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Posts posted by Chug

  1. Why do some atheists have such a bee in their bonnet about Scouts, Scouting worldwide has a spiritual dimension, if you're not prepared to accept this, that is your problem. My local sailing club insists that members can swim a minimum of 50m, this isn't bigoted against non-swimmers, it's the rules of the club. If you're not prepared to abide by the rules you can't join.

  2. If you're offering an exciting and varied program young people will naturally come to your troop. It's the reason that our Explorer Unit is full and with a waiting list whilst the other unit just down the road closed down due to lack of interest.


  3. Thanks to everyone who pm'd me, sorry I haven't replied yet but I was on winter camp at Gilwell last weekend. Once Mrs Chug has made her mind up she'll be in touch. If it's ok with everyone I'll pass on the details of the others who've pm'd me to other groups in our district.

  4. Beavah said; "Next time we want to force WOSM to do somethin', we're just goin' to claim that we have exclusive rights to "Scouting". "


    If it tried I think it would find the mocking laughter from the other WOSM members a bit upsetting.


    I also think the Birmingham Small Arms company might have something to say about the Boy Scouts of America using its internationally trademarked BSA acronym.

  5. Kudu writes: "Using your logic, if a UK organization folds under a heap of financial irregularities or child abuse allegations you can guarantee that some people will assume it is the BSA because of the use of the name "Scout."


    Plus, all UK Scouting associations (including the conservative Christian ones) allow gays and girls to join. By the BSA's definition of "Scouting" that is not "clean" or "morally straight." So if you are "Trustworthy" and honor the trademark treaties between our two great nations, you would be free to organize camping activities for your children as long as you don't call it "Scouting"!"


    If you are too much of a numpty to tell the difference between someone in the US setting up a youth organisation and calling it Scouts, and a sovereign countries Scout Association that's your problem. Of course I realise that you do know the difference and are just pursuing this line of argument to be awkward.


    BSA's policy on gays aside, I find it very telling that you've just described girls as unclean an immoral.

  6. "Chug from Great Britain writes:


    "The problem is, if that organisation later folds under a heap of financial irregularities or child abuse allegations you can guarantee that some people will assume it is the BSA because of the use of the name Scout."


    In that case the BSA should shut down all of the Scouting associations in Great Britain, especially since all three of them (even the conservative Christian group "The British Boy Scouts") violate the BSA's membership policies.


    If the BSA's "trademark" on Scouting is legitimate, Chug, then you are in violation of our two countries' trademark treaties!"


    Hmmm! Considering that Britain was the founding country, and that Scouting there predates the BSA by nearly 2yrs, makes this the daftest post I've read on these boards.


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