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Posts posted by Krampus

  1. Unless something has changed, national isn't very up to speed on the health of its councils.


    Well, it is at least in part because failing council's always want to paint a rosy picture in the hopes they can turn thing around without being merged.


    Interesting. I think I agree. We had a district event the other night. I was a chance for the Cub Scouts to meet the troops and talk to them. Think convention table top displays. It reminded me of rushing a fraternity when I was in college. The troops were out in force trying to reel Webelos in to talk. Most were talking AT kids/parents rather than asking them what questions they had. My guys just answered questions. I could hear parents complaining that they were overwhelmed.


    How does hit relate to council? The district and council people present took the opportunity to chat up the troop leaders there trying to get them to bump up their JTE numbers, sign up for WB, volunteer for a committee, etc. Both them and the troop leaders were more concerned with the whole "business of scouting" rather than the people that make up scouting: the kids and the parents.


    As I was leaving this nice lady came by and said that my guys were the nicest to their kids and we were the only troop that "seemed to care about the parents and the kids". While I was happy to hear that I was saddened that 25+ troops and a dozen district/council folks were cast in such a bad light in front of 150+ Cubs and their parents. If this is representative of what is happening in other councils/districts it is no small wonder things like this happen in councils eventually.

  2. We co-mingle summer camp with council high adventure. We try to stay at camps that offer a balance between adventure, MBs, first year scout and decent cost (under $320). Most usually offer rates between $220-280 for out of council troops but they usually offer 1-5 free adults. Transport usually runs us about $300/scout for a bus. Not cheap but if you have ever spent summer camp in Texas you'd know why we leave for cooler climates.  :blink:

  3. Our son just had his ECOH last weekend... It's was devastating when not one leader and not one scout planned on attending. You see our son is on the autistic spectrum and was told by his Scout master no one liked him. Not even his Scout master had the decency to even rsvp, no one did. We get it that people are busy and have other commitments but what this troop leadership has done to this Eagle Scout is discriminate, ostrosozed and demean him. We also get it people have a way of not liking people with disabilities and think they are less then they are but what these leaders have shown is that it's ok to act like this and make him feel so abandoned.

    Thankfully his ASM stepped up 2 days before the ceremony and apologized and brought 3 scouts from the troop. Also our older son who is also an eagle did the ceremony and her had other scouts from other troops show up to support his accomplishment. This was just the latest in the troops leadership of doing nasty things to hurt a scout with a disability. Since this is a new troop as of 5 or 6 years ago our son was the first Eagle Scout from the troop, you would have thought someone would have cared enough.


    I'm stunned. That's something I would let the district know. If they treat a scout like that openly imagine what else might be going on.


    This is a big fear of mine for any scout, but especially with scouts I know are less popular. I try to make every ECOH when possible. I think I've missed two (one due to surgery) in all my years. I always try to make sure the ASMs and PLC are in attendance and encourage parents to get rsvps months in advance so they can drive attendance. 


    Congrats to your son. It is a huge accomplishment!!

  4. ISA's are not prohibited nor will it raise a red flag just because you use them. That is a myth backed up here. You need to avoid private benefits and a few other things. You'd be surprised how easy it is to get a tax attorney or CPA to review the applicable tax code and advisories and your unit's approach. Many people will do this pro bono if your paperwork is good. We had a parent (with this background) look over our stuff.

  5. We are honest with the parents that join our troop about a few things:

    • Kids are going to argue. Yeah, this is Boy Scouts and scouts are expected to live the Oath and Law, but nobody is perfect, these kids see each other at school and sports, so conflicts are going to happen. We let the resolve but monitor for safety. Bullying is strictly monitored.
    • Colorful language will get dropped at some point. We're not monks. Even a monk might curse if he hits his thumb with a hammer. 11-17 year old boys are no different.
    • Society, social media, parenting styles all impact how guys act in school as well as scouts. We don't expect saints but don't be surprised if a scout (or YOUR scout) is an Eddie Haskell in the making.
    • Accidents happen. When you hike, canoe, swim, ski, shoot and do all the things we do, Timmy WILL get injured despite all the training and prep we do. Deal with it and don't look to blame others. Most accidents come from Timmy not paying attention.
    • Hold your scout responsible. Unless you hover over him at school, as he plays sports or when he's out playing with his friends, don't hover over him at scouts.

