.


Still looking for who the original author said it (unless this is the guy)

(This message has been edited by bnelon44)

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If only outdoorsmen were as good as office workers at getting fake Baden-Powell quotes to stick:


"Leadership skills are like a suntan-Something you get naturally whilst leading your Patrol into the backwoods without Adult Association" (Baden-Powell, Founder of Scouting).




"Replacing Wood Badge with office theory is like getting a suntan under fluorescent lights" (Baden-Powell, Founder of Scouting).




"Troop leadership training is like a suntan--something you get naturally whilst camping your Patrol 100 yards from the others" (Baden-Powell, Founder of Scouting).


Yours at 300 feet,





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Well do not know about Kudu's quote #1 & #3 from BP.. But, I know quote #2 is not from BP.. BP was no longer with us by the time that WB 21st century, altered the original WB..


I have heard things about the original WB, from people who took it, that did not have Kudu's love of it.. From them I was informed there was a lot of bullying, both while training the staff and toward the participants.. So don't know about the scoutcraft verses the leadership training.. But, the way the new WB treats those who staff and participate has greatly improved..


There most definately was a good ol' boys group in that program, and they felt everyone else was worthless.

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Is advancement also like ticks, fleas, and chiggers? One can get those naturally by whilst having fun outdoors.


Suntans are: unnecessary; silly things to be proud of; sometimes sought for vanity's sake; damage your skin beyond a very modest amount


A wise person exercises some discipline and structures the extent to which he's exposed to the sun. Perhaps some discipline and structure might be useful in other areas too.


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