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About mrbshoff

  • Rank
    Junior Member
  • Birthday 03/28/1979

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Kansas City, MO
  • Occupation
  • Interests
    Scouting with my stepson, video gaming with my son
  • Biography
    A cool guy.

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  1. Hello to my fellow Scouters! I'm exciterd to be here. Six months ago my step-son (11) expressed interest in BSA. I was thrilled! To my surprise, he ended up sticking with his committment and back in February he bridged over from Webelos to BSA. So far, he absolutely loves the Troop and has hopefully found an activity that he can make his own, away from his older, more social siblings. It'd been 15 years since I'd been to a Troop meeting, campout, camp session, etc. I never thought I'd sing a camp song again! In my youth and yound adult years, I was very active in Scouting. I was inv
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