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Everything posted by yellow_hammer

  1. acco40 said, "Sadly, teens today don't get a chance to experience drive in theatres." It depends on where you live... http://captainchicken.org/usdrivein/bluemoon_al/bluemoon_al.shtml
  2. packwife, I don't know whether this may be the case with your son but often a boy that has been disruptive over a period of time has used up all of the patience of the adults in charge. When it finally comes to a head the adults, being human, are just not willing to listen to an explanation from the boy who just stepped on their last nerve and is having a run in with a boy that has not caused any trouble at all. It is not fair but it is understandable. I've had to explain this to boys several times when I get conflicting stories from the two involved. When I have one boy who often
  3. OGE, If only you were right. I've never been on the receiving end but I've observed managers who regularly used every word imaginable in their quest to get more out of their employees through threats and intimidation. It's not as common as it used to be but there are still plenty of social misfits (sociopaths even) who have climbed their way into management positions.
  4. Fuzzy Bear said, "You can't really miss him." Only if you are not looking brother.
  5. Looking back on Camporees when I was a boy I remember the time that we won the competition and the prize was a camp stove for the troop. I remember a Camporee when it was bitterly cold - adversity isn't much fun at the time but it makes a great story (and memory) later. You can't do much about the weather but maybe a really difficult team event would add a challenge for some scouts.
  6. Most state or US Senators and Representatives are more than happy to get a resolution passed to recognize one of their constituents for an accomplishment. It usually only takes a phone call or email to get it done. Be sure to have ready the person's full name, address, organization, position, and a short description of the event.
  7. He was picked by the current board - the ones who were in charge during the membership fiasco and the ill-fated attempt to sell off all of the council's current land holdings so that they could buy land from one of the executives. Maybe he won't be one of them. What does "balanced membership growth" mean?
  8. Having been exposed to inner city Boy Scout Troops at summer camp I sincerely doubt that the program has any affect on them at all. It appears that they are coerced into being there, have no interest in taking part in anything they don't consider fun, and are disruptive at best - criminal at worst. I'm not saying that we shouldn't be doing something to reach out to them and help them. I am saying that the Boy Scout program assumes that there is something in a boy that you can appeal to. I don't see a foothold with the inner city boys that I have been around.
  9. t158sm, I went to Comer every year when I was a scout and loved it. Back then the ladder in the aquatics area still had Camp Zinn in the ladder steps. Some of my best boyhood memories are of summer camp at Comer. I haven't been there since I was a boy but what I hear confirms your review of Comer today. In defense of the Greater Alabama Council (GAC), I'll point out that one reason that the Chocolocco Council was absorbed into GAC was because they had been running deeply in the red for several years. GAC had to absorb that debt along with the responsibilities for Comer. Th
  10. The article said, "They could be stepped on, run over with a car or dropped and they would still work fine," Reber said. These things won't be truly field tested until my son gets his hands on one. They boy could tear up an anvil with a rubber hammer. Here is a good site with information on survival equipment and personal locator beacons (PLB): http://www.equipped.org/
  11. August 19 has been declared Scouting Awareness Day in Alabama. All scouts and scouters are encouraged to conduct highly visible projects while in uniform to promote awareness of scouting across the state. Here is the website: http://www.alabamascouter.org/
  12. For the Girl Scouts February 22 is World Thinking Day in honor of LBP and his wife. http://www.holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/February/worldthinkingday.htm BTW, it's also George Washington's birthday so there may be a conflict.
  13. JenBurnette and t158sm, I grew up way out in Alabama - the southwest end of Talladega county on Lay Lake. A few people called coke dope there and fewer still these days but I occaisionally still hear it from country folk around home and in Clay county.
  14. Eamonn said, "...never heard of dope." It's a reference to the fact that they used to put a bit of cocaine in the recipe back in the old days.
  15. Onehour's driving tip reminded me of another... Don't expect people to signal turns. If you see someone with their turn signal on it only means that the car was that way when they bought it. [it's not really true but fun to repeat.]
  16. Trying to squash a rumor is like trying to unring a bell.
  17. Having been to Florida, you have an idea of what it will be like in Georgia. Unless, of course, you spent all of your time around Orlando. In that case you have no idea. Sounds like you are going to a coastal area of Georgia. People who live on the coastal plains of southern states are flatlanders. The people who live right on the coast are a bit different than the rest of us but I doubt that even they have squid for breakfast regularly. Flatlanders are the stereotypical southerners. Flatlander is determined by where you are from in Georgia. Being a peach is a state of mind and too
  18. Fuzzy Bear said, "Church people are the happiest because another child of poverty is alive and well, so marriage at 12 is exactly what the anti-abortion crowd has longed for all of these years." As a church member who is pro-life I take offense to this statement. It is slanderous and pure fabrication. Most of us try to maintain a civil tone in these debates - your statement is over the top. I propose that church members today make the best of a bad situation. If the young lady decides against abortion and stays involved in church then they are willing to accept her and her
  19. SaintCad said, "a) It will not do any business with a corporation unless it supports Boy Scouts? (sounds like Fascism)" I got tired of the silly Fascist charges years ago. Please, you can do better. Fascists took control of all means of production, dismissed democratically elected parliaments, and forced children to join the Hitler Youth and Italian Fascist Youth organizations or face punishment. The differences between that and what we are discussing are light years apart.
  20. Some tips on this... Take the bags out when the eggs look done and squish them a second time. Gloves help with this. Otherwise you will have runny eggs. Don't cook cheese with the eggs it makes a gooey mess. Put the cheese on top after the eggs are on the plate. Squeeze out most of the air in the bag but not all of it. If the bag sits on the bottom of the pot the plastic may melt. You want it to float around and touch the pot as little as possible. Unless you enjoy instigating chaos and confusion, a shapie to put names on bags is essential equipment.
  21. SR540Beaver has broken the code on these guys. They are for the most part entertainers, O'Reilly included. But I really don't see what the big deal is - he got his history facts wrong or misspoke. It is a historical fact that there were prisoners shot on both sides.
  22. SR40Beaver said, "Oh yeah, the neocons have hijacked the Republican party and are trying to push a religious agenda." You've got your conservative groups mixed up. Neocons push for greater military funding and greater use of the military to mold the world in their image. As a group they don't care much about social issues.
  23. Novice Cubmaster said, "The anti-gay marriage faction would have a much stronger leg to stand on if overall heterosexual behavior was more moral. People in glass houses..." So true and so sad. Personally, I don't live in a glass house. I've been married nearly 20 years to the same sweet wife (opposites attract) and intend to stay that way. "Since religion & morality are so tightly bound, I don't know that our diverse society can come up with a more uniform stance on gays, premarital sex, abortion, etc.. But I hope that someday society in the US might at least arrive at a
  24. This is the same Bank of America that was fined for helping to launder South American drug money that funded Middle Eastern terrorist groups? Why would we do business with them anyway?
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