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Posts posted by Papadaddy

  1. If each parent is given an inspection sheet, and there is a patch placement guide on the inside cover of each handbook, not much else you can do, IMHO, except set a proper example with your own and your son's uniforms. One idea I've seen in my own Scout Shop and at POW-WOWs and Roundtables...have a manequin set up with a proper uniform for all to inspect and compare to their own...no need to say anything...just put it on display.

  2. More than we can give you here. Seek out and attend training for your position ASAP...I believe ASMs take Scoutmaster Specific...and the outdoor portion, which is called by various names across the country, but usually some variation of "Outdoor Leader Skills". When you are "fully trained" for your position, you can think about Woodbadge in your future. Until you can get training scheduled, find a copy of the Scoutmaster's Handbook and Patrol Leaders Handbook...about any version will do...and start reading. Enjoy!


    PS: and start attending BS Roundtable if you can...if done right, those can be a valuable training tool.

  3. I agree with the others...go and don't look back. You can't help those who don't want your help. Your boys are only this age once and you don't want to spend the time being frustrated. Once your son starts doing cool things and advancing, he can tell his friends...let the chips fall where they may.

  4. Basement, more than you think...and now they all have smartphones, too. My nieces weren't happy until their parents buckled under and bought them iPhones, which apparently you "wear" in the back pocket of your skin-tight jeans so that the Apple symbol is visible.

  5. How about gift cards for iTunes, fast food, gas or groceries? Microwave popcorn. Toiletries like toothpaste, shaving cream, deodorant. Socks. Something unique to your area that he can't get where he is.


    A friend recently sent me a box of chocolate covered macadamia nuts from Hawaii. While I appreciated the thought, he paid more for postage than what the nuts cost...and I could have bought the same thing at my local Costco. A Scout is Thrifty.

  6. One excellent guide is the "Guide to Scouting Collectibles" by Cuhaj. If it is a large FC pin, it likely was worn on the campaign hat...circa 30's-40's. They are fairly common. Check eBay.

  7. The CO "owns" the unit and, as others have said, can pretty much dictate how it is run, as long as they adhere to the Charter agreement signed with the Council. Think of it like a McDonalds franchise...as long as you buy your supplies from McD and stick to the approved menu, the franchisee can hire, fire, and otherwise run his restaurant as he sees fit. Probably not the answer you were looking for.

  8. From Wikipedia:


    "There is some confusion regarding eunuchs in Old Testament passages, since the Hebrew word for eunuch, saris (סריס), could also refer to other servants and officials who had not been castrated but served in similar capacities.[51][52] The Egyptian royal servant Potiphar is described as a saris in Genesis 39:1, although he was married and hence unlikely to have been a eunuch. The prophet Nehemiah may have been a eunuch.

    The reference to "eunuchs" in Matthew 19:12 has yielded various interpretations."


    So, unless we know what the original author(s) meant by the term, I guess we'll never know.



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