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Boy Scout Rank Advancement, who signs off?


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I've heard that only the SM or ASM can sign off on rank advancement items except BOR. I've also heard that Scouts above First Class can sign off for ranks below First Class except SM Conference and BOR. So, what's the real answer?


Thanks you in advance.


Gonzo1(This message has been edited by Gonzo1)

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Anyone the Scoutmaster has asked may sign a boy's book. If that is a boy, it's recommended that the boy already have earned the rank for the requirement he is signing. Obviously the SM must monitor this closely for quality control, including (especially?) other adults he has authorized. I've found boy leaders to generally be more attentive to ensuring the Scout fully meets the requirement than other adults.

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Concur with both above. Read the advancement guide and it will tell you that the Scoutmaster is in charge of advancement. If one reads the Scoutmaster Handbook, it states that the Scout's "leader" may sign off on requirements. Their "leader" is defined by the Scoutmaster. The Scoutmaster may assign a specific Assistant Scoutmaster to sign-off on 1st aid requirements, a specific Troop Guide to sign-off on knot specific requirements and only himself for the rest for example.

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Yah, what they said, eh?


The Boy Scout is tested

"A Scout may be tested on rank requirements by his patrol leader, Scoutmaster, assistant Scoutmaster, a troop committee member, or [any other] member of his troop. The Scoutmaster maintains a list of those qualified to give tests and to pass candidates."


but for MB's:

"The Scout's merit badge counselor teache and tests on the requirements for merit badges." (ACP&P #33088D p. 24)


Usually, most active youth-run troops allow PL's and other boys who are Star and Above to sign T-2-1 requirements, and also allow ASMs, but not a boy's parent or committee members. Usually the SM reserves da Scout Spirit requirement and S-L-E requirements to himself or an ASM who is working very closely with the boy (ex. ASM - new scouts with Troop Guide).


But any combination is possible, eh? The SM decides what makes most sense for her/his troop and the staff he has. Bullyin' or experience problem? Maybe only adults sign for a bit. New, inexperienced ASMs? Maybe only kids sign for a bit.


Yah, but it's worth sayin' that the guidelines do seem to suggest that the Patrol Leader is the first, best choice much of the time. ;)



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