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Posts posted by HashTagScouts

  1. 7 minutes ago, desertrat77 said:

    Thanks for the insights, @HashTagScouts.  I've always felt that the proposed bankruptcy/sunny days ahead was more or less pie in the sky.

    Right now the BSA, as an organization, is like that person with a low credit rating that needs to buy a car, but is going to have to accept whatever interest rate and conditions from wherever they can get the loan.  Long term grim.


    Good analogy.  Another that helps to grasp it- in many states, an accident/moving violation on your driving record will stay for 5 years, 10 years (depends on your state laws) as long as you stay accident/moving violation free.  Get into another accident/receive another moving violation in that time, your costs will increase all over again.  You don't typically see a massive cost drop after that 5/10 years has passed, you just don't see a drastic increase on the next renewal.   

  2. In agreement that the cub program has become overbearing.  I lamented that my son had no interest at cub age, thought he was missing out.  Got interested in W2 age, but ultimately heard that the DL was not organized, and the kids/parents were just sticking it out to get to crossover so I held him off until he could do troop.  As he got into troop, and I learned what was involved in cubs (was it two fingers now, or three? Law of the Pack isn't a thing anymore? And AoL is a program year itself now?), I didn't regret he didn't join.  I've thrown it out in other threads- the BSA seems to care more now about cubs than 'Scouts BSA' sadly.  

    I'm also greatly concerned on those posting that "we'll go through bankruptcy, and all will be fine". Uh, my actuary co-workers would beg to differ on any interpretation that risk mitigation is greater because of a bankruptcy.  The future insurance costs are going to be based on the risk to underwrite the program based off the sins of the past, regardless of how much $$$ BSA ends up having to pay in settlements.  This new background check process is absolutely an attempt to stave off risk costs.  I won't at all be surprised if we see greater age restrictions coming in the next year on shooting sports, climbing, and high adventure.  I fear immensely that BSA is going to do what it feels it has to do to keep risk related factors in check to help with costs.

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  3. 2 minutes ago, prof said:

    Seems like the National Organization for Women is giving a board of review to someone who doesn't want to wait the prescribed amount of time, which is a requirement (which NOW and the scout, I guess, didn't understand or think should apply).

    Scouts BSA is saying wait until October 2020. I hope that they hold the line on this one.

    100% agree with you.  Sorry, but she knowingly is making this into a circus- what Eagle BOR has she ever known has been conducted by any outside group? None. Zero. So it is not official.  Her quote “The Boys Scouts policy right now is they’re not… allowing young women to have boards of review like this until October 2020 even though we’ve already completed the requirements to officially achieve the eagle award.”  No, you have not officially achieved the eagle award- the BSA gave you the path, so follow it or don't.  Sydney wants the official recognition as the first, period.  That is the motivation here.  And, as I have always maintained, it is highly plausible she is nowhere near the first female to do what she did, and I don't hear those other ladies yelling about it.

  4. The cost just to be counted as a "Scout" or "Scouter" at $100 I do see as a deal breaker for some for sure.  We've been discussing in our TC the ramifications- we'd love to offer assistance to families if indeed it is that big of a jump, but short of rolling in more fund-raising there's a limit of what we can offer.  Our CO is tapped.  We don't want to have fund-raising to start to overtake time spent on activities.  In my view, the community is pretty tapped on those peddling to them.  As we have historically covered the cost of registered adults, this could be a big jump to our budget, and I'm beginning to have conversations with those who are only minor contributors - I can't justify paying a $100 for someone that comes only to handful of meetings, never camps, etc.  I'm inclined to have them register as a MB counselor (assuming those are still free) just so I know YPT is being tracked. 

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  5. So I did browse through the survey, as my son received the invitation.  A lot of it is rating experience with call out, feelings about call out, feelings about Ordeal experience, etc.  There was one question along the lines of "do you feel the BSA is headed in the right direction", with the response choices of agree or disagree, but there were sadly no follow ups on that thread.  Seemed very oddly out of place to me that it didn't have any true direct follow up questions getting to why scouts felt one way or the other.  There were some indirectly related questions later in the survey, on the level of participation for the respondent (such as I attend meetings frequently, infrequently, etc.).  

  6. 4 hours ago, yastreb said:

    Though, I've never heard of having to "give a portion back to the bsa". As far as I know there is no such thing with troop-organized fundraisers.

    oh, yes there is... council expect you to give them 10% of your earnings for any unit fundraiser.


    Every new DE we get, it is the first thing they ask us- you don't do popcorn, what do you do for fundraising? We just don't answer...

  7. Sons previous troop was exactly as you describe, and had evolved to that starting in about the few years before he joined it.  Patrols are kept together, and touted as "they are all going to be the group of friends they will have long after their time in scouting is over".  Well, except for the kids who quit because they just weren't friends with their patrol mates after a time, but were not given an option to move to another patrol.  Many of those kids who left had just grown apart from the other kids, there wasn't any actual animosity.  A few went on to go to other troops, but sadly, many just did not.  The advancement push was OK for someone like my son, who was generally just driven to begin with, so the opportunities were there, and he took advantage of them.  But, as he saw other kids getting pushed through advancement that couldn't fry an egg let alone boil water, or tie their own shoes let alone a bowline, it began to feel like a factory as described.  As he looked at his own path, he was an Eagle, did time in leadership positions, but loved concept of being camp staffer and OA.  Discussion with me was to just not participate with the troop anymore, or quit scouting altogether.  I urged him to consider there was the other option of going to another troop, or join a Crew.  Something to keep him interested, and have the opportunity for scouting to be fun again and have his time of "responsibility" with camp staff and OA, but that it was OK to have an outlet to just have fun too.  

