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Everything posted by TheScout

  1. It is sad that our nation has come to the point where people mock "personal responsibility."
  2. Who cares when you can just print money? If I was Barrack Obama I would put more resources into building more printing presses. We should also stop printing small bills. Only print twenties and above. I don't understand how we have money problems.
  3. I love coal. There is so much of it. It is so cheap. And it is all in America!
  4. Because they are not as good as us. That was the reason for the Revolution.
  5. Have you stopped planning because of cheap oil? I still make plans. The federal government does too. Obama seesms to have a lot of ideas. I guess cheap oil really doesn't stop planning, does it? I don't have a problem with my car. I like it. Gas is still pretty cheap, considering what it does. Think of how much orange juice or milk costs. That isn't nearly as cool, it can't take me anywhere. I bet there is not a cost efficient fancy type of car like you want, whatever you would call it. If it was profitable, I am sure a company would make it. Do you think somebody knows of a profita
  6. Krauthammer is a neocon. I guess liberals can like their ideas when it comes to things like this they like but revile Bush ones they hate. Don't worry, when oil runs out people will come up with a better solution. That is how the free market works. It has been doing it for a long time. I like cheap gas and oil. I think we should find as much up it as fast as we can. The poor who liberals claim to help out like the cheap fuel too.
  7. I agree. I live in a relatively liberal state. I don't mind supporting Democrats when they have good ideas for my state. Our state constitution lets them do a lot of things, so one doesn't have to worry about constitutional barriers. I do get disillusioned though when they start talking about moral issues such as gay marriage and abortion. They alienate people like me in the conservative part of our state when they do that.
  8. Don't worry the government will sort it all out. They do a good job of such a thing, right?
  9. LOL, thank you. I would consider it a virtue. Not to start another debate though. : )
  10. I prefer to call it self-interest.
  11. American charity is the greatest in the world. Government policies have probably lessened this. I chuckle a bit at the thought that one would think the federal government could stamp out greed. One easily forgets that the profit motive was responsible for the great wealth at our hands now.
  12. I am as conservative as they come, and I think he is quite funny.
  13. Perhaps. But without the amazing wealth and knowledge that exists in America that has never existed at any place in the world, ever. I do not know what is so bad about individual responsibility, famalies, charities, and local and state governments providing care? Maybe you can explain that.
  14. Well first there is individual responsibility. Then there are famalies to assist. Then there are churches, benevolent health care providers, and other charities to help. Then there are local governments that can help their citizens. Then there are state governments that can aid the people of their states. If all this fails I don't see why a giant nationwide bureaucratic system would do any better. Nor would I want it to. I do not want to see resources from my state pushed to others to help people far away I do not even know and little in common with.
  15. Good stories vol-scouter. Gern, all systems have faults that is true. Lets err on the side of liberty and the free market.
  16. But foreign citizens did not used to be covered by the host nation health system. Now the EU has developed a health card to allow citizens to get treatment in whatever country they are in. Even if a state did not have socialized medicine for example, Colorado could have a system to pay for any treatment needed by its citizens in New Mexico. Plus it would be constitutional.
  17. I am sure such a system can be worked out. Europeans can travel through the Union and enjoy care wherever they are. In your example you would think Colorado would look out for its traveling citizens and have a system to cover its citizens in other states. If Colorado does not come up with a system its people would be at risk. That would only be the fault of the people of Colorado who elected those who made a faulty system. Plus by their Constitutions, most states are authorized to do such things as they have far less restraints than the federal government. But that is if you care a
  18. If only everyone thought paying for oneself was a marvel idea as well . . .
  19. Someone has to pay for it. I have no problem helping out those in need. I am even not opposed to government doing some. It must be done at the local level though. The bigger a government program gets the more wasteful and bureaucratic it will be though. Not to mention the fact that the Constitution doen't authorize the federal government to do anything in this regard. I don't like seeing my money shipped to other states to fix problems. It might as well go to other countries. Just people I don't know that are far away.
  20. What would we ever do if the federal government does not come up with plans for our life? We need them to tell us what to do!
  21. True, it was the monetary policies of the federal government.
  22. Doesn't seem constitutional to me. It should be a state issue. There doesn't have to be a national contoversy. Let the people decide through their legislatures in each state according to their customs, traditions, and values.
  23. Well clearly only 43 people have taken the oath . . .
  24. Don't worry. Personality cults around dead people are far less effective. If any dead President has one I think Lincoln does. Apparently he did nothing less than save America. ( hey all, OGE here I just want to assure everyone this comment is to be taken as a comment, not a suggestion as many have pointed out to be in PM's. Sorry about response time, I was out in Port Jervis new York spotting Bald Eagles) (This message has been edited by a staff member.)
  25. It is common for those who do not like what the Constitution says to change the meaning to suit their ends.
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