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Everything posted by sctmom

  1. Found this online: I Hear America Singing by Walt Whitman I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear, Those of mechanics, each one singing his as it should be blithe and strong, The carpenter singing his as he measures his plank or beam, The mason singing his as he makes ready for work, or leaves off work, The boatman singing what belongs to him in his boat, the deckhand singing on the steamboat deck, The shoemaker singing as he sits on his bench, the hatter singing as he stands, The wood-cutter's song, the ploughboy's on his way in the morning, or
  2. I found the following on Ernest Thompson Seton. You might want to try doing some searches on his name. I think I've seen in some older literature about how boys were interested in Indian ways and crafts, so using it in Scouting seemed like a good way to get their attention. ERNEST THOMPSON SETON Born in Scotland, Ernest Thompson Seton immigrated to America as a youth in the 1880s. His fascination with the wilderness led him to become a naturalist, an artist, and an author, and through his works he influenced both youth and adults. Seton established a youth organization called
  3. What is the difference between Troop Program Features and Troop Program Resources? I am a Webelos leader transtioning to a Troop (not sure yet of my role), and I have found the Scoutmaster handbook very valuable as a parent and leader. I would think assistant scoutmasters would benefit much from at least reading this book.
  4. So what does everyone think about the new requirements for the Cooking merit badge? Looks like it does a good job of covering cooking at home and at camp.
  5. Along this same line, if you fix canned vegetables at home, tell your son what you do to season it. I can remember asking my mother to write down what she added to veggies out of the can so they tasted better....sounds obvious but if you don't know you can be very disappointed in those beans with no salt.
  6. Going along with OGE, I call truce. I will NOT be reading the Politics & Issues section anymore. I had a little wake up call recently about blood pressue (way to young for that and no visible reason why it went up), so I'm spending my time on something else. Peace be with you.
  7. Dedicated Dad, Do you think Christianity has been always written down and handdown orally? The histories of the Bible I have read all state that most of the Bible was written well after the events that occured. This is from religious (Christian) leaders. You really should read the article I refer to in the National Geographic Magazine. It was done with much research by a very religious man, who consulted with highly respected religious leaders. One of these highly religious leaders stated they had no proof that Abraham lived and traveled exactly as told in the Bible but the basis of
  8. Also realize you need to know camp rules. Some BSA camps have the "no sheath knife" rule. So, it also depends on where you are.
  9. Glenn, you are right. But apparently a lot of parents don't see any need to encourage their son to get the Arrow of Light. Trying not to stray off subject, but I found it interesting that one of the parents in my den who never has time for their son's scouting events, spends an hour each Saturday video taping the 10 year old play basketball. And that takes both parents to do that for some reason. On top of 2 practices each week. :::shaking my head:::
  10. One other hint, one of our Webelos brought sloppy joes last fall to a campout. His dad helped him brown the beef at home the night before. Then just heat and add sauce at the camp. It might for a much less mess and less time to prepare.
  11. Try looking on the macscouter website. Some "dutch oven" cookbooks include other outdoor cooking. What I've done with my Cub Scout age son and his friend is start with stuff they like. Precooked meats are good (like spam, canned ham, heat and serve sausages). Stuff from cans, stuff they like. My son will eat stuff at campouts because other kids are eating it. Also, he and his friend will eat things burnt if they cook it (would cause a major scene at home). As my son is moving into Boy Scouts in the next month (yippeee), he is excited about more outdoor cooking. But he likes to
  12. I agree with OGE. Also, after 2 years the boy should have made some progress, ever so small, towards being around a larger group. Even though my son is immature, he does improve each year. The school administration has often commented on this, that at least he is moving forward. The troop cannot stand still because of one child.
