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Posts posted by Chug

  1. Eamonn


    Sorry I should have clarified. Either world or national. I personally would like to see the various world Scouting organisations reconciled, I believe BP would be very dissapointed to see his movement fragmented. Sorry, does that sound a bit like a beauty pagent contestant wishing for "world peace".

  2. We wear full uniform about once a month, except during the sailing season when it's not worn at all. We always have a full uniform inspection when it is worn, and if it doesn't come up to scratch they have to wear it again the following week, and so on until it's perfect.


    At this years St George's Day Parade all our Explorers noticed how much smarter their uniforms and drill were than the other land groups.(This message has been edited by Chug)

  3. I don't think that doing nothing is the right choice, but quite often we do the wrong thing.


    The Advanced Part Report failed, it didn't stop the decline in members because its recommendations didn't address the real causes. In fact it accelerated the loss of older boys,with 55,206 Senior Scouts and Rover Scouts recorded in 1966 having been replaced by 21,698 Venture Scouts in the 1969 figures. Add to that the schism the APR caused, resulting in the breakaway Baden-Powell Scout Association and I think you can say it was a bit of a disaster. Children don't join Scouts because of the Scout Promise or Law, the uniform or age of the leaders. They join and stay if they are being offered an exciting and varied programme.


    The UKSA has gone some way to correcting these mistakes, Senior and Rover Scouts have returned, albeit now named Explorer and Network Scouts and the upper age limit for leaders has been scrapped. Membership is once again on the rise.

  4. 275 for five days camping!!!!! My son will be going camping with the Cubs in a couple of weeks, also for five days. This will cost us the princley sum of 40. Instead of there children hunting for invisible unicorns, maybe they should be looking for the rest of their money. I doubt if they'll have any more success than their search for mythical beasts.


    Can't say that I've ever run or been on a faith based Scout camp. There's usually a "Scouts Own" service on Sunday, but it's never compulsory.



  5. I thought we were strict in our Unit. Here in the UK we don't have different classes of uniform, but as we are a RN recognised Explorer Sea Scout Unit we do expect it to be correct when it is worn. We don't wear uniform on camp, but we do have unit polo shirts which many of the Explorers wear.

  6. No Wood Beads with a Sea Scout uniform? There'd be a riot over here if anyone tried that.


    According to our child protection rules we can't hug one of the young people in our care, now that might make sense with the age range I deal with (14-18yrs, many of them girls), but Mrs Chug is a Beaver Leader (6-8yrs). How cruel do you have to be not to give one of them a hug if they've fallen over and hurt themself?

  7. The Scout Association has changed the role of the Chief Scout over the last few years. Bear Grylls and Peter Duncan before him are the PR friendly, public face of the movement. Many Scouters don't like this change in the role of the Chief Scout, but I believe this is an excellent way of increasing the public profile of Scouting.


    Wayne Bulpitt, the new UK Chief Commisssioner, and the Committee of the Council are in charge of the day-to-day running of the movement.

  8. JoeBob said "Haven't seen hide nor hair of 'Pinkpooj' lately.

    I guess his hemorrhoids quit leakin'.

    (That was the basis for his screen name, wasn't it?)"


    Did you have to lower the tone of the conversation? :)


  9. How does this chartering work? Here in the UK many groups are sponsored by churches and schools, although in most cases this sponsorship is little more than the use of the name, and maybe the hire of a church hall, ie. Mrs Chug's Beaver Colony is part of the Holy Trinity(Margate)Scout Group. The church doesn't provide any financial assistance to the group, although the Beavers and Cubs use a room for their meetings. They also have monthly church parades.

  10. Merlyn LeRoy said "Every organization that excluded Jews (and only Jews) or non-whites felt it was justified and pertinent, Beavah. That doesn't prevent them from being labeled as bigoted organizations."


    Excluding someone for the colour of their skin, or if they have semetic features is bigoted. It is how they were born and there is nothing they can do about it. Same goes for people with disabilities, no one chooses to be disabled.


    You choose to be an atheist, you could change if you really wanted to, but instead you demand that others have to change to accomadate you. If you really want a secular/atheist alternative why don't you start one yourself?

  11. Scoutldr said: "United Order of Tents"...hmmm...sounds like an organization I'd like to join, what with my interest in camping.


    Sounds like a good idea, I think we'd have to choose a different uniform colour, white is so impractical it would show up every stain and mark.

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