    Some parents (not many) want more hands on. Great, there's plenty of troops in my area that will do that. The parents that stay with us accept this philosophy and try to hold their kids accountable. We lose about 5 kids a year because their parents didn't pay attention at crossover as to how we work, but we more than make up for that in transfers in and recruiting.

  6. As a MB counselor, I won't accept any scout without first seeing a signed card so that I know that somebody knows this scout is working with me. I don't think that was the original intent of the signature, but I wouldn't be surprised if National likes having the paper trail for that purpose. The leading source of abuse complaints 20 or so years ago were merit badge counselors. That signature tells the counselor that somebody knows. Of course that is just a huge guess on my part, but I won't accept a scout with a blank card.




    Same here. If I don't know the scout I won't take the meeting until I talk to his leader for these exact reasons. We meet at Starbucks and I require that I meet the parent and the scout before we begin work if I don't know them. This is my policy to protect me. If someone doesn't like it they can find another counselor.

  7. I have a full time EMT as a leader in our Troop, they told me he still has to be trained through the BSA, Heck, he could teach it, I downloaded the syllabus and there is nothing in there he don't know. He is a Red Cross and CPR/AED instructor. Like a previous post, another way to draw funds. But then if everyone sold popcorn like they are supposed to I bet we would not have this problem


    Have him get certified to teach CPR/AED. You can then teach other troops and raise funds at the same time. :)

  8. What is the WFA take on snakebite in the deep woods?  

    Say a Timber Rattler a solid day's hike out.  Is the current mantra 'wait for anti-venom', or is the old technique of 'cut and suck' still useful?


    Send a runner. Pop smoke and make a landing pad. ;) If that's not an option, carry out with minimum movement for the vic. Basically if they're fully envenomated they have few options. Staying put is the worst.


    The WFA class I would suggest would be 25% learning basic skills for the injuries that could be dealt with in the field In depth review of S-FC skills, and 75% of the time, learning how to make good medical decisions for the patient.  CPR training in the WFA class?  Nope, total waste of time that could be used for training on issues that would be more productive.


    This reminds me of my CERT training and the use of the "black tag". I thought CERT was going to teach all this advance EMT-type stuff. When I saw the black tags and why we use them, I learned quickly that we don't do CPR in CERT situations. Not sure I'd agree if I was in the situation and saw the kid dying.


    Agree the training should focus on making good medical decisions (e.g., leave the knife in, don't pull the stick out, stabilize the patient and send runners, pop smoke and wait for care flight, etc.).

  10. @@Stosh, you have training most people don't. If two leaders from each unit are required to take the WFA the unit in my area offers, they will get some pretty serious training. One of the ASMs in that troop who is an EMT, says the training their unit gives if pretty darn near what he took to get his EMT-Basic certification. He said it was far better than his ECA training, at least as far as covering how to care for wounded when medical care is many hours or even days away.


    As far as worst medical case I have seen away from care. A scout opened up his knee cap and was bleeding bad. We stabilized him, stopped the bleeding, immobilized the leg, and got him to care a few hours later (carried out). I was a scout...we were 14.


    In terms of getting sued, let's face it, as soon as you take a group anywhere the likelihood of a lawsuit rears its head. Whether you give aid or not, if ANYTHING happens on that trip, as an adult leader you open yourself up to a lawsuit. I can live with a lawsuit. I could not live with myself if there was a child injured and I was ill-prepared to do everything within my power to save him. On that I know we feel the same.


    As long as the WFA training is comprehensive and standardized so that everyone gets the same training (and not just powerpoint or glorified band-aid care) I am all for it.

  11. The troop treasurer should not have to be a part-time CPA.  


    Nor should a home-owner or head of household. ;) But that's our government for you.


    I wonder how many kids' parents are claiming those popcorn prizes -- especially those gift cards -- given by council as untaxed income. ;)

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