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Double Eagle

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Posts posted by Double Eagle

  1. Have you seen the length of blade on the long kitchen knife in a chef kit? GTSS reps and suppliers need to talk. Someone really needs to explain why we want to aviod large,fixed blade, locking blade, or sheath types. The knife isn't the problem, its the person using it. I have a few machettes and haven't lost an arm or leg. We have to educate and upgrade with experience. Like buying a car for teenagers (start with a beater up vs. mercedes).

  2. I recommend a lock blade that the blade is no longer than the user's palm is wide. The lockblade will ensure the blade doesn't close on fingers before wanting it to. The three things a scout does with a knife, 1. Sharpens it. 2. Cuts theirself. 3. Loses the knife. This is said with humor. #1 is good, 2 & 3 can be prevented with training and a bright colored retention cord.

  3. A good place to look is www.majorsurplusandsurvival.com for dutch ovens. They are cheaply priced and delivery is good. They seem to be a little thinner walled than lodge but good just the same. They are not seasoned but no biggee. A trivet is great for inside baking or underneath to keep the oven from crushing burning coals. Replacement of coals under a trivet is easier too. After owning 4 D.O. for years and using them every chance, my suggestion is to start small with the basics and play with ideas. Then determine your plans for increased or discontinued use.

  4. On another note, I wonder how many of the adults have service tattoos or their wife's name or patriotic themes. I wouldn't kick them out for having tattoos. Tolerance and diversity make this a great organization and country.

  5. a few years ago, an eagle candidate had a problem with hair length. I was on the OA dance team and had below shoulder length hair, I still was able to make eagle. I've learned that you have to give some identity to young men and if all they have is a ring, good going. Their are a lot worse things that could be encountered. Let them have their identity without overpowering them.

  6. Wear each ONE with pride. Each one has it's merits (pun intended). No one badge is more important than another. Whether one or fifty, each badge holds memories, experiences, and work that the scout earned the badge. Many times I'll ask eagle candidates which badge they liked the most and most times it is one of their first. It was what interested them. It was their first choice.

  7. If its the Jon-E kind that takes liquid fuel, the best thing to do is take off the top half of the warmer and let it burn faster. You will have to let it burn the fuel out. As an extreme, you could always dunk the element in snow or water. I don't recommend it.

  8. I don't take corners. I usually reinforce the rules and ask for their help with other scouts too. Putting them into the next training session. Having a law enforcement background, I wouldn't cut corners off your drivers license for speeding. A fine or harsh verbal warning is sometimes the right action.

  9. The problem is when a poor sheath is worn improperly it creates a potential stabbing for the wearer. Suggest a knife blade that is no longer than across their palm and is a lock blade. It won't fold back on small fingers and will be a managable size. I still love them but use them away from scouting events. A folder can be just as dangerous as a fixed blade. Education and proper use is the key to being safe.


  10. The price of training can be part of your camp budget. The syllabus covers what is required for camp, you'll get at least two 2" binders of stuff. Many cub day camp directors attend these and its a great way to network with other scouter that have the camp type programs in common. This is not for the usual troop, crew, or pack member. Mostly directors. It is good for 5 years.

  11. CBW, Welcome. I grew in the thumb area with the blue water council. I visit it from time to time and visit Silver Trails Scout Reservation and D-A Camp near Detroit. Enjoy the forum and don't let strong personalities stop you. Most of the posters are full of experience and their bark is worse than their bite.



  12. Was it done on a real bridge or just something made up. I think the real works great. I've done it once with a troop campout on the scout side. When the new scout crossed, they got to see the troop, campsite, and got to camp their first night with scouts. Prior prep is required by the troop, new scout, and his parents.(This message has been edited by Double Eagle)

  13. If you want an internal frame it should be at least 4800 cubic inches. If you want external frame: 4000 cubic inches. Be ready to carry at least 2 qts of water daily. An external keeps the pack inches from your body and allows air circulation. Visit backpacker.com gear review, campor web site for prices, and ask your local OA lodge and/or last council philmont crews.

  14. I've been in a large troop that only had the SPL and SM invited to the B&W/cross over. The pack had the event catered and didn't want a large group of boy scouts and their families at the B&W. It set a bad tone like those were the only important troop reps. We like to cross over on a walking bridge with the pack on one side and the troop on the other. Integrates better.

  15. This also tends to have the new scout patrol at different levels. A total cross over helps most. If the cross overs attend the first troop campout after the B&G/crossover, they may be camping in the snow. Not an ideal time for a first campout scout.

  16. Some boys aren't done with their AOL in Feb and need the extra time to make it. I doubt some will be held back from the AOl by running the Webelos 2 program from Sep-May. Extra time is not always bad. A den that grew up together can feel difficulty when crossed at different times.

  17. I favor the seperation of the two. Celebrate Cub style on B&G night. On the cross over, I like to have it in May. They attend the 1st BS campout in May before summer camp. This also allows for a 9 months in 2nd webelos not Sep-Feb. I feel the entire troop should be there for the cross over.

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