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  1. Well they fixed one problem but when you try to upload something you get the page cannot be displayed and it doesn''t update the file.
  2. I''ve sent 2 e-mails to the to report the problem but still nothing.
  3. Is anyone else having problems trying to upload changes to your website being hosted at scouter.com? After I log in I get the following message: Microsoft VBScript runtime error ''800a004c'' Path not found /hosting/webaccount.asp, line 220
  4. Ed It definately looked better before the bear went thru it. When the bear went thru she just about ripped the tent off the platform.
  5. OGE I was there when that happend. I mean it was in our site, we shared the site with another troop and the boy was from the other troop. The other thing was the boys had plastic bags tied to the end of their bunks for garbage and you could guess what was in the bags, empty candy bar wrappers, etc. I have pictures of what the tent looked like after the bear went thru it as well as the boys foot locker. I tell the boys not to leave garbage around or in their tents and we have one boy assigned during summer camp to take what garbage their is dumpster every night.
  6. I have a sample that is a word document that I use in word's mail merge. If you would like it send me a private message with your e-mail address.
  7. Hershey Park also has a scout weekend at the end of August.
  8. We go to Goose Pond, its run by the NE Pa Council. http://www.nepabsa.org/resource/camp/gpsr-guide.pdf
  9. Don't forget there is no www. in front of the web address for scouter.com, The troop and pack I am associated with has a web site hosted here.
  10. I was a Cub Scout and made it to Tenderfoot as a Boy Scout before quitting for sports. When our son was going into First Grade my wife came home from a Parent Teacher meeting and said some one from Cub Scouts talked to them and that this would be something good for our son. That was 11 years ago and at first I didn't want to be a leader, but ended up being his Den Leader, Webelos Leader, CubMaster, and when he crossed over Assistant ScoutMaster and now ScoutMaster. He made Eagle Scout last year and is now an Assistant Scoutmaster. I also serve on the district Cub Scout Round Table and District Committee. The recruiting lesson I learned over the years is you will find a small number of people who really want to help and those who run away as soon as you mention you are looking for Leaders.
  11. http://troops.scouter.com/pa/mph2004
  12. We have had problems in the past with peoples checks bouncing and have a hard time getting the money from them. To eliminate this we require that the popcorn orders be prepaid. We will not submit any scouts order if they have not collected the full amount. This way we have no problems paying council when the money is due to them. By collecting all the money up front if a check should bounce we have time to go and collect the cash from them.
  13. You might also try your council scout shop. They may have the poster which shows all the religious awards on it and there is some information on the back.
  14. I would also suggest if you have a computer to get a computer version of the Eagle Project Workbook, it makes it easier to do revisions and corrections.
  15. I enjoy these: CaddyShack Animal House Young Frakenstien Blazing Saddles Monty Python and the Holy Grail any Three Stooges Movie
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