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2010 Changes to Advancement


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Here is a list of changes to the advancement requirement changes: http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/BoyScouts/AdvancementandAwards/2010RankUpdates.aspx

Tenderfoot A Scout must teach another person how to tie a square knot using the EDGE model (explain, demonstrate, guide, and enable). He must also be able to discuss four specific examples of how he lived the points of the Scout Law in his daily life.

Second Class A Scout must discuss the principles of Leave No Trace and explain the factors to consider when choosing a patrol site and where to pitch a tent. He must explain what respect is due the flag of the United States. He must again discuss four examples of how he lived four different points of the Scout Law in his daily life. He must earn an amount of money agreed upon by the Scout and his parents and save at least 50 percent of it.

First Class An additional requirement to the 10 separate troop/patrol activities states he must demonstrate the principles of Leave No Trace on these outings. He must discuss four more examples of how he lived the remaining four points of the Scout Law in his daily life.

Life A Scout must use the EDGE model to teach a younger Scout a specified skill.

Star, Life, and Eagle Troop Webmaster and Leave No Trace trainer are two new leadership positions.(This message has been edited by jet526)(This message has been edited by jet526)

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Looks like there *might* be a typo on the scouting.org site (as hard as that is to believe :-)


When I had a look at the new Handbook at PTC in June, the 2 new PORs were only valid for Star and Life, not Eagle, as I had posted at the time.



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Could be, or there have been changes since the draft you saw at PTC. For example, your had mentioned that the using EDGE to teach a younger scout a specific skill was for Star but now looks to be for Life.


I have mixed feeling on non-Eagle applicable PORs. For example, I wish Bugler was applicable for Eagle. I don't see the point in the LNT Trainer, wouldn't that just be a part of an Instructor's duties anyway?

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I see EDGE as a useful tool, but more along the lines of a "management" than "leadership" model. I would be disappointed to see this as part of any requirements.


I would rather see a First Class requirement to participate in a troop level leadership training program and a Life or Eagle requirement to participate in a Council level leadership program.


There is still good in NYLT, I can sense it. We can turn it back from the Dark Side if we all remain focused....(This message has been edited by Buffalo Skipper)

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He must earn an amount of money agreed upon by the Scout and his parents and save at least 50 percent of it.


For a 2nd Class Scout? Huh?


I understand the point but what time frame is this money earned in & how long does he have to save it? Is there a minimum amount he must earn? Does allowance from his parents count?


Way too many variables!


EDGE is just a fancy acronym for teaching. It really bugs me when someone repackages decades old material under a new acronym & pawn it off as new.(This message has been edited by evmori)

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It's been at least two weeks since you got home. That's more than enough time for someone to make a change :(




Buzzword!!! BINGO!!!




I'll let Kudu rant on this one. The first rule of Acronym Management is never use the acronym the first time it's introduced. Instead, spell it out.


The learning technique behind EDGE is valid, it combines, aural, visual, demonstrate, and do behaviors. It's a bloody BUZZWORD though.



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Could be changes have been made (i.e. EDGE for Life vs. Star, and new PORs for Eagle), although I got my info straight from the new Handbooks being passed around at PTC and not off a data sheet or a website. In particular, the no-new-PORs for Eagle is one that I definitely saw in the Handbook that I was able to look at.


Well, at least that's the story I'm sticking with!! :-)


We'll see come August when the new Handbooks are available.



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Thread hijack time.


Sorry, but the discussion raised a question regarding POR's


My son is nearing Star rank but hit a snag with POR.


The requirement is to have a POR while First Class and it gives off a long list. The list does not include Asst. Patrol Leader.


He's been PL and APL his entire time as a scout. Was also acting SPL for summer camp two weeks ago. Right now, he's APL.


Does Asst. Patrol Leader count for Star rank and it's just an ommission in the book?


I know in his particular case, he's a very active APL.

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What, nobody "accidentally" slipped one of the new handbooks into their backpack? ;-)


The position of Leave No Trace trainer is going to cause some massive confusion between certified LNT Trainers (capital T), who have gone through a two-day course, and unit trainers (lowercase T). Surely they could have picked another word - coordinator, organizer, chief, leader, consultant, instructor...

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On a positive note, I think differentiating between Star and Life PORs and Eagle PORs is a good thing. I encourage my Scouts to server as PL, ASPL or SPL for their Eagle POR, although I don't (and can't) make it a hard requirement. I wouldn't mind it if the separated a few more out.


Webmaster is a good addition too. We've had one on an off for several years and have always treated it as a Scribe or Historian with specific duties for the web site..

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