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Scouting Software


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I am seeking advise on Scouting software. I have found several on the market (troopmaster, pack n' file, scoutmate, etc.) that track advancement, finances, membership, etc...


I am looking for something that is a good tool while being a good value at the same time. Can anyone offer some opinions what they use or have used? Thanks.

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Echoing Ed on Troopmaster.


One caution: Ask your DE for a ScoutNet download, in hard copy, if you are moving from paper records to software, OR if you are a new Troop.




ScoutNet has very specific formats, and apparently keys on names, not necessarily BSA membership numbers. You can save yourself agony by having identical data between your Troop "database of record" and ScoutNet's "database of record."


Finally, once you have your database up and running, reconcile the records at least once a year. Hopefully Internet advancement will reduce this problem, but data entry in my Councils' registrar shop has at times been a creative art.

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I have used ScoutTrack (http://www.scouttrack.com/) in a Cub Scout Pack and now TroopMaster in our troop. For me it is important to make the most of my limited time with technology where I can.


ScoutTrack has the advantage of being completely internet based so multiple leaders can enter information at the same time. It does a good job on advancements but does not do the fanatical part. There is a reasonable yearly service fee and for that as many leaders and parents can sign in as you want.


We have TroopMaster with the .Net and Ledger additions. We are using Ledger but I am not involved so dont really know how it works. With TroopMaster.Net multiple leaders can have a copy on there local machine and can change and update the master database on the internet. When one leader has it open, all others are locked out of making changes untils that leader signs off. They can download a read only copy.


Both work well so I guess it mostly depends on how you are going to use it.


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I'm not necessarily a Luddite, but I really, really like having the info on one PC, with a backup on someone elses' machine.


The man or woman entrusted with pack or troop records management has social security numbers, drivers licenses, details on the youth members, ... need I continue? We've seen in the past three years several major targets of privacy hacking. I am just not willing to accept the risk of pushing databases out to someone elses' host.


I don't think BSA has had to contend with an information liability suit ... yet.

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