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Current MB Requirements


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Every time I start a MB for a boy/boys, I double check that the requirements haven't changed. I also have my son double check anytime he starts a new badge.


I always print out a couple of copies of the current requirements, so that we are all on the same page. I think one of the MB I do has changed requirements 3 times in the last 7 years.


Just because the requirements change, doesn't mean that you have to throw away the MB books, I just cross out the requirements and say updated. Usually the information is still mostly current, but that may not be the case with your MB.



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That's a very interesting interpretation of the rules for an open merit badge.


Feedback is a gift. First, let me make sure I understand what your Council Advancement Committee says:


When a MB has a requirements update, work done under the old requirements has a six month shelf life, after which the youth must re-start the badge.


Did I correctly interpret the message your Council Advancement Committee sent?


Of course, here is my question back to the Council: How do you know what requirements were used? The Advancement report only calls for MB completion!

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I've always thought that the only time you couldn't finish a MB under old requirements was when National said it, and they give the time frame. I've only seen once, but I've been told they have done several times.


My son finally finished up Life Saving MB, in the mean time the requirements had changed. It was a good thing he had the old MB book, so the instructor could go by the old requirements. My son wasn't big enough to do the swimmer rescue his first year at camp, and put it off a couple of years because he was too busy with other MB's. Since this counselor was going to be signing off on the whole MB, he talked to my son to know that he had met all the other requirements.


My understanding was that if you start a MB, and the requirements change, then the boy can decide to finish with the old ones, or start over with the new ones.



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Had to look for scoutldrs original post to find out what this thread was about. The six month grandfather clause refers to merit badges that change after Jan 1 and National wants them implemented before Jan 1 of the next year. National assigns a date mid year when the new requirements must be used, until that date a boy can begin under either set of requirements. Once a boy begins a merit badge and earns a partial he can complete the badge under the requirements he started with until his eighteenth birthday. There is no shelf life. Once requirements change a boy can not begin working on a badge under the old requirements. A boy with a partial can switch to the new requirements if he chooses but he must complete all of the new requirements. It is the decision of the MBC as to whether the requirements earned under the old rules satisfy the new requirement.



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You and I appear to agree, but that does not sound like how Scoutldr's Council Advancement Committee is interpreting the policy.


I'm not going to speculate, instead I shall patiently wait for ScoutLdr to give feedback to my active listening (reading) of his input.

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The best way to be sure you have the current requirements for any advancement, both meritbadges and rank, go to www.usscouts.org. They have the most up-to-date info I have found on the internet and is currently up-to-date as far as I can tell. I used to go to www.meritbadge.com, but it hasn't been updated lately and some of the newest changes are not included there. www.usscouts.org is the best place to check on the changes.

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Welcome to the Campfire Mr Grayray.


I have a problem.


BSA National should be the folks who are putting Requirements online. Paying $x.xx for a book should be Plan B anymore.


Unfortunately, BSA National doesn't.


USScouts does.


The document of record, we should all remember, is Requirements. I'm just glad USScouts copies it for the wired world. :)

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OK, moderator, you locked the wrong thread. This is the one that should have gone away.


The original post (which I don't have any more) was passed out at the last RT meeting, which I didn't attend, so I'm not privy to any discussion or explanation which may have occurred. What you saw is what i know at this point. I also agree the "6 month" interpretation is wrong.

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