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Everything posted by Eagle1970

  1. I just learned that the legislator who spearheaded the SoL revision in my State was not re-elected in 2020 and nothing has been filed since. A reasonable conclusion is that it will not happen anytime soon, and it is not in the interest of my well-being to live the ups and downs of this, every day. I can understand there not being some huge windfall. But compensating for therapy and direct expenses should be a given.
  2. That actually made me laugh! I'm already down to zero dollars (roughly). So consider it tempered.
  3. I can't even imagine a valid claimant voting for approval, unless they are desperate for a couple of dollars. Why would this win approval. Why would attorneys support it. I simply don't get it.
  4. It is not just you. I am now dealing with more injustice, piled on top of a lifetime of injustice on this issue. Meanwhile, in a plaintiff-friendly State, victims (some with minor or questionable claims) are licking their chops. It all figures. My only regret now is filing my claim. I took my daughter used-car shopping last week. You literally cannot by an old beater for the amount of money we stand to receive as compensation for a lifetime of trauma. Maybe I'll try to get the prosecutor to file criminal charges against my abuser, if he's still even alive. I have lots of detail and
  5. The civil SoL is all about protecting corporations against liability. And it is political in many States.
  6. What exactly I want is for the insurers to pay out.
  7. Which only serves to distress victims. I wonder how the attorneys who ran all of the ads with dreams of large settlements are dealing with their clients? Frankly, if that is the settlement, they can keep it.
  8. I dragged myself into this thing (against my better judgment) because BSA pledged to take care of victims. The longer this progresses, the more it looks like any other corporate settlement and the less it looks like the needs of victims (particularly time-barred) will actually be addressed. All this has done for me is rip open the sores so badly that I need additional counseling, which will likely be paid out of my pocket. If this is the case, I do not see BSA standing behind its pledge and am not particularly concerned about its future. And frankly, the less I hear about BSA the less salt
  9. This is just too personal for me to take to FB. Even in a private group. If that would help others, that's good. For me, at this age and having lived this life, there is nothing that can make any difference, including discussion with other victims. I like people and wouldn't run away from a discussion-but just really don't see that as my ticket to moving past this. If it is a group that is more interested in talking about this case, I would bite. Especially since I am (still) on my own and have limited legal background. As I have mentioned, I would like to see a memorial site or par
  10. I have a younger wife. She will be glad to have it if I'm not around. We never thought there would be any recourse, because of SoL. She recently reminded me that I have been telling her about the abuse since we were first together.
  11. I'm with you totally. Going to start eating better so I live to see it.
  12. I am reluctant to post it. But, it is the Catholic self-insurance, as the parish sponsored my troop.
  13. What is the significance of the letter I received last night titled: " Service of Notice of Designation of Additional Permitted Parties Under Bar Date Order"? I understand what it says but don't get why an additional party is becoming involved.
  14. I feared all along that there wouldn't be much money, given the number of claimants. I say claimants because how in the world could a victim proof of loss be blank, yet valid? I remember every disgusting detail of my abuse. And, while the insurers will still have to settle out (which may take years) it appears that fear was well-founded. When all is said and done, there is nothing that can heal the damage the BSA and its camp employee did to my entire life. Trust issues, 2 divorces, relationship issues--none of this can be undone and acting as if a pittance will somehow compensate m
  15. My point was that CO's are more liable than one might think at first glance. Even a ceremonial role can actually be the entire root cause of the abuse. I am likely time-barred so there may be nothing I can do about that. But to the extent it relates to the bankruptcy, I'd love to see them included.
  16. In my case, the Catholic Parish that sponsored our troop benefited by providing the complete package-Church, School, and social life consisting of youth organizations and Scouts. I can see the potential liability because even without directly running the Scout troop, the troop WAS operating under the Parish brand. And had I not been invested in the balance of the package, I may not have been a Scout. And therefore may not have been abused.
  17. So if potential insurance proceeds are put into trust, is there anything to stop insurers from simply denying claims for lack of proof, or whatever reason they choose. Deny is what they do best.
  18. If this was only about BSA and LC physical assets, I could believe a timetable for framework might happen in the near future. However, with MOST of the potential recovery coming from insurers that will not be pressed and will fight to the end, I just don't see that aspect being resolved anytime soon.
  19. Welcome 100thEagleScout! I also came over here from reddit and have found this to be an intelligent and informative group. There is a little less "Wild-West" here, which after the past couple of years I truly appreciate.
  20. I'm interested to hear about this, as well. There may be some claims not properly vetted. But there are likely hundreds of thousands that were not brought forward, a statement I make without any more basis than Century may have on theirs.
  21. Yes, Thanks for that info. I have an almost constant feeling on the timing of this whole thing, that it can't be done by Summer or Fall or Winter. I'll bet it is well into 2022 with just extensions to get it there. I don't know how long BSA can hold out or on, but legal cases (as we all know) can drag on for years upon years.
  22. To clarify, will they likely reduce awards to victims who were abused in States with expired SOL's? Somewhere I saw that when claims receive point value, that is a factor. Is there a case to remove claims that are time-barred?
  23. So how do the time-barred cases line up against those abused where statutes have been revised? The State where my abuse occurred seems to have a new bill every year to eliminate the SOL, that seems to barely fail but certainly could change with one election cycle.
  24. There are a bunch of Insurers mentioned that appear to be filing motions. To what extent do these companies have exposure?
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