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Posts posted by Chug

  1. Question: What are all these Eagles, Antelopes and Beavers about?


    Anyhoo! on with the song.


    I used to be a Venture Scout and a Good 'ol Venture Scout too...

    And now I'm finished Venturing... I don't I don't know what to do...

    I'm growing old and feable and I can Venture no more...

    So I am going to work my ticket if I can...


    Back to Gilwell.. Happy Land.. I'm going to work my ticket if I can...





  2. Question: What are all these Eagles, Antelopes and Beavers about?


    Anyhoo! on with the song.


    I used to be a Venture Scout and a Good 'ol Venture Scout too...

    And now I'm finished Venturing... I don't I don't know what to do...

    I'm growing old and feable and I can Venture no more...

    So I am going to work my ticket if I can...


    Back to Gilwell.. Happy Land.. I'm going to work my ticket if I can...





  3. The King didn't reject Asquiths request for more Liberal Peers, he merely insisted that he tested the electorates support for such a measure with an election, because the Liberal government didn't have a mandate for such a constitutionaly important act from either Parliament or the people. The Liberal's won the election and got their extra Lords, this resulted in the passing of the 1911 Parliament Act which removed the power of the Upper House to block a finance bill lawfully passed by the Commons.


    So once again, the Monarch cannot block or repeal legislation that has been lawfully passed by Parliament.


    BTW To amend or repeal the Act of Settlement would have a major impact on the British Consitution, as the Act is one of the central pillars of it.

  4. Eagle92 wrote "Former Sea Scout and leader here. I also had the pleasure of working with 5th Deal Sea Scouts for 2 months when I was at Kingsdown International Scout Campsite way back when.


    How has the changes affected the SA put in place affected Sea Scouts on your side of the pond?"


    I live approx' 9miles from Deal, and I've camped numerous times at Kingsdown, it's not a bad site considering it's just a bloody great slope. I did my basic training there 18yrs ago.


    What changes are you talking about (there seems to be so many)?

  5. "Grocer" Ted died in 2005. I think many of the traditionalists need to remember what BP said about Scouts being a movement, because we need to keep moving forwards. Of course the BPSA is still around for those who want a more "traditional" form of Scouting. Personally, I don't have the legs for shorts.

  6. In response to The Scout;


    In case you haven't noticed 1707 was over 300yrs ago, y'know 300yrs ago all you Americans were well behaved colonists. Things change, the Queen cannot go against the will of parliment if it is acting consitutionaly.


    and as for Merlyn le Roy;


    The 1.5 million was given specifically for the World Jamboree, which I believe members of the BSA attended. Just because someone makes a donation doesn't give them the right to dictate terms for ever. Also, for the money the committee organising the 2012 Olympics received valuable advice on how to run a huge international event. The couldn't believe that the whole Jamboree was organised and run by volunteers.

  7. Not so. The Queen is constitutionaly obliged to obey the will of her ministers. If an Act of Parliment has been voted through by both houses she must sign assent, to refuse would result in a constitutional crisis, and probably the end of the Monarchy.


    Any amendment or repeal of the Act of Settlement must come from parliment, the Queen will never comment on the rights and wrongs of any Act of Parliment.

  8. This is quite a hot topic here in the UK. Mrs Chug is a Beaver Leader (6-8yrs) in theory she isn't supposed to hug them, but if one of them hurts themself and is crying there eyes out she believes you would have to be a very cold individual not to. I'm an Explorer Leader (14-18yrs) including a number of girls, now it wouldn't be appropriate to hug them but I see no problem in patting them on the back or placing a hand on their shoulder or arm.


    It would be impossible to be a leader if you were never allowed to touch a Scout anywhere for any reason, I would have had many dead Scouts if this was the case.

  9. I'm from Broadstairs in Kent, approx 76 miles East of London. Although some have been negative about the changes I believe they were a good thing, when I was an SL the age range was 10 1/2yrs to 15 1/2yrs, we tended to get a big dropout when they reached 14, mainly because young people of that age didn't like hanging around socialy with primary school kids. The Explorer and Network section mean that young people are meeting with others in their own age range. Actually, we've really gone back 40yrs to Senior Scouts and Rovers, they've just changed the name.

  10. I have a deep dislike of parents who use there children to make a political point. This isn't the kid making this descision, it's the mother, but she hasn't got the guts to stand up for hereself. The Monarch is the head of the Church of England, it's therefore a good idea if he/she is CofE. Plenty of Catholics, Baptists, Muslims, Jews, Hindu's etc,etc have no problem with the promise


    Another thing, we're a private organisation,if your not prepared to abide by the rules you don't have to join.

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