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Everything posted by 5thGenTexan

  1. My council office contact told us on Monday that Merit Badges are going up .88 next week or the next. So, north of $3.50 each
  2. Summer Camp is almost paid for, for my two Scouts. As I said above it was $315. Our Council offers an incentive through popcorn... if you sell $250 then you get $100 credit for a council summer camp. We did that. So, only $215 each for my kids. With the free adults, we are just going to dive the adult total out among us all and have to pay a lower amount. I think there was a $15 fee here and there for a couple of MBs.
  3. Need to know how to make coffee. I don't drink it, but other adults do. Honestly, I take a Coke or something for breakfast. Don't judge me. I have a couple of different percolators. I need to know how much water. How much coffee. What kind? How long do I let it do its thing? How do I know when its finished? This isn't a backpacking discussion. For the purposes here, assume we have what we need with no weight considerations
  4. Declining membership... As much as it pains me to say, I don't think what BSA is offering what is wanted today. Cub School talks... A DE or other representative comes in and talks to the kids. They come out excited they are going to shoot BB Guns, Archery, Fishing, Camping. The pay their money,,, The first thing we do is tell em they have these 12 words to memorize and this other oath they gotta memorize and recite it all the time. Also, go take this online class about how the internet works and then these uncomfortable scenarios in this little book. We promise we will get to c
  5. I am really big on no structure on unit campouts. Especially Pack campouts. Have set meal times. maybe an organized hike during the day, but let em go play in the woods and do what they dont get to do when living in town all the time.
  6. Mine too,.... and mine was my Eagle Scout grandfather from pre WWII
  7. So.,..,,. Our GT was going to try to coordinate with the Boy troop and go to the same Summer Camp because siblings and adult leaders, etc. The Boy Troop still hasn't gotten it together to even get a firm week or location. The GT tonight decided to go to a Council Camp 3 hours away. Scouts are $315 and adults $190 with teo free adults.
  8. Like this award? https://www.scouting.org/programs/scouts-bsa/advancement-and-awards/noa/
  9. As I see things... Scouts does not have a youth issue, it has an adult problem. 1) I was told last Fall after our new parent orientation that I am "Too Scouty" I am not exactly sure what that means, but that came from other adult leaders in the Pack. 2) The same pool of adult leaders took frozen chicken nuggets that they deep fried on the Fall campout. They also took a propane refrigerator thing. (My AOL Den made foil packs) 3) I expressed my frustrations a few weeks ago with the Committee that I needed more interaction from them when I try to discuss or plan. I was told t
  10. I have a $5 moving blanket from Harbor Freight I put in the floor of the tent. Better than the floor to walk on. Catches anything that does make it inside and I can shake it out. And its at least something between me and the cold ground
  11. I was going to post about this the other day. I am in Texas and camping in the cold doesnt come up enough to know how to be properly prepared
  12. One of our parents in a police officer and is involved in their Explorer program. Some new Council guy came in and expressed his interest in auditing them. It was explained several times they were part of the city govt and no one is going to get access to the account info for the Explorer Unit. Our parent went to the Police Chief and explained what happened. Police Chief's directive was to continue the program for this year, but they need to figure out something else next year because they will NOT be returning to the Explorer program.
  13. I know this was posted forever ago, but... This is what I use camping If you cook bacon or sausage there is going to be grease, but this griddle does come with a metal shield shown here... The other thing is the grease that drains off the griddle. That is the big mess. It comes with a "bracket" to hold a canned vegetable can to catch the grease, but there is also better grease catch you can buy. I LOVE cooking on my griddle. I either use this and a dutch over for cobbler. Thats about it.
  14. My crossover campout.... it was cold to start with. Then during the night the army tent I was sharing with 2 other Scouts let the thunderstorm in and we got wet. Then frost the next morning. I think adults went to sleep in cars that night and we got a different tent.
  15. It was 70 degrees yesterday. When the front blew in around midnight with 50 mph winds the temp dropped quickly. I am not sure its going to get about 35 all day with at least 20 - 30 mph winds all day long. I am not sorry it was cancelled.
  16. So,,.. that campout was cancelled. It supposed to be in the upper 30 to low 40s all day Saturday with 30 mph winds and maybe getting down in the teens at night. The Troop has decided to make a trip to a local indoor city pool instead, I have also made the decision to skip UoS and go with my kid.
  17. How are they going to raise $30 million? Carnivals and bake sales arent going to cut it.
  18. In October 2017 I picked my son up at school. He informed me he wanted to join Cub Scouts. So, we got him signed and then they got me signed up. 🤣 This weekend he is going alone on his first Troop campus. How did that happen??
  19. Example.... Nature MB. I am not a Biologist, but I volunteered at a Natural Science museum after HS. Also have a B.S. degree. Is just having some knowledge good enough or is a specific degree and/or career in the subject matter required?
  20. Since I don't get to be a Den Leader any longer I am considering taking the MBC training. What level of proof of competency is required for a particular MB to be a counselor?
  21. The choices were this camp. (Camp Alexander) or camp in Minnesota. I think it's a matter of adults who have no trouble affording "whatever" and don't ever think it might be hard for some people.
  22. This is 757 miles away. Sending my kids to Scout camp and see ya next week won't work. I don't trust anyone well enough to not go. That's where it really gets pricey and hits hard.
  23. The planned camp is not a Council camp, so I dont think there is anything free for FOS. Our Council camp is $345 per Scout.
  24. My two Scouts are not going to raise that much in the next few months. Just not enough time or opportunity. And no, the Troop isnt going to pay for our fee to go to camp. That's out of my pocket.
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