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Posts posted by nldscout

  1. well, other than fixing your control problem, There is nothing you can do. One a Certified MB counselor signed card, he has earned the badge. This falls into the live and learn catagory.


    You need to put in place rules about scouts signing off on advancement. If he is a BSA, he should have known better.


    Second, someone needs to talk to MOM. What the heck is she doing scheduling activities? Where is the SM and COmmittee? Time to reign her in a bit. Sounds like a control problem, control her before it gets worse.

  2. You don't need a lifeguard for any BSA Aquatics activities that a troop runs. If you read the G2SS it may recommend but does not require.


    Now some may ask, why? I beleive it is because there is a lack of certified lifeguards and lifeguard training. The only place around here for a youth to get BSA lifeguard is to go take it at summer camp and tie up your whole week, it takes all 5 days of camp. Not many want to do that.


    And the local Red Cross ib our area doesn't do it but once a year unless you pay big bucks for a separate instructor.


    We do all kinds of Canoe and rafting trips here and don't currently have any lifeguards. A safety trained leader and designated rescue people are just as capable



  3. Makes me wonder. If they won't make a statement or atleast talk to the SE, how can you accuse him of wrong doing. If you accused me of this and read me the riot act, my first question would be who accused me and where is the statement.


    This could open the council up for Law suit for defermantion of character. I can see a lawyer salivating over this one.


    With no proof its time for a friendly talk, not reading of the riot act.

  4. CrewGirl1024


    Unless you are over 21 and are registered with a troop there is no way for a female to become a member of the OA. Yes Venturing is part of BSA, but so is Cub Scouts and they cannot be a memeber either. Its just the way it is, Boy Scouts and Venturing are 2 seperate and distict programs. While you may draw similarities in the two they are seperate.



  5. hello CrewGirl,


    first I see two problems I see. One is you are in venturing and crews can not have elections, second( I may be Wrong) but by looking at your name I would say you are female, so thats a double whammy against you.

  6. Packsaddle,

    I don't see any conflict. I said clearly unless he can show wrongdoing, he should butt out. The more I read this, the more I see an adult who doesn't like what happened. Did the SM sign the project book, YES he did! Did the CC sign the project book, YES she did! Did the district Advancement Rep Approve the project, YES he did!


    I tell you as a SM, if I approved it and you cam to me with this I would have to tell you to leave it alone. Not every Eagle project is what we think, or some Giant grand project that some think they should be. I see an adult questioning a youth over an approved and completed project.


    I still say he should BUTT OUT! Sorry but thats the way I feel.

  7. While we may not like what happened, if the DAC approved the project knowing it had been started, unless the scout lied about it, there is not much that can be done about it.


    Sharon, there is nothing in the eagle workbook rules that says he must present to the committee, just needs signiture on workbook. We don't have scouts present the eagle project to committee in my troop. Unless you call the SM, CC, and eagle advisor a committee. Of course by the time it gets to us we already know whats going on and what the project is.


    Now the question of disposition of the kits is another story. Who was the benefator of the project, who signed that part of the workbook?


    Just cause we think the project is lame doesn't make it a bad project, if its approved (which it was) and carried out according to the plan.

  8. first off ASM514, the flag issue has nothing to do with GW. I was in the first desert war when the decision was made to wear the flag with the field of blue forward as in your direction of travel. If you were wearing it on your left shoulder the flag would be the one we wear on our scout uniform.


    And as to how dare I, How dare you! I served 25 years in the US Army, thats how I dare. Uniform rules are there and inforced for reason. I think someone is telling you a story here, no unit commander, unlkess he is an idiot would change his units uniform based on what one soldier said. So I will make you a deal, Tell me what unit your son is in and what Base he is stationed at so I can validate your story.


    Like I said the US Army has been wearing a forward field flag on its uniform since 1991, so I don't think they are wrong. Each service is allowed to set its uniform standards including when and how to wear a flag.

  9. Mark and anyone else that cares to read this.


    There are a lot of leaders out there that still beleive that Gays are an abomination, that its all in thier head, that its not a moral thing. I don't want to hear the Gay doctors that say they have no choice, cause they do. Just like all of lifes choices, if your gay you chose that , god didn't. If god chose you to be then why 50 yrs ago were the number of fags out there so small. Its only since it has become hip to be gay has there been so many


    Me personnaly they should round them all up and ship them somewhere else to live.



  10. I have several questions that maybe some camp directors out there could answer about this.


    1. Who is supervising this guy and why is a 16yr old staff memeber allowed to leave camp at night without permission. In our camps if staff members leave like this they would have been fired a long time ago. Where is the Camp director in this?


    2. Why is a 16 yr old female working at a Boy Scout camp? Some may flame me for asking that, but my question remains the same. This is like throwing gasoline on a fire hiring 16 yr old female's at a Boy Scout Camp.


    3. If this has happened before, why has no one gotten word of this before? This goes back to #1. WHERE IS THE CAMP DIRECTOR?



  11. ASM514, at all


    If a soldier that worked for me took the flag off and replaced it with one of his choosing, a salute would be the LAST thing he would get from me. A long and length Butt chewwing spiced with choice words would be what he would get. Then he would change it back or suffer more.


    This subject has been beat to death in multiple forums, emails chats, and groups. The military is right on this one

  12. Swimming MB for all Aquatic activities? No canoeing until he has canoeing MB? Boy talk about restricting the boys activities. Why would you have such a draconian rule. How are they supposed to learn to canoe with out canoeing?


    This is another case of Adult over kill. You can go to far and spoil it for the boys.

  13. Ryon,

    As a SM, I beleive that I can say that this is a problem in a lot of troops. Try restricting food or sugar intake in the last hour or so before bedtime. Lots of hard work helps too, but then again boys will be boys. Usually friday nights on a weekend campout is the worse as they have been cooped up in school all day.


    Another way that works for some of our boys is we allow headphones at night. I know I can hear the group saying "NO ELECTRONICS", but we don't allow them except in the tent a bedtime. With some of these boys thats how they sleep everyday.


    Of copurse if all else fails, an electronic cattle prod works wonders(VBG)!

  14. Now some of you are begining to sound like Hypocites. First off you have no knowledge of how she got PG. Can you say Artificial Insemination? Maybe she did that. I have heard nothing of a guy mentione from Matua at all.


    And another thing would we even be having this discussin if this was a 18 yr old guy who got his GF pregnant? I don't think so. We would just write it off as a guy thing

  15. Maybe the reason she is not getting the answer that she wants to hear is that they have looked into it and resolved it. Maybe after looking into issue there never was a problem except for a boy who exagerated what happened and an overprotective mother. Maybe the SM apologized just to quiet her down. I mean 2 years is a long time to wait.

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