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Posts posted by scoutldr

  1. I had a 40 year career in Occupational Safety and Health with extensive experience in designing, running and auditing industrial respiratory protection programs.  I can say unequivocally that 90% of the mask wearing practices and materials I see in public are absolutely worthless.  Masks with gaps, not covering mouth AND nose, ineffective filter materials, improper size of mask, facial hair, and other factors would all be OSHA violations.  I would focus more on frequent handwashing, social distancing, and awareness training, which will be much more effective.

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  2. 7 hours ago, TAHAWK said:

    When Scouts are Eaglling at 5-7 times the rate in the Golden Age, there are questions that need asking.  Really that much smarter and dedicated and/or that much more time to devote to Scouting, or ........?

    I have my theories...and they are not what you postulate.

  3. The first question I ask myself, is "is this my business?"  In most cases, the answer is NO.  I chose to wear my uniform fully and correctly, which is what I did since earning my Bobcat pin in 1963, and would line up my insignia using that guide on the inside covers of the Handbook.  We once had a District Advancement Chairman who wore TWO Scouter Key knots...with no devices.  I never said anything to him...not my business.  We are all just volunteers trying to deliver the program.

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  4. So my circa 2006 Gateway Win Vista laptop finally died and I've resorted back to my more modern desktop running Win 10.  Trying to use scouter.com is very painful now...literally 30 seconds with each mouse click while all the ads load.  Video ads embedded in individual posts???  Is that what we are doing now?  The little bar at the lower left corner always says "Waiting for www.scouter.com"....

    Am I doing something wrong?  This is unusable in its current state.  I would pay a nominal fee if there was a premium ad-free version.

    I hate to complain, because I do appreciate the efforts of @ScouterTerry over these past many years.

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  5. If you've earned it, you can wear it.  Doesn't matter how old your shirt is.  The BSA recommendation is to limit it to 3 rows of 3, to avoid looking like a North Korean General.  Wear a Jambo patch it you actually attended as a registered attendee.  But only one at a time.  Had a young Scout ask me once why I was wearing a rare, original, pre-FDL OA flap...because it was the one awarded me at my Ordeal in 1968.

  6. Following a few of the other Scouting pages on FB, there are MANY Scouts BSA units flagrantly violating the Co-ed policy.  Units separate on paper only, and they are adamant about it..."this is what works best for us, so bugger off."  Meeting together, camping together, same PLC, same Committee.  Reminds me of the early days of YP...units ignoring it because "that just doesn't work for us."  If this is so important in terms of safety, liability and optics, why do the Councils permit it?  And don't tell me they don't know about it.  THey will still look the other way if it means retaining members and units.  That's how we got in this mess.

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  7. 13 minutes ago, CynicalScouter said:

    THAT is why my troop parents were notified today we are racing for July 1 to get our Life Scouts to Eagle. We don't expect BSA to be alive much past that point.

    Also explains why the first class of female Eagles were in a sprint to the finish line.  May not be another class.

  8. WIfe and I both had Moderna #2 on March 1, around noon.  By 4 pm, arm was sore and temp started creeping up....1 degree elevation.  Felt hot and flushed, but otherwise ok.  Went to bed and slept well.  Next morning, back to normal.  Wife had sore arm and fatigue...slept most of the next day.  Our son, age 40, was hit hard with dose 2...temp of 101.7.  (Police Dept-"essential worker").  Lasted about a day, then fine.  By next Monday we will be considered "immunized"...but will continue to avoid crowds...which I would do anyway.  Sister in law who has stage 4 metastatic melanoma cannot find a vaccine because she is "only" 63.  That's all they care about.  But there were plenty of "youngsters" in the line with us.  The vaccine deployment in my state is seriously flawed.

  9. That would make sense, since I assume the vast majority of alleged crimes took place at the local level, not in the corporate offices of BSA, Inc.  (with the exception of National-owned properties, i.e. Philmont, etc).  I have always heard that our scout Reservation was donated to our Council in 1958, and the deed specifies that if it is ever no longer wanted/needed, the deed is to revert back to the family.  Not sure how true (or legal) that is...could prove interesting.  It is prime waterfront property and a former plantation, so is worth millions.

  10. Yes.  As a former Red Cross WSI and MBC for Swimming, Canoeing, Lifesaving, and BSA Lifeguard Counselor.  I have seen Scouts who present for BSA Lifeguard class and can't demonstrate a proper stroke for the qualifying swim.  Where they got their Swimming and Lifesaving MB, I have no idea.  When I taught it, the qualifying swim was on Day 1.  If they couldn't do that, I would advise them to go register for some other activity.  As the others pointed out, LIfesaving is too important a skill to rubber stamp it.

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  11. Mrs. Scoutldr and I both got Dose 1 of Moderna on 1 Feb.  Arm a little sore that night...no worse than a flu shot.  On Day 8, I got the "Covid Arm" reaction...redness and itching at injection site about 5 cm in diameter...lasted about 18 hrs.  My physical therapist and a niece got dose 2 of Moderna and it put them down hard for two days...said "I feel like I've been hit by a truck".  Can't wait for dose 2 on 1 March.  I was a Public Health professional for 40 years and wife is an RN...we solidly believe in vaccinations and did not hesitate.  We are 66, and I have all of the worst risk factors (weight, age, diabetes) and she is a cancer survivor.  And some of my family are COVID deniers and are living life like nothing happened, so we are really nervous being around grandkids.  DIL has been banned from several stores for refusing to wear a mask.  If I end up with COVID on a ventilator I expect to go home in a body bag.  They don't care.

  12. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the time intervals for T-2-1 can all run concurrently, right?  (Meaning, you can be working on the First Class Fitness, while still a Tenderfood) Back in my day, you could not start work on a rank requirements until you had been awarded the previous rank.  The "First Class First Year" push changed all that...not in a good way, in my opinion.

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