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Everything posted by Vicki

  1. To elaborate on my earlier post - I "got it," passed it along to my fellow Bears, we passed it upline, and I still came away feeling used, especially after observing the other half of the troop that didn't listen and didn't "get it." Left me a little bit more cynical than when I started (and I started out pretty cynical - I learned "trust no one" at my daddy's knee, with my mother's milk - pick your metaphor). As a staffer, that feeling was only magnified as I watched another troop go through the same thing (although nobody "got it" and nobody had the really extreme reactions as happen
  2. Sounds like a call to your District Advancement Chair is in order. He/she can give you some answers right now to how things are handled in your district and council. Then, as others have advised, training and Roundtable are great resources. This forum is wonderful, but a district and council is a very specific tribe which very often has rules/traditions that may or may not march in lockstep with the manual. The advice you get here is definitely of the Your Mileage May Vary (YMMV) variety. Vicki
  3. Well, and ripmod may not have been a troll, but simply left because of the inhospitable response. His (?) historical view may have even been mostly right from his perspective but a couple of you were pretty rude. I also note that the two posts were yesterday - maybe he went camping. Pretty fast off the blocks there folks. Wasn't going to dive back into this thread, but I calls 'em like I sees 'em. Vicki(This message has been edited by Vicki)
  4. ScoutNut, I believe she said she was in a small town (around 400?) - I may have misinterpreted something though, since 22+ seems like a big pack for that small a town. But, if so, that might make it difficult to visit too many other troops. Also makes the politics really problematic. Has to drive 1.5 hours for training. Changes the perspective completely from, for instance, my place - 15 minutes to training (in two districts), 20 minutes to two of my council's offices (there are three), several troops within a stone's throw. Vicki(This message has been edited by Vicki)
  5. I agree with what everyone has said about the money issue - from the standards of the BSA, this is NOT how things work. That said, your CO is in charge and, politically, from what you've said, I don't see how you are going to win this one. Looked at from their point of view (which, to repeat, is NOT the BSA standard) they have what could seem to an outsider to be a perfectly reasonable argument. So, I think I'm going to be a bit contrarian here, but here goes. First, is anybody in your current pack (besides the 2nd year Webelos folks, obviously) active in this church? The way
  6. CRW, sounds to me like you have one of those "local variations" that some folks around here like to jump all over (thick skin is such a valuable quality). I take it you're in a small council? I'd say as long as it's a council-approved practice, go for it - I understand that the MBC system is a National "thing", but how it's enacted is handled at the council level. It's not the first time I've heard of this. Shields up, Vicki
  7. I'll leave the book discussion to y'all - I don't buy coffee table books. I buy books I can actually carry around and read. Actually, I now have a Kindle, so I buy very few paper books at all - last one was to go to Sea Base this summer, for hopefully obvious reasons. But the 'biners! Shortridge, I collect 'biners, they're small, inexpensive, practical (refer to aforementioned Sea Base trip and putting water bottles on the deck line). I have 'biners from all over. I WANTED to buy a BSA 'biner. Looked at it and just couldn't make myself do it. Really impractical design and expensive
  8. If a scout shows up for an initial meeting without a SM-signed MB card, I'll start him out. But I tell him that normally I expect to see a SM-signed MB card at the first meeting. That's how it's done in our council and how the card is set up - the SM is supposed to approve the scout as being ready for the MB in question. Camp-based MBs don't follow that rule, but once you're away from camp, if you didn't complete the badge, the rule applies. So, from a paperwork POV, I would have wanted to see a SM-signed MB card plus whatever camp paperwork the scout had. On a practical level, if you
  9. I'm somewhere between Ed and dgadams - since the SM is, in theory, supposed to assigned a MBC to a scout, the SM has a role to play (an aside: in our council, all the MBC are online and the SM has almost nothing to do with the selection of an individual MBC). But it is up to the scout to follow through. In this case I can see where the SM might want to call the selected MBC and present the background. May be a really good, relatively cheap life lesson for the scout in question (assuming, as you posted, Pete, that they all passed) - follow up and don't assume the adults got it right.
