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Col. Flagg

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Everything posted by Col. Flagg

  1. Yeah, the band front man made several remarks during their set that were quite political and inappropriate. I have Scouts and adults on the ground there. What I am hearing is that folks at home are the ones upset. The boys don't care one way or the other from what I am hearing. The only thing I heard was a group of Scouts from the west coast were less-than-Scoutlike to a group from south because they thought they were Trump supporters.
  2. I referee competitive youth and college soccer. I can tell you girls can say things on the pitch that would make a merchant sailor blush.
  3. Agreed. But why address one overly political issue that arose and not the other?
  4. The guy could pass gas and the media would find something to put on the front page.
  5. Odd that BSA didn't feel the need to distance themselves from the band that made political statements to the boys earlier in the week. So much for non-partisanship. Or could it be that the parents trust their kids to hear something, not whine about it and make up their own mind without complaining to the principal about it.
  6. But that's BSA. They usually tend to miss the mark in their communications to people. Why would one expect this situation to be any different? Scoutingwire usually has some inane thing about so-and-so earning a Silver Otter or something rather than the pertinent Scouting news of the day. They post what THEY think is relevant...which rarely is to anyone outside of the inner sanctum.
  7. Success or failure of any elected/appointed to do a job is premature until that role is over. Success or failure of a membership organization who changes its membership or program have more immediate and tangible results. Yes there are long term effects, as there are short term. Measuring the long term effects is harder because more issues can influence the outcome over time.
  8. I understand there was a drop. But the '72 drop was attributed to 1) a significant change in program, 2) a drop in scouting-aged boys (baby boom maturing), and 3) social attitudes of the time about being hip and cool (anti-establishment), in which Scouting was the poster child for straight kids (back when straight meant non-corrupted by drugs, sex, etc).
  9. Yes the troop was from Carollton. Yes, their unit is literally 3 miles from my CO. I met the ASM. She was very nice and even looked at our troop when crossing over. She stood out because she was female and very well trained. Different district but close enough that unit paths cross often. I chase storms in my copious spare time. I like to get a close to tornadoes as I can. It is a family thing because my brother and cousins all do it too (Yeah, we're those guys). So we have gone through all the NWS training offered, have done all the ARC and local CERT training possible. From my perspectiv
  10. Really? What were the immediate membership loss percentages after those changes? Because the most recent policy changes doubled the "average" year on year losses and have remained so since 2013. I'd be curious as to your source for the % reductions immediately following the changes you cite. NOTE: To be clear, are you referring to the changes GBB made in '79? Or the changes made in '72?
  11. Sorry to hear about the Scout's eye. Hope all is okay. Regarding the death's at Northern Tier, they were from my area. It was a female ASM and a Scout. The young man went to my brother's unit's CO but both were part of a different troop. The deaths were well-reported in North Texas. Happened June of last year. Must be the same event unless NT lost 4 people last year. The Ponil Canyon incident is something every Philmont crew, ranger and staff person should always have at the forefront of their mind. IMHO it could have been avoided with better training and logistics.
  12. So a decade or more is your answer? The loss of membership is easy to track and maps to the membership policy changes. The gain of membership should follow a similar cause and effect. If not, then we won't ever know if the policy change was the catalyst for membership increases if it takes more than a few years. My experience in membership organizations is that membership numbers respond fairly quickly to changes either positive or negative. The irony being that it's the SAME ORGANIZATION it was in both instances, only the membership policy changed. The program has not changed
  13. Sadly, my brother's unit had to deal with this issue. Contact your council exec and they can expedite it for you. The paperwork is all at the council level. Thankfully his council was able to get this done fast. I do not recall if national was involved or not, but his CE was the key. Condolences.
  14. BSA reports a few sets on numbers. One for the annual report and then revised numbers in August. It will be interesting to see what the Aug numbers say. Corp donations usually do not take years and years to rebound. I would expect to see those rebound faster. I will concede FOS donations are related to more personal giving. While personal giving across the board is down, surveys show that religious institutions and conservative organizations tend to give more. I would argue that these very organizations are the ones being (to a degree) alienated by BSA. But that's an argument no one ca
  15. @@EmberMike... Resumption of Donations: It's been 4 years since the 2013 change. That's centuries in the donation world. A company that is eager for revenue (which is the supposed basis for letting in girls) would be at post donors doors with hat in hand showing how they've changed. FOS donations AND corporate donations continue to decline despite the changes. Why? I would argue that those companies that left never had any intention in coming back. What does that say about FOS? One could postulate that donors simply don't want to give to an organization that makes changes contrary to what t
  16. Well, the past two decisions about membership have NOT increased their bottom line. Membership is down, product sales are down, FOS is down (big) and corporate donations have not recovered (as many speculated they would). Not sure why anyone thinks going coed will be any different. You have to take in MANY more new people than are leaving and I don't see that happening. Apples and oranges. Increased membership would first have to surpass out-migration of people leaving Scouts before you go ascertain if there's any net growth. Obviously, if net inflow exceeds net outflow then you w
  17. @@desertrat77, take your daughter out for a Sonic or Whataburger shake (people in the northeast jealous right now) for being such a sensible young woman. She echoed by my own daughter said about the same subject, though she noted most of the guys over 15 weren't so silly/stupid. It was the younger guys she couldn't stand. If you ever want to hook crews up let me know. We can meet at the Red River.
  18. Funny you should mention that.... First four emails I received this AM were from moms who either 1) thought it was a good speech and we should use it to promote the troop, or 2) thought the speech was horrid and that the BSA response didn't go far enough in lambasting POTUS and we as a unit should do something. I replied to all four basically telling them we'd have no part in what happened one way or the other. BSA has spoken and we won't "put out our press release". You have to laugh sometimes at how worked up folks get about this guy.
  19. Kia Kima always makes the short list of our top 5. Then the guys get reminded how hot it gets in Texas and we literally head to the mountains. I suspect we will make it east to Kia Kima sometime soon.
  20. The Texas Pledge has been around since 1933. I was required to be recited in all schools starting in 2003.
  21. I am in a similar situation, except the girls around our crew are adamant that they want a Venturing-style program, just available younger. The do NOT want the Boy Scout experience (MBs, ranks, uniforms, mtgs, boards, more mtgs, more hoops). They really like the freestyle nature of Venturing. Listening to them they'd join my crew now if they could. They don't want Eagle. They don't want Gold Star. They want fun, adventure and being carefree. They see the rah-rah in Boy Scouts and roll their eyes. One even said, "If I wanted that I'd joing Girl Scouts." This might just be a representation
  22. Sorry, but I worked in that White House. The decision not to attend was based on the fact the he pushed himself to come back too fast and the doctors told him to take a break in his schedule that July, so he sent his wife. Obama is certainly able to send his wife at least if he cannot make it. The comparison is totally valid. Unless the President is somewhere else requiring his attention, there's no reason he, his spouse or VP cannot attend. As for the speech, I cannot say I am disappointed because I expect very little from politicians anymore. Rising above the arguing and end-fighting has
  23. We've tried this. They will sell you one badge and one replacement. My son was able to get them to sell him three since he had three field uniforms he needed patches for (staffing HA base). Even with your NESA or certification of rank from the council office they will only sell you two at a time. It's harder than getting a fake SSN card. Those I can get no problem.
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