    Some parents in current troop like to mutter about their kid isn't advancing quickly.  Usually I take that as an opportunity as CC to sit with them and look at their kids book.  I flip through and show them that son has done X, Y, and Z, but hasn't asked anyone to sign, and that is where they as parent can play a role.  Talk to their kid, encourage them to get recognition when they have earned it.  There is nothing wrong with them helping their son as a cheerleader, but I can't have them bringing their kids book themselves and asking for signatures.  I also try to include parents on BOR for other scouts.  I don't require that only committee members be on BORs, so that more parents can experience what goes on in a scouts mind about advancement.  The BORs I run I don't stick to a script, I don't go with the "if there was one MB that you would like to do", or "what activities would you like to see the troop do"- frankly, they already have the avenue to express that.  I use the BOR to talk to them about their ultimate goals - in scouting and in life- and help them set some personal goals on their next rank.    


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  8. First of all, great job on the growth! I think @qwazse has it right for your immediate needs.  A year from now, with plenty of time to plan, you may have it figured out on a larger space that works to have everyone together, but for now spit nights.  That also might help with getting some parents to step in as den leaders, if they don't have to do it every week.

  9. I share some pessimism on whether we are headed to some great rebirth or massive membership increase.  Scouts Canada went through similar progressive reshape of their organization, and for many of the same reasons that many are citing today as to why the BSA "is on the right track".  The result? Membership of youth participants is on the decline yet again for Scouts Canada: 

    2013-2014  88,453

    2017-2018  58,881



  10. 1 hour ago, TAHAWK said:

    A novel concept in my experience.  Source?


    Please consider: "The general rule is that badges awarded by organizations other than the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) may not be worn on an official uniform. This includes military medals and service ribbons."


    A unit is not "the Boy Scouts of America."

    The TC completes the BOR for rank, and records the date of the award as of that BOR.  TC also records MBs the same way.  And it is the unit committee chair that has the final signature to the Eagle application.  I have seen many units, including ours, that have the CC (or a designee from the TC) do the opening remarks to all CoHs, and then turn over to the SM (who in turn should turn over to the SPL, or another Scout that the SPL as appointed as master of ceremony for the evening).

  11. Your description of the CoH does sound rather dreary- making an announcement that you're only going to be available for 30 minutes to the kids is a red flag to me.  But, I also don't know all the facts about the CoH.  Did this occur on normal meeting night in lieu of the regular meeting (that is the norm, and not to have it as a separate night- for an Eagle CoH maybe, but not for a troop CoH).  All advancement is technically awarded by the Troop Committee on behalf of the troop.   As the experience of that night wasn't stellar, I personally think you and this other ASM should have asked the TC to discuss it with the SM and look to have them find a better solution to conducting CoHs in the future.  You want the CoH to be a celebration of what has been accomplished by the Scouts, but you also want it to be an inspiration to encourage them to keep accomplishing.  We've had CoHs go 45 minutes, we've had them go 90 minutes.  It all depends how many awards there were to recognize.  If it is less than the 90 minutes, we don't plug in any other programming to the night, the night is just over.  There is no official "you must do this in order for it to be a CoH", but a google search will give you many, many ideas that you can turn into your troops' own.    

  12. Not to rain on this, but yes, Baden-Powell made the statement that the uniform was not mandatory, but the BSA, for quite a few years, has not made that statement.  Current literature talks about the uniform as an essential component (for example: https://www.scouting.org/programs/scouts-bsa/faqs/).  Current position training also states that no one of the 8 methods is more important than the others.  Do I think we need to be so uptight as to break out a tape measure and start giving de-merits for a patch out of alignment, or that the shorts/pants the scout is wearing are the wrong shade of green? No, absolutely not.  Personally, I'm much more encouraging to a parent to buy a $15 pair of green cargo shorts from Walmart than a $30 pair from National Supply- and as a parent I'm not going to fret on my kid wearing those $15 shorts on his camping trips, hikes, etc.

  13. Many at the virtual campfire are rallying behind you.  It is going to be tough, but the reward is that those left in your charge will get the program delivered correctly.  Those that leave won't or can't see the dysfunction, and trying to but heads with them isn't productive or setting the right example for your Scouts.  

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  14. How a Lodge handles Brotherhood induction differs.  For ours, attendance on Friday night is generally required, but if you have been active member since your Ordeal, they may be able to work with you ahead of time.  As Qwazse said, your Chief/Adviser is typically who you should contact to look for special handling.  I wish you luck on securing your bars! WWW

  15. Only very few patches should go above the BSA name.  Directly above it should be any translator strips, above that name plates, and then above that Jambo patches are about the only thing that should be worn.  Some units, including ours, that are chartered by the American Legion will wear a Legion patch.  I have seen some councils adopt the practice of putting the NYLT patch there, though that is technically not correct.  As with anything, I wouldn't worry extensively about "the uniform police"- I tend to say looking neat and tidy is the most important thing when it comes to uniform. 

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  16. 1 hour ago, desertrat77 said:

    If not the actual cost of the uniform, it's the quality one receives for the dollar spent.  Real or perceived, many view the BSA uniform as ill fitting, poorly styled, poor quality, and low value for the dollar spent.

    Come to Venturing.  They've redesigned the switchbacks for the 3rd time in 5 years, and they are still awful.  If they would design them the same as the fabric/style as the green ones, just in gray, we'd be golden.  I have just got to the point that I don't want our Venturers wearing the "official", I tell them to go to any store and find gray shorts and/or cargo pants.

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  17. 2 hours ago, ParkMan said:

    Fully agree.  I've been wondering of the OA would be better off by ncreasing the requirements and then combining chapters and perhaps even doing away with them.  


    While most do, it is not required for a Lodge to have Chapters.  Most that have them set it up as each District has a Chaper, but I have seen some that have a Chapter for every two Districts, or divide it entirely unique from the District division.

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