  13. Let me give you my thoughts as a parent and a Webelos II leader. Even though I seem to have boys falling off the face of the earth in the last few months. Many boys cannot cross over in February, if they do not have their Arrow of Light and don't turn eleven until the summer. What happens to them? I have a few in my den like this. My son would be in that group if I had not been pushing him to get his AOL. Some of these boys just joined Cub Scouts this past year so they haven't had a lot of time to earn their AOL, it's not anyone's fault. About those who say I'll be back later and n
  14. Mr. Mori I didn't say and didn't intend to say that the Bible is all smoke and mirrors. I also believe it is true but it is just as believable as say some of the Native American stories. It is easy to pick it to pieces and say "well the ark would never have floated", but does that matter? It what the story of Noah represents that is important. Even if it is the word of God, it is not absolutely the exact story of what happened. It is also easy to pick apart stories such as Native American legends about how the earth began and say "that could have never happened". Sure it sounds unreasonable
  15. About the sports analogy and uniforms ... I just signed my son up for spring baseball (11/12 year old league) and he's about to crossover from Cubs to Boy Scouts. Baseball -- $85 registration, plus $20 instead of selling $40 worth of candy (mandatory), new pants, new socks, new shoes (probably some type of cleats that can't be worn anywhere else), "personal" guy gear. He has a glove I bought a few years ago that he can still use. They will furnish the shirt and hat. During the pre-season and post-season tournament I will have to pay $2.00 for every game I go watch. Plus there may be more
  16. Congratulations Weekender! Now you can sit at the adult table. You said you are hoping to get some Webelos with active dads, don't forget the moms. The next question for the troop my son is about to join is "what about me? where do I fit in?". Even if Moms don't want to camp or do things directly with the boys, they can do a lot of the background stuff. And some of us even like to camp and do "guy" stuff.
  17. Rooster, Yes I can see the difference and fully understand. I felt that Dedicated Dad was being disrespectful to me about my posts as well as being disrepectful to others who believe differently than he does. If you respect someone you do not make fun of them or their beliefs, even if you disagree.
  18. A lot of information I have read about people with ADD talks about how they don't pick up on social "clues", such as when they are talking too much or too loud. You can even sit them down and tell them flat out what is wrong, they will say they understand and will do better next time. But it just doesn't "stick". It's just part of who they are. One of our Cub Scouts has an older brother who is in Boy Scouts this year. The older kid is sweet as can be and completely clueless about social manners. His parents aren't that way and neither is his younger brother or sister, so it's not lack of ho
  19. My father said the building had been bought from the local county officials because they were no longer using the school. It is a very rural county, and the elementary schools were consolidated and placed in the geographical center of the county. The Federal District Court ruled that the sale was illegal because it was sold for the purpose of promoting a segragated school. In Georgia anyone can challenge any property sale within 7 years. The county officials didn't send their kids to the private school but probably just didn't care. On the other hand, the governor of Georgia in 1970 was
  20. I always wondered why the Protestants didn't like the Catholics. Learn stuff all the time on this board. I was raised in a very small southern town where everyone was Baptist or Methodist. A LOT of very small Baptist churches (20 or 30 members). I never could tell the difference between the two, went to some of both. Stopped going to church when I was in my early teens because I wanted to learn more about God and the other teens were there to socialize. Guess you could say peer pressure kicked me out and my parents didn't make me go. As an adult I have attended church and still do a lot o
  21. Probably those private businesses do not discriminate based on race. I've emailed my father for further clarification of the case.
  22. OGE writes: "Any Organization with humans in it will display human characteristics. They may be noble, sincere, and helpful and they may also be base and cruel and sometimes at the same time. How an organization deals with inevitable scandal tells us about the charactor of the organization. :Any Organization with humans in it will display human characteristics. They may be noble, sincere, and helpful and they may also be base and cruel and sometimes at the same time. How an organization deals with inevitable scandal tells us about the charactor of the organization. " How true! Get an
  23. "Listen, youre welcome to your heretical opinion as politically correct as it may be. But fair warning Mom, you better watch your innuendo. " What? What innuendo? People were killed in the Crusades. This is a fact. Many people have been killed in the name of "religion" by many religions since the beginning of time. Just because YOU don't believe something doesn't mean others are wrong. No one religion or belief system has any more "proof" than the next. You can believe what you want. You can sit there and say "I don't believe THAT". But to accuse all non-Christians as being "mi
  24. I went back and asked family member who remembered more than I. The whole case was that the building was built for public use and could not be used by a private school. The issue was never about was the sale of the property legal or not. I may be wrong here, but I thought schools were build by the state. Would they have been receiving federal funds in the 1950's or 60's to build a building? I do not know.
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