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David CO

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Everything posted by David CO

  1. My philosophy professor, who was a Catholic priest, would have said the exact opposite. My general impression is that most college professors are much more liberal in their thinking than the average person.
  2. Pope Francis is often a wonderful speaker. One of the things I like about him is that he usually speaks to us in a familiar way, using a more conversational language, rather than speaking in a boring, careful, legalistic, and pontifical manner. This sometimes causes confusion. Some people like to use his statements, given in a conversational style, to claim that he doesn't believe in or support the traditional teachings in our catechism. This is a mistake. I believe that the Four Marks of the Church (One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic) preclude the possibility of denomination. So I
  3. I don't agree with your statement that Catholic is a subset of christian.
  4. Yes, scouting is a vehicle for youth ministry. It always has been.
  5. Try being a teacher, and getting 150 students each day.
  6. Our patrols are divided primarily by food preferences. Fish or no fish?
  7. I've always assumed that the Chaplain's Aide takes his cue from the Chaplain.
  8. Do I understand you correctly? The unit was given their "marching orders" and they failed to comply? Did you comply? Did your son comply?
  9. My school does have an Outdoor Education Program. It is a very good program. I designed it myself, many years ago. My point is that registration numbers don't tell the whole story. The new policy has changed things in ways that may never show up on a ledger sheet.
  10. Not at all. The council is not local. The council is BSA.
  11. That was a very fair question, and I think it deserves an answer. I would like to see the local units thrive. But no, I have no reason to want BSA to thrive. There is a restaurant in my town that used to be part of chain. The chain has since gone bankrupt, and no longer exists, but the restaurant can still use the name and logo. The owner of the restaurant is absolutely thrilled with how this has turned out. He has all the advantages of having a recognizable name brand, but he no longer has to deal with all the interference from the chain management or pay the exorbitant franc
  12. I am taxed to support public schools, pools, and parks. It's involuntary. I have absolutely no choice in the matter. When I do have a choice in how to spend my money, I choose to do so in a way that better reflects my beliefs and values.
  13. It depends on which numbers you're looking at. My unit hasn't had any significant change in registration numbers due to the decision, but we have changed where we go camping. We don't go to BSA council camps anymore. The council camps were hurting before this decision. I wonder how they are going to do now? I have personally had a major change of attitude in regard to the rash of campground closings we have seen in recent years. I was previously very much opposed to closing the camps. I was very vocal about it. Now that we won't be using them anymore, why should I even care
  14. I strongly suspect that this is also true of Zuzy son's unit. The CO's lack of involvement and oversight may be at the very core of the problems in this unit.
  15. The role of the Chartered Organization is to own the unit, to appoint the unit leadership, to approve the unit membership, and to provide oversight and support for the unit's program and activities. Providing oversight is not the same as running the unit. Unit leaders may not see it, and may not even be aware of it, but the IH/COR do attend meetings where we learn about and discuss the proper role of the Chartered Organization.
  16. I don't agree with you that youth know things better than adults. Scouting is a game for boys, and I agree that we adults should step back and let the boys play their game. We adults are a little bit too old to be playing a boy's game, aren't we? We should not forget, however, that this game is adult owned and adult supervised. I have spent a lifetime teaching kids. I can tell you from experience that kids are generally not wiser or more competent than adults. They're still learning. We do occasionally do see a very gifted child who can outshine his teachers, but this is t
  17. This is simply not true. Everyone in a unit serves at the pleasure of the Chartered Organization. The IH and COR have the authority to remove any person, youth or adult, from any position at any time.
  18. Speaking of unprofessional behavior, SM might be able to say the same of UC. In my position, I have a lot of confidential info about our scouts and scout leaders that I can't take home and discuss with my family.
  19. I hadn't thought of that. I suppose it is possible that SM is following our conversation. Zuzy indicated on July 6, in the thread about SPL going to camp with a cast on his leg, that SPL was thinking of leaving the troop after he gets eagle. How many senior patrol leaders, with Asperger's, up for eagle, with a cast on his leg, happened to go to camp that weekend? Add to that the later posts saying dad is the unit's UC. It's possible, but I don't think it's likely. Qwazse does give us something to think about. Hmm?
  20. In the other thread, Zuzy indicated that UC (dad) already knows three units are interested in having SPL (son) after he eagles. How else would these three units know that SPL was planning to change units after he eagles if UC hadn't already told them so?
  21. It sounds to me like someone has tipped off the SM that SPL is shopping for a new unit. Perhaps it was one of the SM's that UC just contacted. I think this is an appropriate action. I wouldn't allow a SPL to remain in the units top youth position of responsibility while he is in the process of changing units. I would appoint the ASPL to take over until the new elections.
  22. Sure, it makes sense. A pastor doesn't think that there is enough interest to have his own scout unit. But then, someone points out to him that 20 or so of his parishioners are already registered in the scout unit chartered by the church down the street. It might even be a DE who suggests it. It might be the UC's idea. Regardless of who is pushing the idea, the chartering church down the street doesn't get a hint of what is going on until it is already a done deal.
  23. I don't see a spin-off as reflecting badly on the original unit.
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