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Everything posted by TheScout

  1. I do not consider our Government one founded for great eleemosynary purpose, this government was established as the agent of the States in their foreign relations, and as an umpire between the States in their relations to one another, not to dispense charities to the indigent, nor to establish workhouses or houses of correction for the vicious within the States. Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America, Secretary of War of the United States, US Senator, US Representative, Colonel - U.S.A. How the original vision of our Republic has changed . . .
  2. "Why is it automatically assumed that if you don't believe in a God, you cannot have good character? Good character is not dependent upon faith in a God." The BSA does not say you need to believe in God to have good character. Only you need to believe in a higher power to be the best possible citizen. "What outcome/impact do you want to have?" To show that such beliefs are not acceptable religious beliefs so we can save his soul for the eternal life.
  3. So true. Browning had to make a good product or he wouldn't make a profit.
  4. More than fancy weapons, the internet, or putting a man on the moon I care about human liberty. As government expands and makes more deicions and takes more money - we have less liberty. I said nothing about Obama and do not care about him. I hate big government which interferes with liberty in all its forms.
  5. The internet is not comparable to what it was when the DOD invented it. Last time I checked private industry has invented more things anyway and such work is more compatible with liberty, not government control. The USSR and other command economies turned out real well.
  6. Which argument specifically is the straw dog one?
  7. All that initiative, innovation, and invention was done without the government.
  8. "If you check carefully the personal freedoms and liberties that liberals want you to have, they all have nothing to do with government power. The ones they do want to take tend to make the government less powerful. That's what they are all about: power." I guess. I think you worded it a bit odd. The making the government less powerful thing didn't make sense, to me at least.
  9. The muskets of the era were inaccurate compared to modern standards. At the time they were the the state of the art standard issue infantry weapon.
  10. "Lacking the wisdom, and experience of his father, W took this country down a road it did not have to travel, expending both blood and a considerable amount of treasure that could of been better utilized in many domestic programs." So not fighting the war was about spending money on other stupid stuff, not saving money and paying down the debt! Big Lie? Does that count as Godwin's Law BTW?
  11. Baden, How? He showed no understanding of the Bankruptcy clause and was outright wrong about it. Neither did he show any understanding of the 2nd Amendment and he claimed the 21st Amendment gave the right to use alcohol when it actually gave states the right to ban it. Then he claimed the weapons at Concord were at a royal armory when I provided a letter from General Gage saying how the rebels were building the stockpile to start a rebellion? I have never said I was a former police officer. Perhaps you should pay more attention to what you read. What a nerve for such an
  12. I think Congress and the President should go on vacation more. Like 51 weeks a year. Show up for a week, pass the budget and go home. They won't screw up much then. Bosnia and Kosovo were not wars. I dont know why we fought them. Serbia did not threaten the US at all. Was much less a a threat than Iraq ever was.
  13. I use the term armory losely. The weapons and ammo in Concord were hidden in private buildings. There was no armory built by the British army there. If it was, why would it have been left unguarded? Gage wrote this letter to Smith, who commanded the expedition. "Sir: Having received intelligence, that a quantity of Ammunition, Provision, Artillery, Tents and small arms, have been collected at Concord, for the Avowed Purpose of raising and supporting a Rebellion against His Majesty, you will march with the Corps of Grenadiers and Light Infantry, put under your command, with the utm
  14. "Hi, The Scout. I love to debate. But I prefer actual facts when I do. Your statement that the US Constitution does not contain the "right" to declare bankruptcy shows that you do not know your facts. For bankruptcy see Sec. 1, Art. 8. For Alcohol, please see Amendment 21." There is no right to bankruptcy. Congress may make "uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States." Far different from an enumerated right to bankruptcy. The Alcohol example is even worse. States retain the right to ban it. Try reading the Amendment. The Second Amendment specifically says the
  15. I don't really believe that. What about Andrew Johnson? Or Grover Cleveland? Or Calvin Coolidge? Other Presidents did some deregulation Reagan, Bush. Steps away from socialism as way. Though I guess they made some steps towards. It seems Obama's are bigger steps than most at least though. With the possible exceptions of Lincoln, Wilson, and FDR. I don't know what you mean by Federalism/Socialist mode. They are not the same. . . I agree we should split into independent states. Or at least restore the Articles of Confederation.
  16. "COMMENT: Huh. Use of automatic weapons has increased, as has the murder rate associated with them in the last five years. Ive seen blood in the gutters. But then I was a policeman. Is the complaint that there is not enough? Why tell you? Because, just like alcohol, driving and other stuff (see below) some people abuse their rights. It takes a license to drive a car. It should clearly take a license to own or shoot a gun. Let's compare. The US Constitution says that bankruptcy is ever person's right. But we have hundreds of pages of laws to make sure that a bankrupt doesn't get away with incon
  17. Umm. . . dude, they both led us towards socialism.
  18. 'Stolen'? C'mon Gern. Thats the way markets are. Sometimes they go up sometimes they go down. You made the choice to put your money where you did. You will reap the consequences.
  19. Nah, we should balance the budget. Pretty easy. George Washington had 5 cabinet departments. War (now Defense) Treasury State Postmaster-General Attorney Genral Cut all the other departments and everything that is in them. We would be cutting the debt real fast.
  20. I have been investing in my IRA and other mutual funds a lot. I am a rather young man I have plenty of time. They are really cheap now! Really cheap. They will go up in time. They always do. Look at history. My only fear is the long term strength of the US dollar if we continue to inflate it like we do.
  21. Modern liberals like to expand the power of government. This takes away individual freedom. Look how federal control over the economy and banking grew under Lincoln while he was fighting his war. He took away the right of the states to leave the union. Stole millions of articles of slave property. Jailed political dissidents. Shut down the Maryland legislature. Declared martial law without the consent of Congress. Jump to the next big expansion of government power under liberals in the early 1900s like T. Roosevelt and Wilson. Increased regulation of the economy. Putting controls o
  22. You can spend what you don't have when you can print your own money. Another reason we need to return to sound money and the gold standard. . .
  23. Kahuna are you serious? Apparently we do not even live in the same world.
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