  10. Wow. Nope, that's not the way the program was presented to me. I was very clearly told that it was up to me if a participant had completed a ticket, but that I was to render all possible aid and accommodation. Accommodation does not mean rolling over. Of course, the Council Advancement professional is a retired Marine officer - that might have something to do with it. Wonderful gentleman and his standards are high. Vicki
  11. "If he had said, "I think that I've done my best to get it in and I'm comfortable with that.", we would have been done with that ticket item. I have a problem with that philosophy. " Are you saying you would have signed off on that ticket item as being complete if the participant had used those words? I'm pretty sure I wouldn't. Vicki
  12. OK, NE-IV - I understand and thank you for the clarification. You have cited one case of someone who is obviously helpless. At the risk of sounding confrontational, your statement as you wrote it sounded to me like it was generalizing your one case to all current participants in the program? While the participants I've dealt with (as a participant and as a TG) have had greatly varying degrees of outdoor skills, they've all had some basic level of problem solving ability that exceeds what you describe. Maybe it's something in the water:
  13. John in KC wrote, "Of our 8 methods, the one where we are having less and less adult experience these days is the Outdoor. I've seen folks come to an overnighter at Scout Camp with seemingly 100lbs of gear." I will certainly second this statement! My first outing with Son 2's new troop was summer camp one year. I showed up with my backpack - my one concession to the wall tent being my Coleman mushroom tent light. Several folks asked where the rest of my gear was and a couple obviously thought I was a bit odd. Now I do understand the SM or other adult who shows up for a weekend wit
  14. I hesitated to move into this thread, but I flat-out don't understand this statement, "As a WB ticket counselor, (snip) I find it difficult to understand how just thinking about getting the job done, and not actually getting it done, shows leadership skills or ability." I'm current a WB troop guide and ticket counselor (my council combines both jobs), three of my patrol have been beaded. They wrote their ticket around their scouting position, did the work to complete their ticket, and earned their beads. Three more are about to finish. So I don't understand what you mean about "not ac
  15. Pack, you beat me to it! Hal, that was great - I'd never heard the godfather angle. And, Pack, I wasn't referring to the cowardly part when I said hi - I was referring to the sexist claptrap of God as a "he" - sexist claptrap being our favorite joust as we wander from fire to fire. Obviously got a little obtuse there. But as long as we're on the topic - I'm not sure the Y endowed folks have the passive-aggressive market exactly cornered:
  16. Bacchus, I think the problem is that wonderful irony to which another poster referred - gay couples can't marry in the ELCA church. This is the way other denominations have managed to exclude gays from ministry without actually coming out and saying it, "Gee, to ordain you, if you're in a relationship, you have to be married - you're not, so that solves that, now doesn't it?" How cowardly is that? Vicki
  17. So, God is welcoming a new person into heaven and, as they're walking past a closed door, suddenly God says, "Shhh" - person, of course, says, "Why?" God says, "because they think they're the only ones up here." And who says God's a guy anyway - God said "in my image" and then created man and woman. Hmmm. And don't give me that, "using 'he' is a linguistic convention which includes men and women." Not buying it anymore, gettin' too old for nonsense. Hey, Pack, how's it goin'? Vicki
  18. Our largest scout ranch(S-F in the Greater St. Louis Area Council) has four camps. They rotate usage of the camps on a three-year basis so that NYLT has exclusive use of one of the camps. The main reason is to allow the camp to recover from the high-impact use that summer camp represents - NYLT is a lot lower impact. The camps are far enough apart that it's easy to keep the programs separate. As far as staffing is concerned, NYLT staff are volunteers and set up on a completely separate track from camp staff. Camp staff works all summer. The four weeks of NYLT have four separate sta
  19. If you are at all "crafty" a few things would be nice along the lines of leather roping, beads, blank leather medallions, y'know, stuff my Cubmaster sister has coming out of her ears... Vicki C-12-04 Go Bears! C-4-08 Bear in a Bobwhite suit(This message has been edited by Vicki)
  20. Wood Badge experiences differ - I can tell you that half of the troop figured out what was going on in my course. We Bears were sitting in the back, of course, and had the opportunity to observe how odd this appeared and decided this wasn't a hill worth taking. Having had some management courses as well as an Outward Bound type experience, I mused, "what doesn't fit here"? With the questioning process started it was short work to get to the answer and pass it around. Wood Badge was a blast for me - both as a participant and a staffer. The other half of the troop didn't get it and refu
  21. Well, as a moral philosophy, libertarianism simply means that humans have free will and are responsible for their actions (as opposed to determinism). In terms of a political philosophy, here's the URL for the platform adopted in 2008 http://www.lp.org/platform OGE, I think you were possibly overstating your position for effect, but libertarians have a very definite stand and, for instance, would not welcome either Barack Obama or George Bush into their ranks, nor would they welcome anyone who infringed on the rights of the individual in terms of privacy or through redistribu
  22. To answer an earlier question concerning adherents of Islam (Muslims) - Muslims are supposed to pray five times a day at specific times - loosely, pre-dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset, and evening (just before retiring, usually). If a prayer is missed, it can be made up in an honest spirit of repentance, but it's not required. Requirements as to how specifically the prayers are supposed to be timed varies depending on how the Quran is interpreted (in Christianity, we would say depending on one's denomination). Another basic requirement is that the person cleanse themself before prayer (at leas
  23. Oh, for crying out loud Prairie! I'm not even sure how to respond - this is so far over the top. Vicki
  24. Thanks JoeBob - succinct and bang on (so to speak)! Vicki (This message has been edited by Vicki)
  25. "you just don't touch women you don't know really well. How 'bout we just say you don't touch people you 'don't' know really well?" Missed a "don't" in there, too late to edit... Vicki
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