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Sub Catagories of Inactive


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Okay, I'm just joking around here. Trying to toss out some humor in a subject that causes some irritation - to say the least.


We all have our own ideas of what ACTIVE and INACTIVE MEAN.

(so does an on-line dictionary )


active: [ak-tiv]


adjective 1. engaged in action; characterized by energetic work, participation, etc.; busy: an active life.

2. being in a state of existence, progress, or motion: active hostilities.

3. involving physical effort and action: active sports.

4. having the power of quick motion; nimble: active as a gazelle.

5. characterized by action, motion, volume, use, participation, etc.: an active market in wheat; an active list of subscribers.

6. causing activity or change; capable of exerting influence (opposed to passive ): active treason.

7. effective (opposed to inert ): active ingredients.

8. Grammar. noting or pertaining to a voice of verbal inflection in which typically the subject of the sentence is represented as performing the action expressed by the verb (opposed to passive ): Writes in He writes a letter every day is an active verb form.

9. requiring or giving rise to action; practical: an active course.

10. (of a volcano) in eruption.

11. Accounting. profitable; busy: active accounts.

12. requiring personal effort or attention; not automatic: an active alarm system.

13. interest-bearing: active paper.

14. Medicine/Medical. acting quickly; producing immediate effects: active remedies.

15. Sociology. (of a crowd) engaging in purposeful activity, often of a militant nature. Compare expressive (def. 4).

16. Aerospace. able to transmit signals: an active communications satellite.

17. Electronics. (of a device or system) acting as a source of electrical energy, as a generator, or capable of amplifying or converting voltages or currents, as a transistor or diode.

18. (of a solar heating system) accumulating and distributing solar heat by mechanical means.

19. Military. serving on active duty.


noun 20. Grammar. a. the active voice.

b. a form or construction in the active voice.


21. an active person, member, subscriber, etc.: The circular was mailed only to the actives on our list.

22. Informal. something showing considerable action or activity: On the stock market there was heavy trading in the actives.



inactive:  [in-ak-tiv]


adjective 1. not active: an inactive volcano.

2. sedentary or passive: an inactive life.

3. sluggish; indolent.

4. Military. not on active duty.

5. Chemistry. a. inert; unreactive.

b. noting a compound that has no effect on polarized light.


So what if we broke inactive down. Maybe into different ranks the same way scouts are, IE: Tenderfoot, 1st class, Eagle ...to name a few. Why not rank them in their inactivity?



If the Scout does not initiate communication, the unit leader is to contact the Scout and ask if the youth wishes to remain in Scouting. If the answer is negative, then the unit leader should no longer communicate with the Scout. If the answer is affirmative, the unit leader should provide the unit calendar.



After six months of nonparticipation, the unit leader may cease to contact with the youth and drop the Scout from the unit at recharter time.


reactivate: [ree-ak-tuh-veyt]

verb (used with object) 1. to render active again; revive.


verb (used without object) 2. to be active again.



WEll?LOL! What do you think?


While your at it, why not come up with word and definitions for other things pertaining to scouting!

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